. Learn bow specialization +5
Learn20558 throwing specialty +5
Learn20554 Furious attack and casting speed increased 10% to 30%.
Learn20557 The damage of the black beast to the beast is +5%.
low-built/short person
Learn20596 Frost resistance+10
. learn248 1 treasure hunt
Learn20595 firearms specialization +5
Learn 20594 stone form armor enhancement 10%, 8 seconds immune bleeding, poison, disease.
Orc language
Learn20575 orders pet damage to increase by 5%.
. learn20573 Tough anti-coma probability increased 15%.
Learn20574 Axe Specialization +5
Learn20572 Bloody Fury attack strength increased by 6 points for 15 seconds.
Learn 7744 Undead Will Relieve, Immune Fear, Charm and Hypnosis, lasting for 5 seconds.
Learn20579 Shadow Resistance+10
Learn5227 underwater breathing underwater breathing time is extended by 300%
. Learn 20577 cannibalism
. Maximum battery life of learning 20550 increased by 5%
Learn that the 20549 war tramples on up to 5 enemies within 8 yards, and they are unconscious for 2 seconds.
. Learning and practicing herbalism 20552+15 points
. Learning 2055 1 natural resistance+10
Blood elf
Learning arcane affinity barrier+10
The enemy sank within an 8-yard radius of the arcane torrent for 2 seconds.
Learn from the United Nations mana transfer.
. Learn United Nations spell resistance +5
. learn20598 human spirit+10%
Learn 20597 sword weapon specialization
. learn20599 reputation gain speed+10%
Learn20600 Perception improves the ability to detect stealth for 20 seconds.
Learn 20864 hammer weapon specialization
Night Elves
Shadows are invisible.
Learn20583 natural resistance+10
. learn20585 The elf soul becomes an elf after death. Moving speed +50%
Learn20582 fast dodge+1%
. Learn jewelry cutting processing +5
Learn20579 Shadow Resistance+10
. Blessing from learnunneru
Learn un to inspire aura.
Learn20592 arcane resistance+10
. Learn 20593 engineering specialization+15
. learn2059 1 Broaden thinking and intelligence +5%
. Learn 20589 to escape experts and lift all restrictions on movement.
Skill =95 1 5 // defense defense
Skill = 162 1 5// unarmed attack.
Spell =203 // unarmed attack
Skill =44 1 5 // Axe One-handed Axe
Spell = 196 // Axe One-handed Axe
Skill = 172 1 5// two-handed axe
Spell = 197// Two-handed axe Two-handed axe
Skill =45 1 5 // bow
Spell =264 // Bow
Skill =226 300 300 // crossbow
Spell = 5011/crossbow
Skill = 173 1 5// dagger dagger
Spell = 1 180// dagger dagger
Skill =228 1 5 // wand
Spell =5009 // Wand Wand
Skill = 136 1 5// staff
Spell =227 // staff
Skill =43 1 5 // single sword
Spell =20 1 // sword single-handed sword
Skill = 55 1 5// Two-handed sword
Spell =202 // Two-handed Sword
Skill =54 1 5 // Maces one-handed hammer
Spell= 198 // Maces one-handed hammer
Skills = 160 1 5// two-handed hammer.
Spell = 199// Two-handed hammer Two-handed hammer
Skill = 473 1 5// fist gloves weapon
Spell = 15590// Boxing glove weapon
Skill =227 1 5 // Long-handled spear weapon
Spell=3386 // Long-handled spear weapon
Skill =46 1 5 // Gungun
Spell =266 // gun
Skills = 176 300 300// Throw weapons.
Spell = 2567// Throw a weapon
Skill =229 300 300 // Polearms didn't understand that it was shrimp.
Spell =200 // Polearms is a soldier, so with this, all other professions have been mastered.
Skill = 41511/cloth armor
Spell =9078 // cloth armor
Skill = 41411/leather leather
Spelling = 9077// Leather Leather
Skill = 41311/mail chain mail
Spelling =8737 // mail chain mail
Spell = 750// Plate Armor-Level 40 Plate Armor
Skill = 29311/plate armor-40 plate armor.
