There is a well-like grotto on Mount Yi in Zhangqiu, which is several feet deep. There is a cave door on the north wall, which I will show you. I have been near the village for generations, and I also went to the village for a drink on the 9 th, and I have been exploring. Three people were knocked down by the light. The cave is high and open, and the summer house is a little narrow, but it suddenly bottoms out. There is a sinus at the bottom where snakes can enter. Candles and paints are dark and unpredictable.
The two of them flinched reluctantly; A man scoffed and rushed in. Fortunately, the pass is only thicker than the blockage, that is, the high pier is wide and standing. The stones on it are uneven and dangerous and will not fall. The two walls are uneven, resembling birds, beasts, people and ghosts: if birds fly, animals behave, people sit and stand, ghosts, and show anger; It is strange that there are many kinds of ugliness and few kinds of beauty. My heart is in awe. When you are satisfied with the road, there will be no shortage of evil. Wandering for hundreds of steps, I opened a stone room in the western wall, and there was a strange stone on the left side of the door. Ghost face stood beside people, eyes angry, mouth open, teeth ferocious, left hand punched in the waist, right hand fingers crossed and pounced on people. In fear, Mao Sensen stood. Looking at Ruo ash in the crack of the door, I knew someone had been here, but I was a little brave and forced in. I saw bowls and lamps on the ground. There was dirt in them, but they were all close to the present, not ancient kilns. Next to the tin pot four, the heart is beneficial and the tie is tied around the waist. That is, he looked out and lay in the west corner, with two arms and four legs lying sideways. It sucks. Step by step, tiptoe, the plum blossom is still engraved, knowing that it is a young woman. People don't know where they are or when they will die. The color of clothes is dark, don't divide it into green and red; Fluffy hair, like a basket of messy silk stuck to the skull; There are two eyes and two nostrils. The two lines of rhinoceros are white, indicating the mouth. Some people think that there are golden beads on the head, and fire is near the brain. As if there was a breath, the lamp shook, the flame turned yellow, and the clothes were lifted. After the big taboo, hands shake. The light went out. Thinking of the rush on the road, I dare not touch the wall for fear of meeting ghosts and things. When the head hits the stone, the servant will get up again; When you soak your chin in cold and wet water, you know it's blood, but you can't feel the pain, so you can't moan; When you rush to the sinus, you will fall, as if someone had caught you, and you will faint. After sitting on the well for a long time, they became suspicious, and then they got off. Reaching into the sinus, I saw my hair on the stone and my blood froze. Two people pale, afraid to enter, sitting there sad sigh. Inoue let two people down again; Where there is a brave man, start to make progress and drag him out. On the mountain, I woke up for a long time, and the words were continuous. Endless hatred; If you are extremely poor, you will have a better life. After stamping, he was told to seal the sinus with pills and mud and not to enter again.
In 267, Kangxi, the south cliff of Ganniang Valley collapsed, and now the mouth of the cave looks like a dense bamboo shoot. However, it's too dangerous here, and no one dares to go in. Suddenly, a Taoist priest came, claiming to be a disciple of Li Zhong, and said, "Send the teacher first, and get rid of dung in the cave." The Taoist priest carried it down, landed on stalagmites, and died through his abdomen. Ordered to seal its hole. There must be a fairyland among them, and I cherish the body of the Taoist priest, and there is no reply.
There is a chaya mountain in Zhangqiu County, Shandong Province. There is a well-shaped cave several feet deep in the mountain. There is a cave door on the north wall of the grotto. You can see it when you stick your head out of the edge of the cave.
Just a few people in the nearby village climbed the mountain on the Double Ninth Festival on September 9 and came here to drink dogwood wine, so they discussed going into the grottoes to explore the situation inside. Three of them took candles and carried them to the bottom of the cave with ropes. I saw that the cave on the north wall was tall and spacious, just like a big house; Took a few steps inside, became a little narrow, then walked forward and suddenly came to an end. There is a small hole at the bottom of the hole where people can climb in. I took a picture by candlelight. It was dark and unfathomable. Two of them didn't have the courage to go any further and quit; The other man laughed at their cowardice, grabbed the candle and tightened himself into the small hole.
