If we ordinary people still need to pay for this kind of problem, it must be very sad for us If this kind of problem is really our problem, then we can apply not to pester this thing. But if Chow Tai Fook does this, isn't it a bit against his image as a big company? We can't understand this practice.
In fact, such a problem is not a big problem, but each of us wants an explanation, even if it is only a simple compensation. It's just that their attitude now may not make us feel particularly good. I think if we operate in this situation, then every store can do it. So is it possible for every store to do such a thing unscrupulously? Where are the rights of our ordinary consumers? This is us.
In the face of such a problem, each of us should carefully consider it, because such a problem is really related to the image of our whole enterprise and is also a bad behavior for the whole enterprise. So when we look at these problems, we should not say which one is the problem, but the management of the whole enterprise. If there is a problem in the management or operation of an enterprise, it is a problem of the enterprise, which is actually considered to be a hype of the enterprise itself. Low price to netizens? Leak? Chow Tai Fook's refusal to deliver the goods should be illegal, so in the face of such problems, we should not be soft. We should pick up legal weapons when it is time to do so.