Skill = 43311/shield
Spell =9 1 16 // shield
The touch of death is equivalent to. Kill, die if you are a little strange.
You'd better not commit suicide unless you get stuck.
Learn65 Acceleration plus 2% for 30 seconds.
. Learning 9 1 savage assault requires two-handed axes.
Imitating 9999 zangil's touch is effective but not practical.
. It takes two-handed axes to learn 3300 heavy tomahawk.
. learn 17549 arcane defense +3000
. learn 17548 reflection +3000
.learn17546 Nature Conservation +3000
.learn17545 Sanzang +3000
. learn 17543 fire protection +3000
.learn17544 Anti-icing +3000
Learn 2 1 139 Breathe more than 20,000 strokes to attack Princess Black Dragon. It is recommended to use less.
. learn2298 1 Shadow Fierce Inflammation 700 or above is a good long-range attack.
Learning 5 106 crystal sparkle can make a group of strange people dizzy badly 15 seconds.
. learn5 1 10 summons the fire element.
. Learn 5 1 15 to give everyone +50 speed.
.learn5140 explosive. Use with caution.
. learn 1 1 12.
. Is it effective or not to learn 52 19 Sisnett to suck blood?
Learn5220 crazy miser Likapol +50 speed
Learn5239 The mage interrupt skill spell system is needed.
Learn 5257 Thunder Beer
Learn5262 Blade of fanaticism
Learn5426 fast avoidance
Learn5708 A dive fighter must attack+18 and can knock down the opponent.
.learn6612+20 ~ 40 Anger
. learn23 168 dragon blood pain red+15000 blood.
.learn23169 Dragon Blood Pain Green 250 points of continuous damage.
Learning 23 187 burn cream 1800~2000 is a very powerful attack.
. Learn 23205 Kiss of Temptation
.learn23220+100% speed
Learn23224 shadow fog reduction treatment
. Learn 2327 1 instant power+175 spell attack and healing effect.
Learn23275 585 ~ 6 10/0 Attack fear and fright
Learn23278 Shadow sickle works well, but it is not practical.
Learn23308 burns 4000~4500 attacks.
Learn 233 15 to ignite the body and attack and kill many times, 490~560. It is also dangerous to suggest not using yourself.
Learn23333bl logo
.learn23335lm logo
. learn23342 Crazy+150 Shock Wave Effect of Attack Speed and Blame.
Learn23339 Dragon Wings Strike 500~900 Attacks
Learn22994 root winding.
. Learning 22993 Shadow Inflammation
Learn22988 Illidan's Wrath makes opponents attack from a distance-1500 points +20% lethality and 30% attack speed.
Learn22948 Spore Cloud 540 Attack
. Learn 22946, and master centaur's tricks are not powerful.
. learn22888 dragon slayer's roaring spell 10% fatal, melee 5% fatal+140 attack point.
Learn22886 Violent charge damages 300 points continuously. The attack speed is fast and the effect is not good.
Summon the virtual invisible man
Learn22864 Summon Doomsday Guard
Learn22863 speed 30 seconds speed +30%
. Learn 22859 to kill a combat companion with+150% damage.
. Learn 22857 to counter the storm and counter all melee attacks.
Learn22856 Ice locks can lock monsters in place.
. Learn 22833 batting average +75%
. learn228 18+ 15 endurance.
. learn234 15 Strengthen protection and bless immunity. Physical damage can only be used by blue professionals.
. Learning 234 16 pillow fight has no effect.
. learn234 17 suffocation 200~2 10 attack.
.learn23418 Xihong blessing has no effect.
. Learning the recitation of 23442 Wang Yong Town looks good, but it has no effect.
Learn23445 Evil Gemini seems useless.
. Learning 23449 transmitter is on fire, but it's fun and ineffective.
Learn23452 stealth for 2 minutes.
.learn234613500 ~ 4500 group killing injury
Learn23478 5000 ~ 6500 group killing attack
Learn23506 absorbs 700~ 1250 physical damage.
. Learning 235 12 fireball continuous point skill is fast.
