word list
First unit
Abroad, abroad
Address address
And then this is it. . . afterwards
Come again, come again.
Age age
Album album
Australia Australia
Back to back; Back off, back off
Beautiful, beautiful
Believe, believe
Berlin Berlin
Best best
Biological biology
British, British
Camping camping
Canada Canada
Canberra Canberra
Capital capital
Card card
China, China
Chinese comes from China, China.
Clothes (collectively)
Compare and compare
Computer computer
Rural country
Course flow, after that
Gaimeng and Gai Gang
Dormitory dormitory
Engineer. Engineer.
England England
Eyes. Eyes.
Fax fax
Fence fence
Flag flag
France France
French. French
from ...
Gate gate
German, German
Greetings greetings.
Group group
Listen, listen
Holidays. Holidays
International international
Invitation invitation
Japan Japan
Japanese, Japanese
Language language
Leader. Leader.
learning how to think
Alphabetic letters
Listen, listen.
Small is small, very few.
London. London
Make friends. Make friends.
Mean meaning
Moscow Moscow
National citizen
Nationality nationality
Neighborhood neighbor
New York New York
New Zealand
News news
It's good. line
No, no.
about ...
In addition, others
Ottawa Ottawa
Overseas overseas overseas
Paris. Paris
Pen pal pen pal
Picture. Picture.
Playground playground
Lift the elevator
Really, really, really
Take a rest
Russia Russia
Same, same
At some point.
Introduce yourself, introduce yourself.
Sentence sentence
Say, say
Theme theme
Summer summer
Talk, talk
Team team
make a telephone call
Thiel told me.
$ term semester
Inter state, USA
Towns and towns
Up, up
Visit, visit; Make an interview
Washington, Washington
Zhou Zhou Zhou Zhou
Woman woman (singular)
Women women (plural)
Young Pioneer
Yours, yours, your (thing)
postal code
Second unit
Things things.
Teacher's desk platform
Blackboard blackboard
Windows. Windows.
Box box
pencil case
video player
Ballpoint pen ballpoint pen
Corridor corridor
Classroom classroom
Office office
in front of... ...
Over there. Over there.
Exercise book
Brown (brown)
Left, left.
On the left is on the left.
Which one?
Take a look. Take a look.
Next to it is next to it ...
Mathematical mathematics
British English, British English
Duty is duty.
Duty is duty.
Clean clean, clean.
Use, use (tools)
Textbooks, textbooks.
Come on in.
Best best
Classmates at the same table
Behind; trail ...
Cute, cute
Accountant accounting
Laboratory laboratory
Short, short
Americans, Americans
Face face
Golden golden
Hair hair.
Bright and bright
Last class
Second second, second
Floor floor
The second floor is on the second floor.
On the wall, on the wall
Forward front
Standing station
Show, show, lead
Butterfly butterfly
Be popular, be popular
Near (near comparative)
Farther (far comparative)
Space space
Their, their (things)
Broom broom
Chalk chalk
correction fluid
electric fan
Garbage can
Locker's locker
Grey/grey grey
Pink (pink)
Purple purple
Like like, like ...
A game, a game.
Design design
Decorate sth.
Concepts, ideas, ideas
Change, change
Every, every
End, end
light a lamp
Just right, just right
Open is open, open it.
Outside is outside.
Sample, example
Third unit
Furniture furniture
Usually, usually
forever and always
Digital mathematics
The past is past.
China in China, a native of China, comes from China.
Political politics
Computer course, computer science
Music music
Chemical chemistry
Physics physics
Which one? Which one?
Work, work
Garden, orchard, vegetable garden
Ride, ride, overcome
Get up, get up
forever and always
Start, start.
get in
Live with.
live in
Once and for all
pass/spend a night
Stay and listen.
Spend, waste, spend
Lunch break
For a long time.
how long
Take a rest
Finally, finally, finally.
End point, end point, goal
Jimmy. Jimmy (member of extra band)
Tommy. Tommy.
Brian Brian
John. John
Classmates, classmates
Playground playground
Go, go, go.
go for a walk
do homework
Read, read and understand.
Repeat, say it again.
