Ying Hou said: "Zheng people say that jade is uncut and abrasive; People in the Zhou Dynasty called mice people who had never waxed. Zhou people passed by with Huai Pu and said, "Do you want to buy ju?" Jia Zheng said, "I want it." Because of its simplicity. See, it's a mouse, but you can't take it away because of gratitude. Today, Ping Yuanjun is famous for his saints, but he surrendered to his father Dune. This still respected king of the world is not as wise as Jia Zheng. Be dazzled by the name, but don't know. "
Ying Hou said, "Zheng people call it unprocessed jade pu, and Zhou people call it unprocessed rat pu. Once, Zhou Ren had a ticket in his bag. He met a businessman from Zheng State and asked him, "Do you want to buy a ticket? Businessman Zheng thought he was selling Pu and said,' I want to buy it'. Zhou took the park out of his bag and showed it to him. It turned out to be an unprocessed and pickled mouse. Businessman Zheng declined and refused. Now Ping Yuanjun thinks he is very moral and enjoys a good reputation all over the world. But when Anping Jun and Li Dui killed King Wuling of Zhao in Dune Palace, King Huiwen of Zhao, as a son of man, did not avenge his father. Ping Yuanjun became the minister of King Huiwen of Zhao, and the kings of the world still kept him at a respectful distance. How stupid. From this point of view, the kings of the world are not as clever as Zheng's merchants, and some merchants still can't tell the difference between "Pu" and "Pu": the kings of the world can't tell the difference between virtuous and immoral, but they still respect them. "This is all because I am confused by the name and don't know the truth!" .
Translator Ying Hou said: "Zheng people call unprocessed jade jade pu, and Zhou people call unprocessed and pickled mice jade pu."
Once, Zhou Ren had a ticket in his bag. He met a businessman from Zheng State and asked him, "Do you want to buy a ticket? Businessman Zheng thought he was selling Pu and said,' I want to buy it'. Zhou took the park out of his bag and showed it to him. It turned out to be an unprocessed and pickled mouse.
Businessman Zheng declined and refused. Now Ping Yuanjun thinks he is very moral and enjoys a good reputation all over the world. But when Anping Jun and Li Dui killed King Wuling of Zhao in Dune Palace, King Huiwen of Zhao, as a son of man, did not avenge his father. Ping Yuanjun became the minister of King Huiwen of Zhao, and the kings of the world still kept him at a respectful distance. How stupid.
From this point of view, the kings of the world are not as clever as Zheng's merchants, and some merchants still can't tell the difference between "Pu" and "Pu": the kings of the world can't tell the difference between virtuous and immoral, but they still respect them. "This is all because I am confused by the name and don't know the truth!" .
Ying Hou said, "Zheng people call unprocessed jade Pu, and Zhou people call unprocessed salted rats Pu.
Once, Zhou Ren had a ticket in his bag. He met a businessman from Zheng State and asked him, "Do you want to buy a ticket? Businessman Zheng thought he was selling Pu and said,' I want to buy it'. Zhou took the park out of his bag and showed it to him. It turned out to be an unprocessed and pickled mouse.
Businessman Zheng declined and refused. Now Ping Yuanjun thinks he is very moral and enjoys a good reputation all over the world. But when Anping Jun and Li Dui killed King Wuling of Zhao in Dune Palace, King Huiwen of Zhao, as a son of man, did not avenge his father. Ping Yuanjun became the minister of King Huiwen of Zhao, and the kings of the world still kept him at a respectful distance. How stupid.
From this point of view, the kings of the world are not as clever as Zheng's merchants, and some merchants still can't tell the difference between "Pu" and "Pu": the kings of the world can't tell the difference between virtuous and immoral, but they still respect them. "This is all because I am confused by the name and don't know the truth!" .
Ying Hou, a businessman who sells jade translations, said: "Zheng people call unprocessed jade Pu, and Zhou people call unprocessed and pickled mice Pu.
Once, Zhou Ren had a ticket in his bag. He met a businessman from Zheng State and asked him, "Do you want to buy a ticket? Businessman Zheng thought he was selling Pu and said,' I want to buy it'. Zhou took the park out of his bag and showed it to him. It turned out to be an unprocessed and pickled mouse.
Businessman Zheng declined and refused. Now Ping Yuanjun thinks he is very moral and enjoys a good reputation all over the world. But when Anping Jun and Li Dui killed King Wuling of Zhao in Dune Palace, King Huiwen of Zhao, as a son of man, did not avenge his father. Ping Yuanjun became the minister of King Huiwen of Zhao, and the kings of the world still kept him at a respectful distance. How stupid.
