Father, your majesty. Deep and wise.
When Gaozu led the Rebel Army to settle in Guanzhong, he and Wang Junkuo led ten thousand people to surrender, and were worshipped as generals. Later, they were named as Xinxing County Magistrates and promoted to General Zuo Wuwei. Wang Junshi followed Taizong's expedition to Liaodong, and also led the military forces of Zuotun camp to fight against North Korea in the mountains. Wang Junshi took the lead and died in a fierce battle.
Zuo Wei, the prefect of Youzhou and the Duke of Xingguo, was buried with Zhaoling. Jude Wong Shan was made an imperial doctor because of his father's death, and attacked Qi Huangong.
When he was appointed emperor, he was transferred to Ren Zuo. When the prince held a banquet in the palace, he ordered the ministers in the palace to dance backwards. When it was Jude Wong's turn to be kind, he refused to say, "Your Highness has his own music official, and I should only keep my job. Dancing backwards is not my task.
If I'm ordered, I'm afraid it's not for your highness's assistance. "The prince apologized and let him leave.
After hearing this, Emperor Gaozong added a special reward and presented a hundred silks. Soon, he was named General Wei, and Emperor Gaozong said to him, "Because of your loyalty and prudence, I will give you three important positions.
People can't come to me unless they are called up. Qing is holding a big horizontal knife beside me. Does Qing know that this official is a nobleman? "Soon, due to illness, and use. In 687, Wang Jishan was appointed as the secretary general.
At that time, there was a famine in Shandong, and Wang Jishan served as the governor for disaster relief. Soon, he was appointed as Shangshu, transferred to Governor, and Yizhou as a long history, and was awarded Dr. Guanglu.
Ask for retirement because of old age and illness. Later, the Khitan rebellion made Shandong uneasy, and he was used as the secretariat of the sliding state.
Wu Zetian said to him: "Although Qing is ill, she can take her wife and children and walk 30 miles every day (slowly to work) to manage the border for me and make it a barrier against the enemy." At this time, Wu Zetian asked about the gains and losses of the court. Wang Jishan elaborated on more than ten measures to control chaos. Wu Zetian said, "That's a trivial matter. This is a fundamental event. You can't go."
So he stayed in the civil history of the court. Lai Junchen was arrested and imprisoned for a crime and sentenced to death by a company. Wu Zetian wanted to forgive him and not kill him.
Wang Jishan said, "Lai Junchen is cruel, treacherous and unjust. He led the outlaws and framed and killed a good minister, which was hated by everyone. I thought that if we didn't get rid of the first evil and shake the court, it would never rain alone. "
Wu Zetian accepted his opinion. Soon, Wu Zetian will make King Luling a prince. When King Luling comes back, Wang Jishan will help him plan.
When King Luling was a prince, Wang Jishan invited the prince to come to foreign countries to comfort the people. Wu Zetian listened to this suggestion. Although Wang Jishan has no academic background, he is always honest and self-sustaining in his work, and he will never change when things happen.
At that time, the Zhang Yizhi brothers relied on their love, and no one gave them gifts at every banquet. Wang Jishan appeared many times to stop this kind of behavior. Wu Zetian was unhappy and said to Wang Jishan, "Qing is too old to take part in this kind of amusement. Just check the things in the school cupboard. "
Wang Jishan was ill for more than a month, and the marquis of Wu did not ask. Begging to return to China is still not allowed.
In the second year of the holy calendar (699), I left Wenchang and made love with Fengge to Taiwan Province. He died (less than ten days).
At the age of 82. (The three-day mourning was cancelled. ) posthumous title was posthumously appointed as the Yizhou magistrate and buried with Gan Ling.
2. Read the following text and complete the following questions: 15. C 16。 A 17。 D 18。 (1) When it was Jude Wong's turn to be kind, he refused to say, "Your Highness has his own music officer. If I am ordered, I am afraid it will not be to assist your highness. "
The prince apologized to him. (time: in order or in turn; Wings: auxiliary; X: Apologize.
