Albert, Abbott's Hebrew father; Great spirit.
Abel, Abel, Latin, life; Take a deep breath.
Abner, the Hebrew wisdom of Abner; Wise.
Abraham Abraham, the noble father of Hebrew; Father of all things.
Wang Maolin, Wang Maolin, Scotland and Ireland are as strong as trees.
Adam, Adam, the first man in the Hebrew world, male
Edison Edison was born in England and descended from Adam.
Adolf, Adolf Germany, noble wolf.
Adonis, adonis, Greek, handsome man.
Adrian, Adrian, Latin, people who live on the Adriatic Sea.
Ahern, Ahern, the boss of Celtma.
Allen, Allen, Scandinavia, handsome and good-looking; Harmony and peace; Happy.
Albert, Albert Britain, noble wisdom; Guardian of mankind.
Aldridge, aldridge, the wise ruler of England.
Alexander, Alexander, Greece, the protector of mankind; Man's helper.
Alfred, Alfred, England; Teutonic, a wise adviser; Intelligent assistant.
Alger, Alger, England, glorious and noble guards.
Algernon, algernon, French, bearded people.
Allen, Allen, Gail, harmony; Handsome; Good looking.
Alston, Aston England, a man of noble birth.
Alva, Alva Latin, white; Blonde, blue eyes.
Alvin, Alvin Teutonic, everyone loves him; Everyone's friend.
Alves Jarvis, Norwegian, short and pithy.
Amos, Amos, a Hebrew who has a long way to go.
Andre, Andrew France, brave and fearless.
Andrew, Andrew Greece, male, brave, brave.
Andy, Andy, Greece, male, brave, brave.
Angelo, angel of Italian God.
Augustus, Augus Gail, one, the only one; Love God.
Ansel, France, a person of extremely noble birth or upbringing.
Anthony, Anthony Latin, deserves praise and respect.
Antoine Antoine Europe deserves praise and respect.
Antonio Antonio, Latin, deserves praise and respect.
Archer, Archer England, Hercules who pulls the bow of death.
Archibald, archibald and England are noble and brave.
Aries, Alex Latin, Ram.
Arlen, Eileen England, new guy.
Armand, Jarman, German soldier.
Armstrong, Armstrong, England, a man with strong arms.
Arnold, Arnold, Teutonic, eagle.
Arnold, Arnold Teutonic, eagle.
Arthur, Arthur, England, nobility or nobility.
Libei, Irwin, Teutonic, those who treat others equally.
Asa, Asa, a gift from the Hebrew God; The healer.
Ashbourne Achburn, UK, WTO competition, good news disseminator.
Atwood, England, a person who lives in a forest or a forest.
Aubrey, Aubrey Teutonic, rich and powerful king; Elves.
August, August, Latin, sacred, respected or noble person; August.
Augustine, Augustine, Latin, refers to people born in August.
Avery, Avery England, fighting; Naughty, naughty people. Baird, Baird Ireland is a good folk singer.
Baldwin Baldwin Winterton, a warrior on the battlefield.
Bancroft, British Bancroft, a bean farmer.
Badbad, England, is very happy and likes raising livestock.
Barlow, Barlow, Greece, people who live in the mountains.
Barnett Barnett > & gt
A nice American name for a boy: Percy.
Justin. Justin
Steven Steven
Thomas Thomas
Dirk Landacre land
. . . . . .
Last name: Bieber Bieber
Smith Smith
Everything is fine.
Look for phonetic symbols.
Find the most commonly used 10 surnames in America. The first three surnames are Alder Smith, Jackson and Williams, followed by Jones, Miller, Brown, Davis, Wilson, Anderson, Taylor and Thomas.
The most common name
M: Jack, Tom, David, John, Michael, Andrew, Steve, Paul, Peter, Chris, George, Bill, Thomas, Charles, James, Patrick, etc.
Women: Nancy, Michelle, Kate, Angela, Jennifer, Jessica, Sarah, Linda, Tiffany, Mary, Elizabeth, Patricia, etc.
50 what? Last name? Male name? Female name?
