Song law also stipulates that county officials are not allowed to marry their subordinates on the day they take office, and offenders will be pardoned but still separated. Officials at or above the county level and county orders are the same among subordinate officials. If he is engaged before, and is quite willing to be an official in Sanfu after the official residence, it is not prohibited.
There are exceptions to the situation that the woman is not allowed to dissolve the engagement, that is, after the engagement, the man does not get married for no reason within three years, and the woman can voluntarily dissolve the engagement on the premise of informing the government and returning the employment money.
The provisions on marriage and divorce in the Song Dynasty completely inherited the provisions of the Tang law, with the traditional conditions of "seven out", "three don't go" and "righteousness". The meanings of "seven fruits", "three don't go" and "one must" are not different from those of previous dynasties, but only further clarify the conditions of childlessness.
According to the law, married women in the Song Dynasty could not be driven out of their homes by their childless husbands before they were 49 years old. The exception of "three don't go" is that if the wife is seriously ill, she commits adultery with others, which reflects the true intention of the Song law to maintain the inheritance of worship.
"Seven marriages" is the privilege given to a husband and his wife by law unilaterally, and "righteousness" is the condition for both men and women to divorce by law. Women are always in a passive position on the issue of dissolution of marriage.
With the development of society, especially the prosperity of commodity economy in Song Dynasty, people's ideas have been impacted. In the marriage system, women in Song Dynasty had certain legal divorce rights under certain conditions.
First of all, the husband is away for three years, and the wife can divorce. Secondly, if the husband lets his wife engage in prostitution or hire a wife, the wife can divorce. Because it is immoral for a husband to force his wife to engage in prostitution, it not only violates social morality, but also undermines family harmony. Therefore, the law gives women in this situation the right to divorce voluntarily.
In order to stabilize social order, officials in past dynasties banned selling wives, but some people still hired wives and others. For this kind of illegal behavior, the Song government not only punished according to law, but also gave women employed by the government the right to divorce on their own initiative.
The decree of the Song Dynasty also stipulated that the criminal husband was exiled or sentenced to other punishments, and moved to the township to take charge, and the wife could divorce. The legal divorce right of married women in Song Dynasty was not stipulated in previous laws.
The wedding ceremony in Song Dynasty still followed the previous generation, with "Six Rites" as the main content, but the specific wedding procedures have changed, especially in Shu Ren, and the etiquette and customs are more complicated. At that time, there were as many wedding steps as 1 1, and each step had certain characteristics of the times.
The marriage of ordinary people was posted by the matchmaker first. This post is actually a list of names and dates of birth. At first, the matchmaker sent messages based on the grass posts of both parties. After getting each other's notes, both men and women ask for auspicious divination. If men and women disagree, they get lucky divination. After the rumors were dispelled by the matchmaker, the two families agreed, and then started their own "fine posts" to discuss marriage.
Fine posts are also called fixed posts. Three generations of official positions of the male family should be clearly stated in the official positions of the male family, and the names should be taboo. What is the official position of relatives? When were they born, whether their parents are alive, who married them and whether they were adopted. If you are adopted, you should also write clearly the gold and silver fields you brought, and list your family's industry, houses, corridors and mountain gardens on the post.
When the woman replies, she should also write the above contents clearly. Relatives are daughters of the family. When they were born, they were listed as furniture, jewelry, gold and silver, pearls, jewelry, curtains and other things, as well as fields, houses and mountains. After writing the fine post, the matchmaker will inform the two families to post the post on another day.
Both parents are satisfied with this. First of all, both sides posted a fixed post with "color lining" and gave it to each other. Followed by blind date. Men choose auspicious days, prepare banquets and invite women. Usually, two in-laws meet in a garden restaurant or a boat on the lake.
If both parties like it, the man's family will put the gold hairpin in the woman's crown bun, which was called "inserting the hairpin" at that time. If you don't agree, the man will give the woman two pieces of satin, which is called a surprise.
After the blind date is determined, it is necessary to make a gift. Generally, the wine bottle is wrapped with 8 big flowers, and the winner is colored silk or 8 pieces of silver, and the bonus is paid, which is called "cross red". Rich people give more gifts, such as pearls and jade jewelry, gold ornaments, gold skirts, ornaments, silks and satins, tea cakes, two sheep and four or eight golden bottles of wine.
There are two * * * letters from the man's house, named "Double Letters". Use a red and green gold book bag to hold gift books, or use a silk bag to stick a green light with five men and two women painted on it. Give *** 10 boxes or 8 boxes of bride price to the woman's home, and the woman's home will receive the gift box "prepare incense and wine in the house hall to talk about the three realms of the alliance", and then the woman and her husband will open the box. The woman's family is going to return to the ceremony that day.
During the Northern Song Dynasty, people used two bottles of fresh water, three or five live fish and a pair of chopsticks, all of which were put in Yuan wine bottles, which were called "Hui fish".
During the Southern Song Dynasty, rich people were lavish and gave heavy gifts. The items returned by the woman include purple satin, pearl jade, soap silk scarf festival, jade, handkerchief, seven treasures scarf hoop, handkerchief, shoes and socks, female workers and so on. Some also sent back eight tea cakes and half of eight bottles of wine sent by the man, and a sheep. Two wine vessels are used to hold water, four goldfish are put in the water, and a pair of chopsticks and two onions are put in the wine vessel.
If they are rich, they will use gold and silver as chopsticks and colored silks as raw onions to hang outside fish, water and wine as gifts. After the ceremony, the man will still give gifts to the woman's family during the festival.