. learn235 13 Red Dragon Essence restores 500 mana, 50 ability and 20 rage per second.
Learn23559 deformation
. Learn 23566 to enhance arrow rain and multiple shooting.
Learn23580 blood tooth
. Learning 17547 The weapon damage of a critical strike soldier is +200%.
. Learn 23964 Elegy to gain the Blood Wrath spell.
Learn23952 Shadow Word: You must have a blue class to use the Priest of Pain spell.
. You must have a blue class to learn the 23948 mantra resilience priest spell.
Learning 2393 1 Thunder Strike is better for soldiers, which has the effect of slowing down and hurting.
Learn23858 Holy Nova is similar to Aobao Tuan Killing 1000 multiple attacks.
. Learn 19703 the curse BOSS skill of Luxi Furong.
.learn23967+400% of the damage caused by dragon slaughter is recommended for BWL.
. Learn 23965 immediate treatment and recovery 10000+ Blood Knight skills.
. learn 20597// Proficient in sword weapons
.learn20864//Mastering hammer weapons
. Learning 20595 // Specialization in Firearms
. Majored in 20593 // Engineering
.learn20558//proficient in throwing
. Learnsk 98 300 // lingua franca (human)
. Learn 668 // lingua franca (human)
. Learnsk 109 300 // orcish
. Learn 669 // Orc Language
. Learnsk 3 15 300 // troll language
. learn734 1//troll language
. Learn sk111300//dwarf language.
. learn 672// Dwarf language
. Learnsk 1 13 300 // Darnassus (Elf)
. Learn 671/Darnassus (Elf)
. Learnsk 673 300 // The Language of Immortality
. Learn 17737 // the language of the dead.
. Learnsk 1 15 300 // tauren language
Learn 670///tauren language
Learn 824///Ride: Horse
. Learnsk 148 // Ride: Horse
. Learn 825 // Riding a Horse: Wolf
. Learnsk 149 // Ride: Wolf
. Learn 826 // riding: sheep
. Learnsk 152 // Riding: sheep
. Learn 828 // Ride a Tiger
. Learnsk 150 // Ride: Tiger
. Learn10861/Ride: Raptors
. Learnsk 533 // Riding: Raptors
. Learning 10906 // Riding: Skeleton Warhorse
. Learnsk 554 // Riding: Skeleton Warhorse
. Learning 10908 // Riding: Mechanical Chocobo
. Learnsk 553 // Riding: Mechanical Chocobo
. Learning 18992 // Riding: Beasts of Kodo
. Learnsk 7 13 // Riding: Beast of Kodo
. Learn 232 14 //QS60 task horse.
. learn38905 Embroidered Shield attack caused 1 1 damage.
. Learning 408 10 saber stab seems to hurt more than 10000.
.learn40827 Sinray increases ordinary 7000+ almost full screen by magic effect.
Learn40860 Degenerate ray debuff ordinary 2000+ jump
. learn4086 1 Degenerate ray damage is quite low.
. Learning 4087 1 fatal attraction is similar to Austrian explosion, and the bonus is about 2000.
Learn40736 Death Shock 10000 Shadow damage cast for 2.5 seconds.
Learn40737 Shadow Nova 10000 Shadow Group instant blood transfusion
Learn40733 Aegis invincible eggshell is running out of time.
Learn40728 Violent dance causes more than 4000 extreme melee damage to the target.
Learn 40722 duck male god's will to express magic.
. learn4072 1 shadow arrow rain on 1200 damage.
. Learn 407 19. The fire range is about 40 yards ... and the damage is very low by 200+
. Learn 407 18 hell train flame 450+
. learn407 14 confused drudgery watch magic.
. learn407 13 It is useless to imprison an arcane ball on the sole of your foot.
Learn40693 cage trap watch magic is similar to the effect after transmission.
Learn40685 Shadow Impact Point Magic takes 4500-5700+ damage every 3 seconds.
Learn40683 Enrage buff Magic 1.3 sec. Cast for 20 sec. Damage +50% Attack Speed 30%.
