Master said, "Go to the jewelry market now, and don't sell it below 500 thousand." He went to the jewelry store. He can't believe they are willing to pay 50 thousand yuan, but he doesn't want to sell it. They continued to raise prices-they paid 654.38 million yuan. But the disciple said, "I'm not going to sell it at this price." They said, "We will pay 200,000 or 300,000!" The apprentice said, "I still can't sell it at this price." I'm just asking the price. " Although he felt incredible: "These people are crazy!" He thought the price of the vegetable market was enough, but he didn't show up. Finally, he sold the stone for 500,000 pounds.
When he came back, the master said, "But now you understand, it depends on whether you have a touchstone and understanding. If you don't want a higher price, you will never get a higher price. "
In this story, Master wanted to tell his disciples the truth of realizing the value of life, but in the process of selling stones, an economic law was reflected: veblen effect.