Each of the three key words is 1, which means 2) (2) Although you are ill, you can walk 30 miles every day with your wife and children to manage the border for me and make it a barrier against the enemy. (theft: infringement; Wife: wife and children; Shielding: a barrier.
3 keywords 1 point, semantic 2 points) analysis 15. Test analysis: c, when: conviction, sentence. For the content words in classical Chinese, candidates should pay attention to the fact that instead of memorizing the meaning of the test paper, they should focus on the whole article and feel according to the meaning of the text.
And pay more attention to those content words that appear frequently in classical Chinese and are often involved in teaching materials. Finally, it is necessary to combine contextual judgment, rather than a simple "dictionary" interpretation.
In terms of methods, it is necessary to accumulate typical sentences and establish a knowledge base; Defined by text and interpreted in context; Grammatical analysis, inferring the meaning of words according to components. Test center: Understand the meaning and usage of common notional words in classical Chinese.
The ability level is to understand B. 16. Analysis of test questions: Sentence breaking in classical Chinese should follow the law.
One modal particle must be placed after the sentence, the second modal particle must be placed at the beginning of the sentence, and three fixed sentence patterns must be inseparable. Four nouns and pronouns are either subjects or objects in the sentence, five classical Chinese parallelism sentences and six true rhetoric sentences. When operating, read through the paragraphs and understand the main idea. Easy first, then difficult.
Test center: it is required to break a whole or part of extracurricular ancient Chinese, and the ability level is B 17. Analysis of the test questions: Item D, "Wang Jishan was ordered to be in charge of the border court, with outstanding achievements, and later promoted to internal history", has no basis in the original text. The answer to this question requires that on the basis of reading the original text, the content of the article can be analyzed and summarized, and the main information in the article can be accurately grasped, so that the information that meets the instructions can be filtered out according to the instructions of the topic.
You can select specific materials according to the options. You can also choose multiple choices according to the point of view in the options.
Test center: summarize the main points of the content and summarize the central meaning. The ability level is analytical synthesis C.
18. Test analysis: To translate classical Chinese, we must first grasp the meaning of the whole sentence in combination with the context, then find out the key words in the sentence, identify the sentence patterns, and then translate it, usually literally (some special words, such as official names, place names, year numbers, etc. , may not be translated), and pay attention to the execution of sentences. When translating, we should also pay attention to the norms of modern Chinese, so as to make every word fluent.
Test center: Understand and translate the sentences in the text. The ability level is understanding B.
Wang Jishan, a native of Handan, Mianzhou. Father, your majesty.
Deep and wise. When Gaozu led the rebel army to settle in Guanzhong, he appointed Wang Jun as the general, and later appointed him as the emerging county magistrate and was promoted to General Zuo Wuwei.
Wang Junshi followed Taizong's expedition to Liaodong, and also led the military forces of Zuotun camp to fight against North Korea in the mountains. Wang Junshi took the lead and died in a fierce battle. Zuo Wei, the prefect of Youzhou and the Duke of Xingguo, was buried with Zhaoling.
Jude Wong Shan was made an imperial doctor because of his father's death, and attacked Qi Huangong. Prince Li Hong was established, and Wang Jishan was promoted to be left to the wind.
When the prince was feasting in the palace, he ordered the palace ministers to dance backwards. When it was Jude Wong's turn to be kind, he refused to say, "Your Highness has his own music officer. If I am ordered, I am afraid it will not be for your highness. " The prince apologized and asked him to leave.
After hearing this, Emperor Gaozong added a special reward and presented a hundred silks. Soon, he was named General Wei, and Emperor Gaozong said to him, "Because of your loyalty and prudence, I will give you three important positions.
People can't come to me unless they are called up. Qing is holding a big horizontal knife beside me. Does Qing know that this official is a nobleman? "Soon, due to illness, and use. In 687, Wang Jishan was appointed as the secretary general.
At that time, there was a famine in Shandong, and Wang Jishan served as the governor for disaster relief. Soon, he was appointed as Shangshu, transferred to Governor, and Yizhou as a long history, and was awarded Dr. Guanglu.
