BT egg knife egg shield shadow moon cloak shadow moon badge
SW orange bow original sin Longlin Japanese moxibustion Ober magic ridge various pieces
Black Book: Chronicle of Dark Secrets
Disaster: the blade of disaster
Card heart: Kaz'rogal heart
Invincible: Invincible will
Agus: Courier Agus
That bow is called: strike the strong bow.
Egg knife: 2 Essinos blades.
Egg shield: Cinos barrier
Orange Bow: The Wrath of the Stars by Solidart
Original sin: cloak of original sin
Oberon: oberon's Soul Sword
Magic Ridge: The chance of the magic ridge gun falling is very low. Starting from the character 1 weeks ago. Ha ha.
Patches: Different Lu Na flakes, hard Lu Na flakes and gloomy Lu Na flakes.
I'm so tired ... the full name already exists.
Oh, by the way, SW also has a torrent and a golden staff.
Riptide: The Riptide Staff of Great nurse practitioner.
Golden staff: The golden staff of Sindore