From this point of view, the kings of the world are not as clever as Zheng's merchants, and some merchants still can't tell the difference between "Pu" and "Pu": the kings of the world can't tell the difference between virtuous and immoral, but they still respect them. "This is all because I am confused by the name and don't know the truth!" .
5. How to express the way of doing business in ancient Chinese? Fu Jia, Tao Zhugong Fan Li, the originator of Confucian merchants, and Bai Gui, the founder of intelligent merchants, are all giants in governing the country. Lv Buwei and Sang Hongyang, agricultural wizards, are as rich as an enemy. Shen Wansan's richest man, Wu Bingjian's business tycoon, Qiao Zhiyong's red-topped businessman, Hu Xueyan's first-generation money king, hardware king Ye Chengzhong, businessman, Xue's three brothers, enlightened businessman, Qu, Yuquan official exhibition, Mingxing Li's visionary granddaddy Lei Lvtai was brilliant, and Wang Haifeng Huizhou merchants searched their names on Baidu to get their deeds. There are books about businessmen and business, such as Historical Records.
Books such as Biography of Huo Zhi, Yu Ion, Miscellaneous Notes of Yan Jingjing, Think Tank, etc. all have records of ancient businessmen. Ten secrets of ancient businessmen doing business: knowing the place to win and choosing the place to make money. Sun Tzu's art of war said: those who have the terrain help the soldiers.
Expect the enemy to win, calculate the danger, distance, and go to the general. He who knows this and fights wins, but he who doesn't know this and fights loses.
It can be seen that the terrain is important for combat and it is also necessary for generals to observe. Doing business is like fighting, shopping malls are like fighting, businessmen are like generals with thousands of troops, and wise generals often occupy favorable terrain and eventually win the war.
As a great strategist in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Fan Li knew this well. From a strategist's point of view, he thinks that pottery is an ideal place for goods trade.
So he chose Tao Di as the marketing point. Sure enough, in nineteen years, he became a world-famous woman, and Tao Zhugong's reputation became a household name from ancient times to the present, leaving his name in history. According to Records of Historical Records and Biography of Huo Zhi, after the State of Qin destroyed the State of Zhao, the immigration policy was implemented. At that time, many people bribed officials, refused to move and asked to stay where they were. Only the wealthy businessman Zhuo asked to move to the remote Wenshan. He took a fancy to the fertile land, rich products, simple folk customs, residents keen on buying and selling, and good business development.
A few years later, Zhuo became a world-famous rich man. This concept of both serving time and choosing a place was accepted by later businessmen.
Yangzhou, Jiangsu, the capital of Huaizuo and the best place for Zhu Xi, is located at the north-south crossroads, with developed transportation, convenient water transportation and frequent cargo exchanges. Its land is rich in tea, salt, silk and silks, and many businessmen come in droves. At that time, businessmen from the Qin Dynasty and Shanxi Province settled here.
The famous Huizhou merchants started from here and dominated the rivers and lakes. Second, buy when it is cheap and sell when it is expensive. Fan Li and Bai Gui, the ancestor of Shang Dynasty, believe that it is cheap to buy expensive; It's expensive when it's expensive.
It is emphasized that businessmen should be good at catching business opportunities, seize opportunities and seize the opportunity to buy and sell. The profit of business comes from the difference between buying and selling.
Once you find the right time to buy and sell, you should make a decisive decision like a wild animal. In Wei Wenhou, China people pay attention to farming, while Bai Gui is willing to observe the changes of the times.
When the harvest is good, he buys grain and sells silk paint. When silk came on the market, he bought a lot of silk and sold grain.
He once said: I am as resourceful in business as Yi Yin and Jiang Taigong; In judgment, it is no less than Sun Bin and Wuqi; In law enforcement, it is no less than Shang Yang. Some people's wisdom can't improvise, their courage can't be decisive, their kindness can't be chosen properly, and their stubbornness can't stick to principles.
Therefore, after such a person has learned from me, I will not teach him how to run a business. This passage fully expounds his punctuality and wisdom in grasping the opportunity of buying cheap and selling expensive.
Bai Gui's business principles and experience were praised by later businessmen. He used his own business strategy and carefully managed it, so that his family was exhausted.
Thirdly, from the end, it is known that Gou Jian, the King of Yue who predicted to make money in the Spring and Autumn Period, was ashamed of the death of his country by snow and worked hard all day. When he learned of the drought in Wu, he bought a lot of grain from Wu. In the second year, Wu was short of food, and people's lives were difficult. The hungry people had no food to eat and complained, so the State of Yue took the opportunity to rise up and destroy the State of Wu.
