Shining Dawn Stone +8 Intelligence
Shining lion's eye stone+10 intelligence
Unstable turquoise +4 intelligence +6 endurance -40 pieces of Epipis, used to buy the mission of Feng Daoshan Sky Guard.
Fire White Stone+1 1 Healing +4 Intelligence-Heroes Break the Museum
Energized fire white stone +6 spell damage, +4 intelligence-hero steam cellar
Glow Flame Garnet +7 Healing, +3 Intelligence-Astral Alliance-Friendly
Glowing topaz +9 healing, +4 intelligence-the world falls.
Glow burning stone+1 1 treatment, +5 intelligence-quicksand scale-respect.
Insight into the wisdom of Earth Storm Diamond 12, and have a certain chance to restore mana after casting (effect condition: 2 red, 2 blue and 2 yellow) -Chatal- friendly forces.
Dalaran's painting needs a jeweler's badge. You can get a badge every day! Four purple drawing badges, three blue badges, two dragon pupil stone badges, five transformation badges and six jewelry badges!
Blasting the highest grade ore Titan steel ore has a certain chance to produce Titan steel powder, 10 powder convertible 1 badge!
The price of this powder is 12- 15G. It takes me at least 5W- 10W gold coins to complete a grand slam jewelry! In other words, a purple drawing needs to be between 480 and 600 g!
I hope you will think twice before you do, which kind of drawings to buy first, and then slowly do your daily work before you get other drawings!
Guangming Wanghupo +20 Intelligence
Mingyan autumn pyroxene+16 intellectual northern crack ornament trainer
Glowing amethyst+12 damage+10 intelligence
Luminous topaz +9 dharma wounds +8 Intelligence source: Dalaran jeweler x3 jeweler badge.
Eye of the Zur+10 intelligence +5 seconds back to blue Source: Dalaran jeweler x3 jeweler badge
The Eye of the Prophet Zur+10 Intelligence+10 Spiritual Source: Dalaran Jeweler x3 Jeweler Badge
Prophet's Emerald +8 Intelligence +8 Spiritual Source: Dalaran Jeweler x3 Jeweler Badge
Forest Eternal Emerald +8 Intelligence+12 Endurance Drop: The hero Dak Salon Fortress Prophet Salonia will fall.
Brilliant forest jade +8 intelligence +5 seconds back to blue Source: Dongyonghu Quartermaster
Insight into the earth siege diamond +2 1 intelligence +5 seconds back to the blue Source: Dalaran jeweler x5 jeweler badge