Learn 40678 Super Jumping Group Magic Instant Range 200+ damage plus coma with screen vibration.
. Learn 40674 to make a convenient evil gun. Watching magic is similar to sucking blue.
Learn40674 Evil energy cannon impacts 50+ damage.
. With the goal of 2000 blood per second, learn 4067 1 life channel guidance skills.
Learn40657 ancient flame point skill is 300+ every 3 seconds.
. Learn the shining watching skills of 40655 Sky Guard.
Learn40653 Cyclone chop range melee normal attack plus 100 damage.
The target area of learn40649 hellgun is 100 yards. The attack range of the reflected shell is about 1 yard. The range is 1000+
Learn40647 Shadow Cage Magic instantly stunned for 30 seconds.
Learn40636 Fear Roaring Range Magic 1.5 seconds Release a wide range of fear for several seconds.
Learn40634 Summon Xiao Xinguan to watch magic and summon the baby elephant.
. Learn 4063 1 Fire-affected area magic to cause 7500+ damage to the front area.
Learn40630 Acid Fountain has a magic range of 40 yards and a distance of 3500+ every 3 seconds from the designated area.
Learn40629 Acid Fountain Range Magic Direct Area 3500+ Damage
. learn4062 1 underwater breathing range. Breathe underwater for 30 minutes near buff.
. learn406 14 summon eggs, and see the birds in the eggs summoned by magic.
. learn406 13 Summon Willie to watch magic and summon the one eye.
Learn406 10/0 bright range buff lasts 1 min, causing 5000+ damage to nearby enemies.
. learn40604 evil energy furious buff plus target life limit can't be friendly and yourself.
Learn40602 charge sheet skill 10-40 yards w distance no CD charge no stun effect.
Learning 4060 1 angry buff plus 8% attack speed can overlap 20 times 10 second.
. learn40599 avoids death in the melee zone within the smooth arc.
Learn40598 fireball spells cast 2800+ blue fireball spells for 2 seconds.
. Learn 40597 expelling single melee attack plus attack power 1000, stun for 2 seconds, and cool down for 2 seconds.
Learn40596 speed buff moving speed plus 100% for 6 seconds, only for yourself.
Learn40595 Evil Sour Breath Range Magic deals 2850-3 150 natural damage and 2750 damage per second to the enemy in front of 10 yards for 5 seconds (40508) for 20 seconds and 2 seconds.
. Learn 40594 evil energy and be furious, and see that the possessed nature is more and more used by oneself.
. learn40592 earthquake range magic 1 sec casts 60-yard range 2 1000+ damage sum 1000 every 3 seconds.
Learn40585 Dark Barrier Monolithic Magic is cast for 3 seconds, with 3000 guidance every 3 seconds.
Learn40574 lunch umbrella See the magic summoning parasol.
Learning 4057 1 speed buff moving speed plus 100% duration 10 second can be used by anyone.
. Learn 40565 "Swallow the Essence Monomer Magic" to devour a person's life and return to his own blood 10-40 yards away for 30 seconds to cool down.
Learn 40564 to go back to weapons and watch magic fly your own weapons from your opponent.
Learn40563 Throw your weapon for 5-45 yards, and cool it for 8 seconds for 8000+ damage.
Learn40562 The evil energy flame indicates that magic causes 1 damage to the cone area in front.
. Learn 40560 to punish the damage caused by using two weapons near a single unit, and cause 3 times damage to the unconscious enemy.
. Learn 40557 leap attack aura and watch magic release green fireballs.
Learn40554 Fireball single magic cast 30 yards distance 1 100+ damage for 3 seconds.
Learn40549 Summon orangutans to watch magic and summon baby orangutans.
. Learn 40545 evil growth watch magic 10 second casting becomes bigger.
Learn40542 Twist your armor, and watch the magic turn your armor into 0, surrounded by light.
Learn40538 Increases the maximum life of tenacious buff 1750.
Learn40536 Lightning chain magic attacks 5 enemies within 45 yards with 7000+
. Learn 40535 healing potion monomer magic to restore full blood.