Hard work pays off. The King of Yue eventually became the overlord, ranking among the five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period.
Here, Gou Jian, the King of Yue, did a great thing. The wealth he created is not a treasure, but the hegemony of a country and the world. It is a successful example of the political application of the merchant's way.
According to records, a fire broke out in Lin 'an City in Song Dynasty, which damaged fish ponds. A merchant named Pei caught fire in his shop. Instead of putting out the fire, he lured people out of the city with money to buy bamboo tiles, reed rafters and other building materials. After the fire, everything was in a hurry, and building materials were in short supply in the market. At this time, Pei's businessmen took advantage of the situation and made a fortune, earning dozens of times the value of the store and meeting the needs of the market and the people.
Seeing a leopard in a tube, keen observation and accurate judgment are the source of wealth for businessmen, and they are also one of the necessary abilities for businessmen. Fourth, small profits but quick turnover, no one dares to stay expensive. Ji Ran, a pre-Qin business theorist, believed that "expensive is cheap, cheap is expensive" and advocated that "expensive is as cheap as jade"
Sima Qian once said, "Buy for three dollars, buy for five dollars cheaper", that is to say, greedy businessmen can only make a profit of 30%, and businessmen with small profits but quick turnover can make a profit of 50%. According to "Biography of Li Yu", there are three businessmen dealing in the same commodity in the market together. One of them sold at a reduced price, and there were many buyers. They make a lot of money a year, while the other two refuse to sell at a reduced price, resulting in far less profit than the former.
Sean, the counselor of Emperor Gaozu Liu Gang, sold scissors to people during the day and came back to study at night when he was studying in Huangshigong in his early years. Later, he felt that he didn't have enough study time, so he divided the scissors into three classes: upper, middle and lower. The price of first class is unchanged, the middle class is one penny less than the original price and the lower class is two pence less. As a result, it only took half a day, the number of scissors sold was twice as much as usual, the money earned was twice as much as before, and the time spent on study was more than before, so there was a folk proverb: Sean sells scissors-expensive and cheap.
5. Carve red and green, and stay in Yanjing Miscellanies: Shi Jing City Store always talks about the situation, carving red and green, and embroidering golden windows. In some shops, signboards are hung high, and colorful brocade lanterns are lit at the door of every house at night, making the streets look like daytime.
Some shops hang commodity propaganda calligraphy and painting, celebrity calligraphy and painting, which is arty. In order to sublimate the taste of the store and improve the customer's return rate.
There are also some tea shops, restaurants and hotels that specially arrange musical instruments and tell stories to entertain guests. In the noodle restaurant in Hangzhou, Kyoto in the Song Dynasty, as soon as the customer entered the store and sat down, the waiter immediately came over and asked the customer what he needed. He tried his best to avoid making mistakes.
6. Ask classical Chinese to buy gifts and return pearls:
A Chu man sold a pearl to Zheng. It's Mulan's cabinet, smoked with cinnamon, decorated with pearls and emeralds, decorated with roses, and sealed with Hosta. Zheng Guoren bought the jewelry box and returned the pearls.
Explanation: rafter: wooden box; Pearl: Pearl. Bought a business box and returned the pearls. Metaphor has no vision and improper choice.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a businessman in the State of Chu who specialized in selling jewelry. Once he went to Qi State to sell jewelry. For the sake of good business and best-selling jewelry, he specially made many small boxes with precious wood, which were beautifully carved and decorated, so that the boxes would give off a fragrance, and then put the jewelry in the boxes.
A man from Zheng saw that the box containing the orb was exquisite and beautiful. After asking the price, he bought one, opened the box, took out the treasure inside and gave it back to the jeweler.
7. Classical Chinese translation of buying bamboo slips and returning pearls
Han Fei
Some Chu people sold their pearls to Zheng, Mulan's cabinet, which was preserved with cinnamon, decorated with pearls and jade, decorated with roses and jade, and was bought by Zheng people.
And return the pearls.
This can be said to be selling bamboo slips (pronounced du, box), but not pearls (pronounced Yu, four tones).
There is a Chu man who sells beads in Zheng State. He made a box out of magnolia wood, scented with cinnamon and pepper, and decorated with pearls and jade.
Put roses (rubies) on it, and set jade on the edge of the box. Zheng's people bought his box, but returned the pearls to him.
This is really good at selling boxes, not pearls.
Feeling: labor creates wealth! This shows the value of wisdom and labor creation. Why care if he sells beads! Just like modern fashion products.
Can it match its fabric value? !