In the Song Dynasty, in addition to gifts, bride price was still given. The matchmaker set the date for the next date and hired the man with goose wine and goat wine.
A wealthy family usually uses three kinds of gold, namely, gold cymbals, gold bracelets and gold pendants. If there is no gold ware, silver plating should be used instead. People who have no money should also send silks and silver, goose wine, tea cakes and the like.
There are many official gifts, such as gold sleeve yellow satin, gold skirt satin, red dress or big sleeve red satin, pearl jewelry, four seasons crown flowers, pearls and other rings, fine colorful satin, silk, scented tea, fruits, reunion cakes, goat wine and other things, as well as silver collars, which are called the next gift. The letter of appointment is also wrapped in two letters and made into the shape of a gift book.
After a woman is hired, thank her with gifts. Generally, she will reply with purple silk, colored satin, jade learning toys, pearls and jade, and female workers. In addition, the matchmaker will be given a "media box" containing silks and satins, cups and plates, money and other things, and a bonus gift box will be presented. After the man gave the bride price, there is no need to give the woman a gift on holidays, just wait for the wedding day.
The man chooses an auspicious day and tells the woman that she agrees and the man can come to visit the bride. The day before the wedding ceremony, the woman first sent someone to the man's house, laid curtains, placed rooms, jewelry and other things. After the renovation of the new house, let the closest woman or married waitress guard the new house, keep outsiders out of the house, and open the new house only when the newcomers come.
On the specified day and time, the man's family had people holding vases, candles, fragrant balls, tulle, toiletries, candlesticks, skirt boxes, suitcases, green umbrellas and top seats, hired a band to escort the sedan chair, and blew it all the way to the woman's house to marry the bride.
The woman entertained the bride with wine and distributed the red silver and market money to everyone. Then the band played "Make-up Reminder", the Yin and Yang teachers announced the time to urge the bride to get on the bus, and some people specially read makeup reminders.
After the woman gets on the bus, the person who carries the burden and sedan chair doesn't set off immediately until she makes all the money.
At this time, the band played music and preached all the way to welcome the couple to the man's house. The bride's sedan chair arrived at the man's door, and musicians, geisha, tea wine and others who greeted the bride read poems to each other and blocked the door for profit. Mr. Yin Yang is carrying a bucket full of cereal beans, money, colorful fruits and so on. , and at the door. Children scramble to pick it up, which is called "spreading corn beans". The purpose of spreading corn beans is to suppress the evil god Qingyang.
When the couple got off the bus, one person was leading the way with a mirror, and two trustworthy women helped the couple move forward. Newcomers are not allowed to trample on the ground. They can only walk on green cotton mats or green felt, green cloth strips and flower beds. Newcomers should walk across the saddle.
Enter the middle door to the first room, where the account is hung, and the bride goes in and sits down, which is called "sitting on the empty account", or directly enter the room and sit on the bed, which is called "sitting on the money".
Female relatives and female guests eat three glasses of wine to pay back, that is, the man prepares four glasses of wine to entertain the female guests, and the guests eat three glasses of wine to pay back, which is also called | go. "
A piece of colored satin hangs in front of the new house. First, cut the bottom into strips. After the groom wearing a green robe and a flowered official uniform enters the door, everyone will compete for a note, and nothing will happen, which is called "going to the Red Gate".
The groom invited the bride out before the bed, and each family made satin and tied it into a knot called "hug towel". The man hung the colored satin on the water board, the woman put it on her hand, and the man walked out the door backwards, letting them face each other.
A couple stood in front of the hall together, and then when the man and woman kissed and lifted the bride's veil with scales or other things, the bride's face was exposed. Both men and women bow to their relatives. Then the woman went backwards, took the groom back to the room with a knot that she felt the same way, and sat on the bed.
When sitting, the woman turns left and the man turns right. At this time, some women spread their money, colored satin and fruit, and then connected the two wine glasses with red and green colored knots. Both men and women should have a drink, which is called "cheers". After drinking, put the glass back and forth under the bed to show good luck, and at the same time "knot" a small amount of hair on the left and right sides of men and women, also known as "bun".
At this time, the man took off the flowers on the woman's head with his hand, and the woman unbuttoned one of his buttons. Then the couple went to nave to hold a thank-you ceremony, which was celebrated by relatives and friends. The couple visited their in-laws and elders. Since then, all relatives have come to the table to hold a ceremony.
On the fifth watch of the next day, a mirror table was installed on a table, and the mirror was placed on it. The bride visits the hall, which is called "the bride visits the hall". Then, they pay tribute to their elders' relatives and give them colorful satin, exquisite creations and shoes and socks, which is called "congratulations". The elders should answer congratulations.
Three days after marriage, the woman sent the crown flowers, colored satin and goose eggs to the man's house, filled them with oil and honey in a gold and silver jar, and together with tea cakes, geese and sheep, fruits and other things, it was called "sending them to the Three Dynasties".
On the 3rd, 7th and 9th, the bride and groom went to their daughter-in-law's house to pay New Year greetings. The daughter's family held a grand banquet for her new husband "Hui Lang" and gave some gifts to his son-in-law. At the end of Hui Lang, the woman asked the band to advocate sending her husband home.
The girl's family will wash their hair in nine days. In January, the bride's family will also send a gift box to appreciate the moon, and the husband's family will hold a banquet to thank relatives and friends, which is called "celebrating the full moon".
All of the above shows that the marriage customs of ordinary people in the Song Dynasty are complex and diverse, reflecting the marriage customs at that time.