The old king went out with his troops and fought bravely, but later his dagger was broken and he was injured, and the soldiers fled everywhere. In the evening, after the war, the old king's young wife came out to look for his body. Finally she found him and asked him if he could be cured. He said, "No", his luck is over, the dagger is broken, and he is bound to die.
The old king told his wife that she would have a son who was a great soldier and would avenge him. The old king told her to put away the broken arrow and cast a new sword for her son. The name of this sword is Dick.
The old king is dead. His wife called the maid and said, "Let's change. You use my name and I use yours. Don't let the enemy find us. "
They hid in the Woods, and some strangers saw them. They took them on board and took them to Denmark and the king.
The king thinks that the maid looks like a queen, but the queen looks like a maid. He asked the queen, "How do you know it's almost dawn in the dark night?"
She replied: "I know, I have to get up at night to make a fire, and I am awake at this time."
"strange queen, get up and make a fire." The king thought.
Then he asked the queen dressed like a maid, "How do you know it's almost dawn in the dark night?"
She replied, "My father gave me a gold ring, and it became cold when I put it on my finger at dawn."
"The maids all wear gold jewelry, which is really rich." The king said, "You are not a maid, you are the king's wife."
So he received her in a noble way.
As the days passed, she gave birth to a son named Sigurd. A beautiful and strong son.
Sigurd has a tutor. Once, the teacher told him to ask the king for a horse.
"Pick one yourself." Said the king.
When Sigurd went to the Woods, he met an old man with a white beard and said, "Come, help me choose a horse."
The old man said, "Drive all the horses into the river and choose one who swims across the river."
Then the birds sang together: "There is a beautiful girl in my dream. Don't be afraid, Sigurd. Go win the girl's heart. Wealth will always be with you. " Tall Sidfield, red flames are flying, and that girl lives there. She will love you. When you tame her, she will sleep soundly there. Go wake her up. Now get up and run. You are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles. You will never be apart. "
Sigurd remembers. Far away, there is a beautiful girl named Brinhild. She was cursed, sleeping in a castle, surrounded by flames. If a warrior walks through the fire and wakes her up, she will wake up, otherwise she will have to sleep all the time.
He is determined to go there. He first walked along the mark left by Favernier. Fafnir lives in a cave with an iron gate. The hole is full of gold bracelets, crowns and rings. Sigurd also found a golden helmet, which disappeared after wearing it. He wrapped the jewels, put them on horseback and went south to Sidfield.
It's already night. On the top of the mountain, Sigurd saw a red sea of fire floating in the air. There is a castle in the sea of fire, and a flag is hung on the highest tower of the castle.
He drove the horse into the fire, and the horse jumped up easily, just like jumping over a heath. Sigurd came to the gate of the castle and saw a man sleeping in armor. He took off his helmet and saw the most beautiful girl in the world.
She woke up and said, "Oh! It's Sigurd. You broke the spell to wake me up? "
A long time ago, she offended Odin. He punished her by letting a thorn stab her hand. She began to sleep for a long time.
She vowed never to marry a man who knew she was afraid. They dare not cross the fire to save her. She is a female warrior herself, hoping to rush to the battlefield like a man. Now, she and Sigurd are in love and have vowed to treat each other sincerely. He gave her a ring, which was the last ring of the Dwarf God, Andrewana.
Sigurd rode away and came to a king's palace. He has a beautiful daughter named Goudron, and her mother is a witch. Goudron fell in love with sigrid, but he always mentioned Brinhild, saying how beautiful and lovely she was.
Later, Goudron's mother put poppy and forgetfulness medicine into the magic cup, told Sigurd that it was good for his health and made him drink it. When he drank it, he immediately forgot about poor Brinhild and fell in love with Goudron. They got married happily.
The witch, Goudron's mother, asked her son Gunnar to marry Brinhild, and asked him to woo her with Sigurd.
They rode to her father's palace.
After drinking, Sigurd has completely forgotten Brinhild, but she still loves him.
Her father told Gunnar that she only wanted to marry someone who could cross the fire at her door. They went, Gunnar drove the horse to the fire, but the horse didn't even look. Gunnar tried to ride Sigurd's magra, but Gunnar rode on its back and grandma didn't move.
Gunnar remembered the magic his mother had taught him. He used magic to make Sigurd look like him. Then Sigurd got on the horse, and the horse jumped over the fire at once. Sigurd went in and saw Brinhild, but of course he didn't remember her.
This time, Brinhild had no choice but to promise to marry Gunnar. Sigurd, who later became Gunnar, gave her a ring, and she also gave him a ring, which he had given her before. Then he rode out and they returned to the palace. Sigurd gave the ring to his wife Goudron.
Brinhild went to her father and said that a man named Gunnar had crossed the fire and she had to marry him. She said, "I still feel that no one can do it except Sigurd. He is my true love. But he forgot me, and I have to keep my promise. "
So Gunnar and Brinhild got married, although Gunnar never crossed the line of fire.
After the wedding, the witch's medicine disappeared from Sigurd's mind, and he remembered everything. He remembered that he had broken the spell of Brinhild. He loved her, but forgot her, married another woman and helped another man marry a child.
But he didn't say it, which made everyone unhappy. He didn't get rid of the curse that made the person who owned the treasure unlucky, and the gold ring that caused misfortune.
The spell will come soon. One day, Brinhild and Gunnar went to take a bath. Brinhild went far away and said that she wanted Gunnar to see that she was braver than him, even though her husband had crossed the sea of fire that no one dared to face.
Gunnar was so angry that Sigurd crossed the fire and got the unlucky ring instead of Gunnar.
Then, Brinhild saw Goudron holding the ring. She knew everything, turned pale at once, and went home. I didn't talk all night.
The next day, she told Gunnar that he was a coward and a liar. He dared not cross the fire, so he asked Sigurd to help him and pretended to be himself. She said that he would never expect to see her smiling face where he was. She doesn't drink, play chess, embroider or talk. Then she tore all the embroidery into pieces and began to cry loudly. Everyone heard her cry, and her heart and pride were shattered at the same time.
She lost her true love Sigurd, the warrior who killed the dragon, but married a liar.
Sigurd came to comfort her, but she couldn't stop crying. She said she wanted the dagger to pierce his heart. He replied, "Don't wait too long. If I die, you won't live long. Dear Brinhild, live, be happy, love Gunnar, love your husband, and I will give you all the wealth I got from the dragon. "
Brinhild said, "It's too late."