Ask for retirement because of old age and illness. In the first year of Shengong, the Khitan rebellion made Shandong uneasy, so he was taken as the secretariat of the sliding state.
Wu Zetian said to him: "Although Qing is ill, she can take her wife and children and walk 30 miles every day (slowly to work) to manage the border for me and make it a barrier against the enemy." At this time, Wu Zetian asked about the gains and losses of the court. Wang Jishan elaborated on more than ten measures to control chaos. Wu Zetian said, "That's a trivial matter. This is a fundamental event. You can't go."
So he stayed in the civil history of the court. Lai Junchen was arrested and imprisoned for a crime and sentenced to death by a company. Wu Zetian wanted to forgive him and not kill him.
Wang Jishan said, "Lai Junchen is cruel, treacherous and unjust. He led the outlaws and framed and killed a good minister, which was hated by everyone. I think that if we don't get rid of the first evil, it will become the root of the disaster and the disaster will not end. "
Wu Zetian accepted his opinion. Soon, Wu Zetian will make King Luling a prince. When King Luling comes back, Wang Jishan will help him plan.
When King Luling was a prince, Wang Jishan invited the prince to come to foreign countries to comfort the people. Although Wang Jishan's writing style is not very good, he is always honest, self-sustaining and firm in the face of things, which has a kind of ministerial nature.
At that time, the Zhang Yizhi brothers were favored. Every time they gave a banquet, no one gave me a gift. Wang Jishan repeatedly criticized to stop this kind of behavior. Wu Zetian was unhappy and said to Wang Jishan, "Qing is too old to take part in this kind of amusement. Just review the affairs in the cabinet. "
So Wang Jishan begged for retirement, but he was not allowed. Ren Wenchang, left, is the same as Fengge Luantai.
At the age of 82. Shi was appointed as the prefect of Yizhou, Zhen of posthumous title, and was buried in Ganling.
3. The classical Chinese translation of Wang Chan Fang Qing is Fang Qing Wang Chan, which is famous for its words.
Their ancestors moved from Danyang to Xianyang during Emperor Yong. My father's name is Hongzhi, and he is a friend of Hanwang Yuanchang.
Wang likes hunting wild, so he wrote to persuade him earnestly. The king restrained himself slightly, but alienated him. Later he was Jing Wangyou.
Wang started his career by joining the army from Yuewangfu. Learn Historical Records and Hanshu by Ren Xigu, Archives, Sima Qian and Ban Gu.
Later, Ren Xigu went elsewhere, but stopped studying. Wuhou, promoted to Guangzhou viceroy.
Every year, there are boats from Kunlun Island to sell outland jewels. Former Governor Lu took the goods at will without giving money. The shopkeeper was very angry and killed him again. Wang Fangqing succeeded the viceroy and didn't ask the shipowner for anything.
At the beginning, the leaders of the Ministry were greedy, and the people came to the governor's office to sue them. Officials in the mansion have been in contact with those leaders and received their gifts, so their crimes have never been cured. After Wang came to power, officials were not allowed to associate with these ministries, and offenders were punished according to law, so people all over the country were afraid of being honest.
Those critics say that no one manages Guangzhou as well as Wang, which is the first. The emperor sent a letter to Ruijin and Zhacai, praising his good governance.
Later, he became Governor Luo and made him a viscount of Shiquan County. Later, he was promoted to assistant minister of Luantai and assistant minister of Fengge.
In the early years of Shengong, Wu Youyi, general manager of Qingbian Road, triumphed after breaking the Khitan, and was about to present a captive ancestral temple. Wang Jishan, a civil servant, suggested that this was the taboo of Emperor Xiaoming's moon, and demanded that it be brought for later use. The king said, "In the past, Emperor Mu of Jin married the queen just because He Lv was afraid of it, and everyone hesitated about it.
Xunne said that the Book of Rites mentioned the date of death, but did not mention the etiquette of avoiding the moon. Inferring from the' month', then there are still taboos, and there is no theoretical basis.