To help, aid.
Master key
Astronaut astronaut
Followed by, second
Check, check, stop checking
Musical instruments, tools and instruments
Send to, pass on, send
Have a rest; rest
Diary diary
Through an article
Jump out/jump out ...
Jump, jump, jump.
Go to bed.
Hurry, Hurry!
Put it on, put it on.
Uniform uniform
Library library
Sentence sentence
Change, change
Bell, bell, bell.
Half, half and half.
News newspaper
medium-length novel
Interview interview
Sample sample
Go to work go to work.
Get ready. Get ready.
Bank bank
Surf, surf
Tired, tired, tired
Mixing and stirring
Wash, wash, wash.
Fly, fly
Earth Earth
Round and chubby
Get up, get up, get up.
East, east
(The sun) sets.
once in a while
forever and always
Quarter hour, quarter hour.
French frog
Dining table dining table
Sink sink
Toilet toilet
Bathtub bath tub
Mirror mirror
Pat pat
bedside cupboard
Wardrobe closet
drop by
speak English
Bathtub, bathtub
Before before. ...
West, west
Use, use
Textbooks, textbooks.
Select a constituency
Unlucky, ominous
Asians, Asians
Vase vase
Fourth unit
Wife. Wife.
Husband's husband
Children, children.
Children, children
Surname surname
Grandpa (oral) grandpa, grandpa
Grandma (oral) grandma, grandma
Ride, ride
Cars. Cars.
Garage garage
Short, short
Mine, mine.
Camera camera
Piano piano
Bike bike
Tape tape
Recorder recorder
tape recorder
Alarm alarm
Come on, come on, come on
Material events, matter
Rent rent
Lawyer. Lawyer.
Commercial, commercial, commercial.
Businessman businessman
Drive, drive
Taxi. Taxi.
Remember, remember
Travel, travel
Agency (business)
Travel agency
United States of America
New York New York
California, California, California
give sb. a call
Sometime in the past or in the future
South, in the south.
Dentist dentist
And the same ...
Nurse, nurse, nurse, nurse.
Hospital hospital
Percentage percentage ...
forever and always
Often often
It is rarely rare.
Kabhi Kabhie
very difficult
Usually, usually
Busy, busy
Chocolate chocolate
Miss, miss, miss
Great, great.
Especially special, especially
Coffee. Coffee
Guy, guy
Finally, finally.
Lonely, lonely
Part-time job, sporadic job
Different, different
football player
Designer. Designer.
Singer singer
Model model
Cook, cook, cook.
Carpenter carpenter
Workers, workers
Application application
Form a form, shape, table
Title title name title
Married to ...
Married. Married
Simplicity, simplicity
Divorce, divorce, handling ...
Points, points, points, points.
Kindness, friendliness and kindness
Place a place, place
Smith blacksmith
Tailor tailor
Farmers, farmers.
Broken, broken, broken.
belong to
Cassette cassette
All, all, all.
Intermediate, intermediate
Middle school high school
Surf surfing
Take advantage of
Fifth unit
Hiking, hiking
Clean clean
Sing, sing, sing.
Painting oil painting
Yield, yield
Straight, honest, forever
Separate separately
Lift, arouse, lift
Grab grab
Take time to eat (because he is busy)
Postcards. Postcards
Sunbathers bask in the sun.
Beach beach
Cafe, small restaurant
Wealth wealth, luck, good luck
Fit fit
Seller seller
Weightlifting training
Central center, central, centralized
Stretch and stretch
Get ready for (sth)
Warm-up of pre-competition warm-up activities
Tracking event tracking event
Band band
Choir. Choir
Coach carriage
Travel travel communication
Wizard, wizard
A little, a little, for a while
Information notification, report, message
Worry, anxiety, distress
Netherlands, Netherlands, Netherlands
Instruction (book)
To include, include
Plan, procedure, planning
Hotel hotel hotel hotel
Museum museum
Warning, warning, notice
Careful, careful, careful.
Pickpocket pickpocket
Royal, royal
Exhibition display
Jogging jogging
Confidently, confidently
Expensive expensive
Jewelry (collectively)
Fasten, fasten, fasten
Peace of mind and safety
Underground subway
Paints, paints and paintings.
