1, judging from the product appearance. Many big-name bags, cosmetics or skin care products, although there are many high imitations or fakes, although they can be similar to the genuine ones in appearance, they will show flaws in workmanship and some details. Only by careful comparison can we find the difference.
2. Judging from the product certificate and code. Many big-name goods have only one code. If you find the same code, one of them may be fake. In addition, some big-name products will provide product certificates. If the goods you bought are not available, they may be high imitation or fake.
3. Imported skin care products should be marked in Chinese. The description of Dior products purchased overseas is mainly in French and English, but in 20 13, Dior launched the Asian version, adding Japanese, Korean and simplified Chinese. Dior products purchased in China market should be marked in Chinese as long as they are imported through formal channels.
Dior's products are rich in style, experienced in art and efficient in skin care technology, which occupies an important position in the global perfume and cosmetics market. Dior's theme products mainly include women's perfume, men's perfume, make-up and skin care, providing a constantly updated color world for all those who want to make up, paint their lips, show off their beauty and beautify their nails.
Dior's first lipstick was born in 1955. It is the predecessor of blue and gold lipstick, which is packed in a square glass bottle, just like a piece of jewelry, and is used by classic women to start their lives. Blue and gold lipsticks have become classics for nearly half a century with their dark blue hexagons.