Xunne's opinion was used at that time. I think now that our army has won a total victory, there will be no obstacles to playing. "
The emperor ordered that pleasure be allowed. Wuhou went to yuquan temple, because the mountain road was narrow and dangerous, and he wanted to walk "waist" arm in arm.
Wang said: "Once upon a time, I advised Emperor Han Yuan to say,' It is dangerous to take a boat, but it is safe to cross the bridge.' Yuan Di obeyed orders and crossed the river from the bridge.
Now the mountains here are high and steep, and the plank road is winding and narrow. Compared with ships in the Han and Yuan Dynasties, it is much more dangerous.
How can your majesty easily embark on a dangerous road? "Upon hearing this, the marquis of Wu suspended the trip. Wang once put forward: "Etiquette includes the mourning of five clothes, and the deceased is not buried and does not listen to congratulations; No banquet is allowed until the funeral is over.
Now all officials don't abide by it, which confuses and corrodes the moral norms. This situation is not allowed. "There are imperial edicts to blame people who don't keep ethical codes, so both inside and outside the court are afraid of him.
On one occasion, Wuhou asked Wang Fangqing for Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. Wang Fangqing finally said, "There are more than 40 calligraphy works by Wang Xizhi, the ancestor of ten generations. My father gave everything Taizong wanted. Now there is only one left. "
At that time, there were 1 1 sai-jo Wang Dao, 10 sai-jo, 9th sai-jo Wang Yong, 8th sai-jo Wang Tanshou, 7th sai-jo Wang Sengchuo, 6th sai-jo, 5th sai-jo, Gaozu, great-grandfather Wang Bao and 9 * * * 28 books. "Wuhou went to the Wucheng Temple, showed these books to the generals, and also gave the imperial edicts in the book, Scheeren Cui Rong, explained his generation of gate valves, called it Ji, and gave the books to the king.
Scholars envy their pets. Later, Wang asked to retire and was appointed as a eunuch to compile the national history.
When Zhongzong was confirmed as the Crown Prince again, he appointed Wang as the proofreading left bastard. Wuhou wanted to practice martial arts in winter, but the division couldn't get ready on time, so he decided to practice again next spring.
Wang Zhuo said, "According to the Moon Order, in winter, the Emperor ordered the generals to practice martial arts, archery, chariot driving and wrestling.". This is the time when farming in three seasons and practicing martial arts in one season will bring peace and remember the war.
Not in the spring, dispatch troops. Soldiers, when the five elements of gold; Jin Shengmu.
Chunmuwang, nourishing gold hurts morality and stifles life. If Meng Chun does what it does in winter in season, there will be floods, and snow and frost will also make people uneasy, so that the seeds cannot be buried.
Now, Meng is training his army to control Yang with Yin, which endangers the vitality of living things. I'm worried that floods will destroy things, frost and snow will damage crops and make summer wheat immature.
I beg your majesty not to go against the season, but to train in winter in advance and conform to the laws of nature. "The writer of Wuhou agreed with his suggestion and praised it.
In this year, Wang was appointed as his son, and then he was appointed as a civil servant. He was given the same status and served as a scholar for the prince. The king said, "None of the ministers accused the prince of improper name.
In the past, there was a notice in Dan Tao of the Jin Dynasty, in which the name of the Crown Prince was written inappropriately. When filial piety is a prince, the word' Hong' in the name is changed to the word' Chong'; It's a prince, that is, the word' xian' in the name has been changed to the word' Wen'.
At present, the names of the halls in the East Palace are often taboo, so please change them one by one to make them conform to the old code. "Wu Hou can make.
In the second year of Chang 'an (702), he died, and was posthumously awarded as the secretariat of Yanzhou, giving him the name Zhen. Zhongzong was reinstated, because he was an old minister in the East and gave it to posthumous title, the official department minister.
Wang is knowledgeable and familiar, and has written more than 200 books, especially proficient in Li and School. If the etiquette learner has any questions to ask him, he must answer them very deeply and accurately.
