Very valuable and collectible! Agate is one of the most precious agate varieties. The most precious agate produced in China is South Red Agate, and the most precious agate produced abroad will belong to Agate. Agate is valuable for two reasons, one is beautiful, and the other is rare. Agate is very rare, and it can be seen in some large jewelry exhibitions, but it is mainly a ring face without bracelets. This kind of gem is easy to maintain, and the fire color looks good! The more you look at it, the more delicious it is!
Agate can show rainbow-like color, which is a phenomenon that other agates do not have. This is because there are iron oxide thin film mineral crystals in the layered structure of agate, which is the interference phenomenon when light shines on agate. The formed agate usually adheres to the rock surface, unlike other agates, which are bulky. It's hard to find a bigger agate.