The 70 most common English names of American men
James John Robert Michael William David Richard Charles Joseph Thomas
Christopher Daniel Paul Mark Donald George Kenneth Steven Edward Bryan
Ronald Anthony Kevin Jason Matthew Gary Timothy Jose Larry Jeffrey Frank Scott Eric Stephen Andrew Raymond Gregory Joshua Jerry Dennis
Walter Patrick Peter Harold Douglas Henry Carl Arthur Ryan Roger
Joe Juan Jack Albert Jonathan Justin Terry Gerald Keith Samuel Willie
Ralph Lawrence Nicholas Roy Benjamin Bruce Brandon Adam Harry
The 70 most common English names of American women
Mary Patricia Linda Barbara Elizabeth Jennifer Maria Susan Margaret
Dorothy Lisa Nancy Karen Betty Helen Sandra Donna Carol Ruth Sharon
Michelle Laura Sarah Kimberly Deborah Jessica Shirley Cynthia Angela
Melissa Brenda Amy Anna Rebecca Virginia Catherine Pamela Martha
Debra Amanda Stephanie Caroline Christina Mary Janet Catherine
Francis Ann Joyce Diane Alice Julie Heather Teresa Doris Gloria
Evelyn Jean Cheryl Mildred Catherine Joan Ashley Judith Ross Dzhanis
Kelly Nicole Judy Christina ...
Ask for a nice foreign name! Abigail Abigail
Abby Abby (short for Abigail)
Ada Ada (short for Adelaide)
Adeline Adeline
Elsa Ai Lisha
Amy Amy
Alice. Alice
Alina Elena
Alison. Alison.
Amanda. Amanda
Amy. Amy
Amber amber
Anastasia anastasia (nicknamed Stacey)
Andrea. Andrea
Angela. Angela
Angelia. Angelia
Angelina Angelina
Ann Ann (Hannah's English form)
Anne Anne (Tongan)
Anne Anne (Anne's nickname)
Anita Anita (Spanish means Ann)
Ariel. Ariel.
April, April
Ashley. Ashley
Aviva aviva (with Avivahc and Avivi)
Barbara Barbara
Beata beat
Beatrice, Beatrice (same as Beatrice)
Becky Becky (Rebecca's nickname)
Betty Betty (a nickname for Elizabeth)
Blanche Blanche
Bonnie Bonnie
Brenda Brenda (Brandon and Brandon's female form)
Camille Camille
Candice Candice
Carmen Carmen
Carol cairol
Caroline. Caroline.
Carry Kelly
Kelly kelly (nickname for Carol and Caroline, same as Kelly)
Cassandra. Cassandra.
Kathy Kathy (Katherine, Cassandra's nickname)
Catherine Catherine (English form of Catherine, the same as Catherine)
Cathy Cathy (Catherine's nickname, the same as Cathy)
Chelsea Chelsea
Charlene Marilynn Dangelo Charlene Marilynn Dangelo (with Caroline and Charlotte)
Charlotte. Charlotte.
Cherry cherry cherry
Cheryl Cheryl (another form of Charlotte, also with the same name as Cheryl)
Chris Chris (short for Christine, the same as Chris)
Christina Christina (with Christine)
Christina Christine
Christie Christie (short for Christine)
Cindy Cindy (Cinderella, Cynthia, Lucinda's nickname)
Claudia. Claudia (female name)
Close. Clarence.
Connie Connie (nickname for constance)
Constance, constance
Crystal Crystal (same as Jung Soo Jung)
Daisy day Xi
Daphne. Daphne
Darcy, Darcy
Debbie Debbie (Deborah, Deborah's nickname)
Deborah Deborah
Debra Debra
Demi Demi
Diana Diana
Donna. (meaning) lady (the honorific title placed in front of a lady's name is equivalent to Madam)
Doris Doris
Edith Edith
Iddisah Iddisah
Elaine. Elaine (female name)
Eleanor Eleanor
Elizabeth Elizabeth
Ella Ella
Alan Allen
Ellie Ellie (Eleanor, Allen's nickname)
Emerald Amy Lida
Emily. Emily
Emma. Dinah
Enid Enid
Elsa Elsa (nickname for Elizabeth)
Erica Erica (Eric's female form)
Estelle, estelle >>
Americans always have a JR after their names? Jr. is the abbreviation of Junior, usually added after a man's name. Westerners often change their sons' names to the same names as their fathers or grandfathers. This is very different from the habit of China people. Traditionally, people in China regard the ancestors' names of grandfather and father as taboo, and should not mention them casually to show their respect for their elders. It was disrespectful for ancient people to call teachers and elders by their first names, and even to mention the homophonic names of emperors. For example, Wang Zhaojun changed her name to "Fei Ming" because she wanted to avoid Si Mazhao's taboo.