Ride a bike
Experiment, experiment, try
Gymnastics gymnastics
high-heeled shoes
Measure, investigate
Six minutes
Shopping shopping
shopping center
Supermarket supermarket
Green grower, greengrocer
Bookstore bookstore
Stationery Shop
Cookies. Cookies.
Sandwich sandwich
Correction correction
Double pair, pair, deputy
Packaging packaging
Shirt shirt
Tie tie
Women's wear, clothing, wearing
Jeans. Jeans
Recorder recorder
English-Chinese dictionary
Very beautiful, very beautiful.
Currency currency
Cent (monetary unit in the United States, Canada, etc.). )
Nickel Nickel (USA, Canada) Nickel
A dime (USA, Canada) is ten cents.
Poitte Quart
Pound sterling
Over is the top ...
In front of (outside of)
Between ...
Here is ...
The above is correct. ...
paper clip
Will want, be willing
As, as
Wear and tear
Like, like, like ...
Style style
Too, too
Expensive expensive
Cheap is cheap.
Seattle Seattle
John F. Kennedy International Airport
Seat seat
Flag flag
Travel, travel
Visit, visit, visit
His, his (objective)
She, she (accusative)
Toy toy
Pet pet
Bank bank
Market market
Camera camera
Will, will, will.
Kg kg
Stop station
Project stop
Amount item, clause
Bread, bread, bread
Pick, pick
Get, make
Carrots. Carrots
Cabbage cabbage
Bag, parcel, package
Money. Money.
I think so.
Later, later, later
Spend, waste, spend
Suitcase suitcase
Clothes clothes
Scarf scarf
Something else, something else, something else.
Local placement
Missing, missing
Any any number.
Juice juice
Big, big, generous
Change, change
Come again, come again.
Soon, soon.
Baby, baby.
Watch out, watch out, watch out.
Complex feet
Teeth, teeth, plural teeth
Multiple children
Mouse, mouse, mouse reply
Sheep, sheep, sheep complex
Butter butter
Pork pork
Complete, complete
Form form
Value is value ... money, value ...
Address address
Servant servant
Containing or made of gold.
Stationery stationery
Extra extra, especially
Price price
Preference preference
Line line
Take it, take it, take it.
Shopping bag shopping bag
During ...
Business, commerce, affairs
Enjoy enjoy enjoy.
Atmospheric atmosphere
Join, combine, join
free time
All over the world
= All over the world
Anyway, anyway, anyway.
Rock music
Classic classic, classic
record player
Minimum minimum
List directory, list, list
Fighter fighter
The first letter of the Greek alphabet.
Brand-new, brand-new
Browse browse
Download download
Advertising advertising
Best, best, best.
Cost expense
Minimum, minimum, minimum, minimum.
credit card
effect payment
Lost, lost, lost.
Cash. Cash.
Check check check check.
More and more, more and more.
Pay reimbursement expenses
What? what?
Have their own
How much is how much?
number; amount; how many; how much
Installed quantity, total
Container container
Clothes clothes
Look for, look for
Regression regression
Unit 7
Communication communication transportation
Mailbox mailbox
Printer printer
Area code (telephone)
Travel, team, group
fire brigade
San Francisco San Francisco
Barcelona (Spanish city)
Cairo (the capital of Egypt)
Paris. Paris
Moscow Moscow
Fax machine fax machine
Pager pager
Postcards. Postcards
Software software
Return, return, repay
Come back, come back, come back.
Greetings, greetings
College college university
Chat, chat
Message message
Caller, caller
Receive, accept, greet
Greed is greed, gluttony.
Download download
Glue glue
Future future future future.
Century century
Different, different
Imagine. Imagine.
Thoughts, ideas, minds
Change change change.
boarding school
Mobile phone
telephone booth
Dish satellite TV antenna
Mouse, mouse.
Super super, great
Idol idol
Look forward to looking forward to (looking forward to)
Owner owner
Save, save, save, save, survive.
Leave leave, ask for leave, stay, let go