Thai baht is also the official currency of Thailand, also known as "Thai baht", which is issued by the Bank of Thailand. 1 Thai baht equals 100 Sadang. The denominations of Thai baht are 5 10, 20, 50, 60, 100, 500 baht and 50 sadang, and there are also coins of 5 10, 25, 50 sadang and 10 baht. There are six denominations of banknotes in circulation, such as 5 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 baht, and 5 10, 25, 50 sadang and 1, 2 and 5 baht coins. The head of King Bhumibol adulyadej of Thailand was cast on the front of every casting market. At first, Thai baht was the weight unit of Thai silver, and one Thai baht was equivalent to 15.244 grams. It is also the unit of gold measurement in Thailand's jewelry industry today.