Fortunately, the narrow place is only as thick as a wall, and suddenly it is tall and spacious when you get in. He stood up and walked on. The stones on the top of the head are uneven and dangerous, as if they were about to fall. The cave walls on both sides overlap steeply, just like statues in temples, all in the shape of birds, beasts, people and ghosts: birds have to fly, beasts have to walk, people have to sit and stand, ghosts have to show their anger, and they are all strange and ugly. When he saw it, he became nervous and afraid. Fortunately, the road under our feet is flat and there are no potholes.
After walking slowly for hundreds of steps, I saw a stone room opened on the west wall. On the left side of the door, a strange stone ghost stood at him, staring at his eyes, his mouth opened like a dustpan, and his teeth and tongue were viciously exposed. Its left hand clenched fist, waist support fist; Spread your fingers with your right hand, as if to pounce on someone. The man's hair stood on end with fear. Seeing the charred charcoal ash in the stone gate from a distance and knowing that someone had been in it, I summoned up a little courage and went in.
He saw some bowls and small wine cups on the ground, which were filled with earth; But they are all recent artifacts, not ancient kiln goods. There are four tin flagons beside them. He thought it was cheap, so he untied a belt and tied it around his waist. Then I looked to the side and saw a body lying in the west corner, with two arms and two legs stretched out straight around. He was terrified. On closer inspection, I still have pointed shoes and plum blossoms engraved on the soles, knowing that this is a young woman. But I don't know which village she came from, let alone what year she died. The color of the woman corpse's clothes has darkened, and it is unclear whether it is blue or red; Her hair is fluffy, like a basket of messy silk, attached to the skull; There are two eyes and nostrils in the lower part of the skull; Two rows of teeth are white and dense, knowing that this is the mouth. Thinking that there must be gold, silver and jewels on the woman's head, he put a candle near her head. Suddenly, I felt that there was a blowtorch in the woman's mouth. The candlelight was flickering, the flame was dim, and her clothes were blown up. He was really scared at this moment. When his hand shook, the candle went out at once.
In the dark, he hurried back along the road he remembered when he came, afraid to touch the cave wall with his hand for fear of meeting a ghost. Unexpectedly, his head hit a stone and he fell to the ground at once. He stood up at once and felt something wet and cold running down his cheek to his chin. Knowing that it was blood, he didn't feel any pain, and restrained himself from moaning. Panting, he ran to the edge of the small hole and was about to get down. It seemed that someone suddenly grabbed his hair and he suddenly fainted.
They sat on the edge of the grotto and waited for a long time, but they didn't see the man come out. They suspected that something had happened to him, so they let the original two people down with a rope. A man reached into a small hole and saw his hair hanging on a stone, his face covered with blood and he was unconscious. They were too scared to go in and had to sit and sigh. In a short time, two more people fell from above; One of them is bold, so hurry in and drag him out.
The man was taken out of the cave and put on the mountain. It took him a long time to wake up. He told everyone in detail everything he saw in the cave. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach the end of the hole; If we can go to the end, there will be a better scene. Later, the Zhangqiu county magistrate heard about it and sent someone to seal the small hole in the grottoes with mud balls to prevent anyone from entering again.
During the reign of Kangxi in 267, the south cliff of Yangmuyu collapsed and a hole appeared. People look from the side and see many stalactites like dense bamboo shoots. But the cave is deep and dangerous, and no one dares to go in.
Suddenly a Taoist priest came, claiming to be a disciple of the immortal Li Zhong. He said, "Master sent me to clean the abode of fairies and immortals first." The villagers provided him with a lamp, and the Taoist priest went down with it. Unexpectedly, he accidentally fell on a stalagmite, and his abdomen was pierced and he died. People reported the county magistrate, who sent someone to seal the hole. There must be a wonderland in the cave, but unfortunately the Taoist priest died and there was no reply.