So his students compiled his questions and answers into a book, Miscellaneous Questions and Answers. His family has a large collection of books, comparable to the royal chamber of secrets, and excellent pictures.
After the death of the king, his sons could not inherit his ancestral business, and these paintings and calligraphy were lost in the future. The grandson is famous and the sixth grandson is famous.
Comment: Li Deyu wrote a book saying: "When Wang became prime minister, his son was appointed as a judge in Meizhou to join the army. The marquis of Wu asked him,' you are the prime minister, why is your son so far away?' The king replied, "King Luling is your beloved son, and now he is still far away. "How dare my son put it nearby" is used to compare the situation at that time with the understanding of Tang police. "
Wang is really a gentleman. Even when you are in a hurry, don't forget to persuade Wang Hao.
As for the suggestion of changing the name of the prince to shake the princes, it shows the bud of ZTE. The so-called unspeakable things, is it difficult for Wang? Therefore, Deyu praised him for being true! Wei's name is called, because the sound is close to the taboo of Wuhou's father, so he takes the word as the name.
His ancestral home was Yongzhou, Ling Du, and later he moved to Xiangyang, and then moved to Yangwuding, Zhengzhou to settle down. My mother died at the age of eight and was famous for her filial piety.
Jinshi, however, was tired of the order in Yingcheng County, and heard about it in the court because of minor mistakes.
4. Excerpted from the old Tang book "Biography of Forty".
Wang Jishan, a native of Handan, Mingzhou, is your father. At the end of Sui Dynasty, Wang Junkuo, a native of Bingzhou, plundered Handan. Your Majesty said to you, "Today, you have lost your imperial power, competing with others. You should take care of yourself sincerely, keep your shape and win, and watch it change and follow suit. "
Today, the first step is cruel, and stealing away is chilling. "Jun profile from his words, but the chariot Jingxing mountain.
Shi settled in Guanzhong, but he took more than ten thousand people under his command. Your majesty levied Liaodong from Taizong and fought against North Korea on the mountain. The pioneer fell into a trap and died in a fierce battle. Taizong was deeply saddened.
And in the fourteenth year of the good year, he killed the king with his father and attacked Xing Guogong. During the reign of Emperor Gaozong, the prince lived in the Spring Palace. Because of the banquet, the palace officials dropped ①, which was the second best, saying, "Your Highness has his own music officer, so I should only stick to my post. This is not the minister.
I will be ordered, I'm afraid it's not your highness's wings. "Prince xie sent people again.
When the emperor heard about it, he was particularly comforted. After visiting General Wei, he said, "Because I am loyal to you, I have an important position with you.
People can't come to my place unless they search for the monarch. Qing Pei's big horizontal knife is on my side. Do you know that this official is expensive? "After the qidan insurrection, as a slippery state secretariat. Then Heaven said, "Border thieves rebel. Although Qing is ill, you can walk 30 miles a day with your wife and walk there slowly, so that you can lie down and manage this state for me and cut off the river.
When asked about the gains and losses of the imperial court and how to prepare for Chen Lizhi's rebellion, Heaven said, "We can't do anything in the end, but it is also based on this. "Nai Bai Liu civil history.
In the history of the empire, Cheng Laijun and his ministers were imprisoned according to the system, and they often fell into trouble because of unexpected trouble. After being in prison, if a company breaks the capital crime, the heaven wants to forgive it, and it is good to play: "The handsome minister is fierce and treacherous. I think that if I don't punish Yuan Xie, I will shake the court.
The disaster started here. "During the day.
The goodness is that every official looks at the truth honestly, and it is difficult to grasp things face to face. There is a Minister's Day. At that time, the Zhang Yizhi brothers were partial to them, and no one attended every banquet.
If you are good at numbers, you will be unhappy. He said: "You are too old to wait on the banquet, but it is ok to check the school." Asking for bones is not allowed.
The holy calendar is two years, 82 years old. Abandon the DPRK for three days and be buried with Gan Ling.
I hope it helps you.