Learn40532 Swamp flowers repel the enemy at 100 yards.
. Learn to set up hot pot and picnic cloth for 40530 picnics.
Learn40506 The demon buff deals 6500+ damage to nearby enemies.
Learn40504 attack 3 people near the site 1 10% in front along the direction.
Learn 4050 1 Absorb life, absorb all nearby life and cool down 1 min.
Learn40497 Chaos charge range Magic 5-35 yards charge nearby causes 20000+ fire damage 15 second cooling.
Learn40496 Chaos Critical Range: 20,000+Fire is cast near magic for 2 seconds.
Learn40492 tramples on the range of 4000+ 8 yards of damage.
. learn4049 1 Chaos strikes the unit near the station for 8 seconds.
. Learn 40488 to trample magic, and add 5 10-650 to the range of 8 yards from normal damage.
Learn40487 Deadly aiming buff attack strength plus 275 for 8 seconds.
Learn40486 Ejection unit near-station normal attack plus 1000 belt flight.
Learn40483 Insight into Grey Tongue buff spell acceleration level increased by 145, lasting for 5 seconds.
Learn from 4048 1 The armor of acid injury monomer near the station is reduced by 500, and it can naturally be superimposed by 300 every 3 seconds.
Learn40480 Hellfire buff power increases spells by 220 points for 5 seconds.
The durable trial unit near .learn40472dot480 was damaged within 8 seconds.
. learn4047 1 durable aura buff 12 seconds to restore 760 damage ff.
Learn40466 Surging energy buff attack intensity lasts for 275 10 second.
Learn 40842 spiritual lash 7500+ spiritual lash. ........
. learn4046 1 vulnerability buff explosion level upgrade 145, lasting 10 second.
Learn 40459 buff, Blood of Flame, Return to 330+ Increase Blood by 55.
. learn40452 Cenarius charging buff strength plus 120, lasting 8 seconds.
Learn40446 Elune blessed the therapeutic effect to be improved by 2 10 for 8 seconds.
Learn40465 A spell of blessing damage 150 lasts for 8.
. Learn 4044 1 holy anger treatment for 220 8 seconds.
. learn40444 soldiers are waiting to try.
Learn40434 exclusion
Learn40433 Kilo-Hop Cracking Range Magic 1300+ Damage and 450+ every 3 seconds within the range.
Learn40425 Magic Blast is cast after 5 seconds of 7000+ damage.
Learn40424 Arcane Arrow Rain 3000+
Learn40420 Lightning Spitting 2000+
. learn4075 1 Silence is only cooled by men * * *
Learn40770 sunder armor reduces enemy armor by 3000 for 8 seconds.
. Learning 408 1 1 paranormal young dragons summon little dragons infinitely ... is of little use and fun.
Learn40823 Silence scream group silence lasts 10 second.
The learn40832 flame pool skill summons a flame, which can cause 5000+ area damage.
. Learn 40835 static force field monomer and knock the other person out for 4 seconds or 3 seconds and forget it.
The touch of death is equivalent to. Kill, die if you are a little strange.
You'd better not commit suicide unless you get stuck.
Learn65 Acceleration plus 2% for 30 seconds.
. Learning 9 1 savage assault requires two-handed axes.
Imitating 9999 zangil's touch is effective but not practical.
. It takes two-handed axes to learn 3300 heavy tomahawk.
. learn 17549 arcane defense +3000
. learn 17548 reflection +3000
. learn 17546 nature conservation +3000
.learn17545 Sanzang +3000
. learn 17543 fire protection +3000
.learn17544 Anti-icing +3000
Learn 2 1 139 Breathe more than 20,000 strokes to attack Princess Black Dragon. It is recommended to use less.
. learn2298 1 Shadow Fierce Inflammation 700 or above is a good long-range attack.
Learning 5 106 crystal sparkle can make a group of strange people dizzy badly 15 seconds.
. learn5 1 10 summons the fire element.
. Learn 5 1 15 to give everyone +50 speed.
.learn5140 explosive. Use with caution.
. learn 1 1 12.