Westerners, on the other hand, are much more open-minded, but it may also be because they lack creativity and are too lazy to change another name. There are many cases where father and son have the same name. But I also hope that the tiger father has no children and that the son can be as brilliant as his father's achievements.
Not to mention others, there are many examples of American presidents, and John F. Kennedy is one of them; George Bush came second.
Ask for the full names of several foreigners: Leonard Knox, Leonard, Knox Milo Mason, Milo Mei Sen, Nigel Nevin, Nigel Nevin, Adele Bessemer, Bessemer Belinda Raman, Belinda Raman.
American surname? Westerners' surnames are really strange and varied, especially Americans, which are the highest in the world. For example, someone's surname is apple and orange; Some people are surnamed rice and wheat (wheat); Some people are named ham and wolf; Other people's names are Armstrong (brawny arm) and Coward (coward); Some people are obviously white, but their surnames are black; There is also a blonde "Snow White", but her surname is blakeman (black); Some professors are full of knowledge, but their surname is Farmer, while farmers with little education are named Wiseman.
Why is this? This is because their surnames come from special sources. Some people take social status as their surnames: like King and Pope; Some people take their ancestors' occupations as their surnames: farmer farmer, Smith Smith, blacksmith; Some people take looks as their surnames: strong (strong), long (tall) and short (short); Others take color as their surnames: black (black), white (white) and brown (brown). Others take the place where their ancestors lived as their surnames, birds and beasts as their surnames, scenery as their surnames, and so on.
According to A Glance at America, American names are simple. Although it claims to be more than 3,500, only 500 girls and 800 boys are commonly used. Except for John, Peter, Yue Se and Mary, most of these names are copied from the Bible. American parents don't rack their brains to make a fuss about naming their children like their parents in China, as long as they choose a satisfactory one according to the Bible.
In contrast, American surnames are extremely complicated. The United States is a "national platter." All the races in the world live in mixed places, bringing their own cultures, languages and lineages, as well as their surnames. The variety of surnames in the United States is bound to rank first in the world. Anyway, the strange surnames of immigrants of Anglo-Saxon descent from five continents are an eye-opener.
For example, some people's surnames are apples, others are oranges, rice, wheat and corn.
Some people's surnames are bacon, ham, cough, wolf, fox, ash, poison, rooster, duck and fish, which is ridiculous. Some people are called birds. Although there are many people in China whose surnames are Niu and Ma, calling them "Mr. Bird" and "Mrs. Bird" sounds funny to people in China.
Someone's surname is Armstrong. Ancestors must be big shots and strong enough. Some people are cowards, some people are crazy, coffins, brooms, and even broomsticks. There are people whose surnames are death and hell, which is a bit unlucky. Grave and the dead are unlucky words, and they dare to use their surnames in America. The rest can be imagined.
Some people are obviously white, but their surnames are black, and shiny black is white. Many "Snow White" with blue eyes and blonde hair are called "blakeman", "bookworm" and "bald" by others. Some professors are rich and learned, and their names are actually farmers, while farmers who don't know a word are publicly named Wiseman.
Richman's surname is not necessarily rich. Some people's surnames are Bank, Bankmann, Goldman Sachs, Gold, Jewelry, Ring, Silver, Stock and Cash, but they are still poor. A free man may break the law and be imprisoned, but a sinner may have good character and always serve the public ... >>
Amy: It means lovely people.
Alisa: Happy girl.
Angels, messengers. Angelia is portrayed as a beautiful and petite woman with a sweet and gentle personality or a lively and reckless personality.
Amanda: Its root means love. It means lovely people. People think she is conservative, beautiful, slim, sweet and rich.
