Line assistant
Last March, he found a job as a production assistant in a local jewelry company, but he resigned two months later.
Last March, he successfully applied for the position of production assistant in a local jewelry company, but resigned after working for two months.
Work as a production assistant with Danny.
That's Danny's place, as a production assistant.
The media focused on a female production assistant whose clothes were considered too revealing.
A production assistant became the focus of media debate because she was considered too exposed.
Monroe just married Arthur Miller. During the filming, she had to live in London. At that time, she met colin clark, a young production assistant, and made friends with him.
At that time, Monroe had just married Arthur Miller. She must live in London and continue filming. At that time, she met colin clark, a young assistant producer, and they later became friends.
The production assistant of a production company in Beijing said that almost all the scripts he read were knockoffs of Hollywood blockbusters or mindless romantic comedies.
The production assistant of a film company in Beijing said that the scripts he watched were either completely copied from Hollywood blockbusters or brainless romantic comedies.