Jews; A profiteer; Usury; Greedy person
Jews. Jews.
Oxford English dictionary
Jews; Judaism
A member of an ancient Hebrew ethnic and cultural group whose traditional religion is Judaism and comes from Israel; A person who believes in and practices Judaism
Ying Ying's explanation.
A person belonging to a worldwide group who claims to be a descendant of Jacob (or converted to it) and has cultural or religious ties.
Hebrew Israelites
"Caliph" Jew?
example sentence
then what Why? Is it? Answer? Okay? Jews? Like what? What about you? leave
Then why can a good Jew like you go?
Jewish? Trick? Where to? Manufacturing? Money:? Do what? Business? Related? Where to? Woman. ?
The magic weapon for Jews to earn money: doing women's business.
That? Jewish ears? Protein? Extract? By who? Ultrasound? Method? Used to be. Studied it. ?
The ultrasonic extraction technology of protein from Auricularia auricula was studied.
Study? Open? Tall? Output? Skill? Yes? Black? Jewish? Ears?
Study on High-yield Techniques of Auricularia auricula
New? Conception? Yes? Property? Jews? Investment? And then what? Issue?
New concept of real estate jewelry investment and marketing