Annie: A kind and elegant girl likes to help others. Many royal queens and princesses are called Anne, and many civilians also like this name.
Kelly: It gives people the impression that they are cute and smart blondes, who may have two completely different personalities. One is a playful and outgoing girl, and the other is a quiet and withdrawn woman. (same as Kerry)
Kathy: Lovely and popular college girl, happy and sweet.
Daisy: Daisy. The blonde girl from the forest is sweet and lovely.
Fern means diligent, studious and quiet.
Alice means nobility.
Rabbits represent color, friendliness and affability.
Belle means elegant, beautiful, cheerful and enthusiastic.
Estelle is independent, friendly and enthusiastic.
Ja *** ine has the meaning of flowers.
Iris is a tall, slim and meticulous idealist.
Emily is petite, lovely and quiet.
Elsa Ai Lisha
Amy Amy
Alice. Alice
Alina Elena
Alison. Alison.
Amanda. Amanda
Amy. Amy
Amber amber
Anastasia anastasia (nicknamed Stacey)
Andrea. Andrea
Angela. Angela
Angelia. Angelia
Angelina Angelina
Ann Ann (Hannah's English form)
Anne Anne (Tongan)
Anne Anne (Anne's nickname)
Anita Anita (Spanish means Ann)
Ariel. Ariel.
April, April
Ashley. Ashley
Aviva aviva (with Avivahc and Avivi)
Barbara Barbara
Beata beat
Beatrice, Beatrice (same as Beatrice)
Becky Becky (Rebecca's nickname)
Betty Betty (a nickname for Elizabeth)
Blanche Blanche
Bonnie Bonnie
Brenda Brenda (Brandon and Brandon's female form)
Camille Camille
Candice Candice
Carmen Carmen
Carol cairol
Caroline. Caroline.
Carry Kelly
Kelly kelly (nickname for Carol and Caroline, same as Kelly)
Cassandra. Cassandra.
Charlene Marilynn Dangelo Charlene Marilynn Dangelo (with Caroline and Charlotte)
Charlotte. Charlotte.
Cherry cherry cherry
Cheryl Cheryl (another form of Charlotte, also with the same name as Cheryl)
Chris Chris (short for Christine, the same as Chris)
Christina Christina (with Christine)
Christie Christie (short for Christine)
Cindy Cindy (Cinderella, Cynthia, Lucinda's nickname)
Claudia. Claudia (female name)
Close. Clarence.
Connie Connie (nickname for constance)
Constance, constance
Crystal Crystal (same as Jung Soo Jung)
Daisy day Xi
Daphne. Daphne
Darcy, Darcy
Debbie Debbie (Deborah, Deborah's nickname)
(added before the verb) means "negative" and "opposite"; (added before nouns to form verbs) means "get rid of", "get rid of">& gt.
American name? American first name comes first, last name comes last?
Top Ten Surnames in the United States: "Smith" is the largest surname in the United States, with more than 2.3 million people using it. The second to tenth places are Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Miller, Gelve, Garcia, Rodriguez and Wilson. Among them, "Garcia" and "Rodriguez" two Latin American surnames entered the "Top Ten" for the first time.
Do Americans have their surnames first or first? The first name comes before the last name, but their names generally have three parts: first name, middle name and last name. Generally, middle names are omitted when addressing others. When we address foreigners in China, most people use their surnames. For example, George Brown, whom we usually call Brown, has some names, such as Kobe Bryant. We used to call him Kobe. After all, it's just a habit. The name is a code name.
Some Christians have the habit of asking priests to give their children Christian names, which should be put before their own names, such as Edward adam smith, where Edward is the Christian name, Adam is my first name and Smith is the inherited surname. In some famous families in the west, there is also the habit of using father's name or father's surname and adding the word "small", but the word "small" should be put in front when translating, such as John Wilson, Jr, translated into "little John"? Wilson. As for the current president-elect of the United States, George W. Bush, the former governor of Texas, is also called George W. Bush because of his honorific title to distinguish him from his father, George W. Bush, who is the president. In addition, some people add Roman numerals to their names to show their differences from their parents, such as George Brown III. Brown is third.
I hope I can solve your problem.