Synchrotron is one of the oxides of silicon, and its chemical composition is mainly SiO2 _ 2, which is a ternary system. Translucent or opaque crystals; When containing impurities, the color is different. Colorless and transparent crystals are called crystals, milky white ones are called Shi Ruying, light red ones are called Rose Seasons, purple ones are called amethyst or amethyst, yellow-brown ones are called smoke crystals and tea crystals, green ones are called emeralds, and black ones are called black crystals. Pure synchrony can let ultraviolet light, visible light and infrared light pass through in a certain wavelength range, and has optical rotation, piezoelectricity and electrostriction.
Timely complete crystals exist in rock caves, massive crystals exist in thermal vein minerals, and granular crystals are important components of granite, gneiss, sandstone and other rocks.
Yingshi is the second largest ore in continental crust after feldspar, which is hard in texture and the main component of granite. It is the only one of more than ten natural isomers of silica that is stable at normal temperature and pressure.
There are many varieties in time, which are squeezed by the constant movement and change of the earth's crust, forming a few precious gems. Especially in Europe and the Middle East, it has been widely used to make jewelry and hard stone carvings since ancient times.
Timely crystals can also be grown artificially.
It is also used as one of the materials for making glass.