. Is it effective or not to learn 52 19 Sisnett to suck blood?
Learn5220 crazy miser Likapol +50 speed
Learn5239 The mage interrupt skill spell system is needed.
Learn 5257 Thunder Beer
Learn5262 Blade of fanaticism
Learn5426 fast avoidance
Learn5708 A dive fighter must attack+18 and can knock down the opponent.
.learn6612+20 ~ 40 Anger
. learn23 168 dragon blood pain red+15000 blood.
.learn23169 Dragon Blood Pain Green 250 points of continuous damage.
Learning 23 187 burn cream 1800~2000 is a very powerful attack.
. Learn 23205 Kiss of Temptation
.learn23220+100% speed
Learn23224 shadow fog reduction treatment
. Learn 2327 1 instant power+175 spell attack and healing effect.
Learn23275 585 ~ 6 10/0 Attack fear and fright
Learn23278 Shadow sickle works well, but it is not practical.
Learn23308 burns 4000~4500 attacks.
Learn 233 15 to ignite the body and attack and kill many times, 490~560. It is also dangerous to suggest not using yourself.
Learn23333bl logo
.learn23335lm logo
. learn23342 Crazy+150 Shock Wave Effect of Attack Speed and Blame.
Learn23339 Dragon Wings Strike 500~900 Attacks
Learn22994 root winding.
. Learning 22993 Shadow Inflammation
Learn22988 Illidan's Wrath makes opponents attack from a distance-1500 points +20% lethality and 30% attack speed.
Learn22948 Spore Cloud 540 Attack
. Learn 22946, and master centaur's tricks are not powerful.
. learn22888 dragon slayer's roaring spell 10% fatal, melee 5% fatal+140 attack point.
Learn22886 Violent charge damages 300 points continuously. The attack speed is fast and the effect is not good.
Summon the virtual invisible man
Learn22864 Summon Doomsday Guard
Learn22863 speed 30 seconds speed +30%
. Learn 22859 to kill a combat companion with+150% damage.
. Learn 22857 to counter the storm and counter all melee attacks.
Learn22856 Ice locks can lock monsters in place.
. Learn 22833 batting average +75%
. learn228 18+ 15 endurance.
. learn234 15 Strengthen protection and bless immunity. Physical damage can only be used by blue professionals.
. Learning 234 16 pillow fight has no effect.
. learn234 17 suffocation 200~2 10 attack.
.learn23418 Xihong blessing has no effect.
. Learning the recitation of 23442 Wang Yong Town looks good, but it has no effect.
Learn23445 Evil Gemini seems useless.
. Learning 23449 transmitter is on fire, but it's fun and ineffective.
Learn23452 stealth for 2 minutes.
.learn234613500 ~ 4500 group killing injury
Learn23478 5000 ~ 6500 group killing attack
Learn23506 absorbs 700~ 1250 physical damage.
. Learning 235 12 fireball continuous point skill is fast.
. learn235 13 Red Dragon Essence restores 500 mana, 50 ability and 20 rage per second.
Learn23559 deformation
. Learn 23566 to enhance arrow rain and multiple shooting.
Learn23580 blood tooth
. Learning 17547 The weapon damage of a critical strike soldier is +200%.
. Learn 23964 Elegy to gain the Blood Wrath spell.
Learn23952 Shadow Word: You must have a blue class to use the Priest of Pain spell.
. You must have a blue class to learn the 23948 mantra resilience priest spell.
Learning 2393 1 Thunder Strike is better for soldiers, which has the effect of slowing down and hurting.
Learn23858 Holy Nova is similar to Aobao Tuan Killing 1000 multiple attacks.
. Learn 19703 the curse BOSS skill of Luxi Furong.
.learn23967+400% of the damage caused by dragon slaughter is recommended for BWL.
. Learn 23965 immediate treatment and recovery 10000+ Blood Knight skills.
. learn 20597// Proficient in sword weapons
.learn20864//Mastering hammer weapons
. Learning 20595 // Specialization in Firearms
. Majored in 20593 // Engineering
.learn20558//proficient in throwing
It should be a lot ...