"The treasure of knowing the country is nothing more than six things: divine power can discuss everything, and if it helps the country, it is precious; Jade is enough to cover the valley, so that there is no flood and drought, then cherish it; If the tortoise can hide the truth, it is valuable; Beads are precious because they are resistant to fire. Gold is precious because it can resist the war and chaos; If the mountain forest is financially sufficient, it will be treasured. If the husband is so beautiful, Chu is barbarian, so don't cherish it. 」
Wang's Comments on the English Version of Chuci Wang visited the State of Jin, and the King of Jin decided to give him a banquet. Zhao Jianzi (wearing a jade ring) came to meet him and asked the king, "Is Bai Heng of Chu still there?" "(Wang) replied," Yes. " Jane said, "This is a treasure. How much is it worth? " (Wang) said: "I didn't regard it as a treasure." Chu regards it as a treasure, and it can deliver (excellent) instructions and diplomatic rhetoric to deal with various vassal States, leaving our monarch speechless. There is also Zuo's family, who can tell the instructions and decrees of the former king, state various things, and tell the monarch the lessons of success or failure sooner or later, so that the monarch will not forget the inheritance of the former king; You can also please the ghosts and gods, understand their likes and dislikes, and let God not hold a grudge against Chu. There is also a grassy lake called Lianyun Tuzhou, which is the origin of metal, wood, arrows and shafts. Tortoise shell, pearls, horns, ivory, hides, rhinoceros skins, feathers and plowed oxtails are used in armaments to guard against unexpected hardships; It was also used to provide money and cloth for princes to enjoy. If the vassal is satisfied with the gift, plus the sage's advice and diplomatic rhetoric; With the help of the God of Heaven, our king can be exempted from the guilt of various vassal States, and the people are also guaranteed. This is the treasure of Chu State. Speaking of Bai Heng, it's just a plaything of my late king. How can it be called a treasure? "I heard that the so-called national treasure has only six aspects: sages can master and judge everything to assist the country, so they regard it as a treasure; It is enough to protect Baoyu, bless a good year, and make (the country) free from floods and droughts, so it is regarded as a treasure. Turtle shells that can (accurately) announce good or bad luck are regarded as treasures; A pearl that is fire-resistant enough is regarded as a treasure; Metals that can withstand the shuddering are regarded as treasures; A mountain wetland swamp that is enough to supply financial expenses is regarded as a treasure. Noisy Meiyu? Although Chu is a wild and remote country, it is impossible to regard it as a treasure. 」
Wang: Doctor Chu. Zhao Jianzi: Kim is in power. Bai Heng: The famous Yu Pei of Chu State. 3 Guan Fu: Doctor of Chu State. Instruction: refers to diplomatic language. 4 Zuo Shi: Zhou historians are divided into Zuo Shi and You Shi. Zuo Shiyan, right Shiyan. 5 Up and down: refers to heaven and earth. Like Yue, the ancients believed that historians could associate with ghosts and gods. 6. A lake with green grass. Yun: Yun Mengze, in Hubei today. Tuzhou: State name. Jade, horse, leather, jade, jade, silk and other things can be called coins in ancient times. Saint: A person who understands things. Discussion: it means to make proper arrangements and make each one in his place. Zang No: Good or bad. (8) A big lake
Different words are used in ancient and modern times, inviting visitors to visit geometry is a great way to enjoy many things. Gifts of military supplies and coins are grand and noble.
Wang's treasure appreciation Wang lived more than two thousand years ago, but his treasure view still gives us profound enlightenment. What should a country pay attention to? It is talent, land and mountains. In ancient times, some jade, turtles and jewels were considered as treasures because of their aura. However, Bai Heng, purely as an ornament, is not among the treasures. Meritorious is the main theory of this article. This is in sharp contrast with Zhao Jianzi. Jane thinks highly of Yu Pei, deliberately trying to show it off in front of foreign envoys. The article takes care of the whole story, starting with Suixiang, and finally taking care of Wang Sunxie's view that this is "the beauty of instrument". Although there is no reaction at the end of the article, after reading Wang's words, we can fully imagine his embarrassment and thought-provoking. Poetry: Wang's Poems on Chu Bao Author: The classification of anonymous poems in pre-Qin period: ancient prose view, philosophy view and story view.