Ancient political etiquette
1 sacrifice to heaven. Worship to heaven, which began in the Zhou Dynasty, is also called suburban worship. On the day of winter solstice, it was held in the southern suburbs of the capital. The ancients first paid attention to the worship of entities, and the worship of heaven was also reflected in the worship of the sun, the moon and the stars. All these specific worship, after reaching a certain number, are abstracted as worship of heaven. The worship of heaven in Zhou Dynasty developed from the worship of "emperor" in Yin Dynasty. The supreme ruler is the son of heaven, and offering sacrifices to heaven serves the supreme ruler. Therefore, the prevalence of worship of heaven did not come to an end until the Qing Dynasty.
2 worship the ground. The solstice in summer is the day of offering sacrifices to the earth, and the etiquette is roughly the same as that of offering sacrifices to heaven. In the Han Dynasty, the Earth God was called Mother, and she was the goddess who blessed mankind, also known as the country God. The earliest place of sacrifice was blood sacrifice. After the Han Dynasty, Feng Shui belief prevailed. The rituals of offering sacrifices to the land include offering sacrifices to mountains and rivers, offering sacrifices to the land gods, the valley gods and the country.
(3) ancestral hall. The ancestral temple system is the product of ancestor worship. Ancestral temple is a place where people set up for the deceased before his death. The ancestral temple system consists of seven temples for emperors, five temples for princes, three temples for doctors and one temple for scholars. Temples are not allowed in Shu Ren. The ancestral temple, the emperor and the vassal are located on the left side of the door, and the doctor sleeps on the left and right sides of the temple. The common people set the ancestral hall next to the kitchen hall of the dormitory. When offering sacrifices, choose a corpse. Bodies are usually served by grandchildren. The god in the temple is a wooden cuboid, which is only placed when offering sacrifices. Sacrifices cannot be called by their first names. There are nine worships when offering sacrifices: kowtowing, nodding, empty bow, vibration, auspicious worship, fierce worship, strange worship, praise worship and su worship. The ancestral hall also offered sacrifices to the first generation of emperors. The Book of Rites Quli stipulates that all the ancestors who made contributions to the people, such as Yao, Shun, Yu, Huangdi, King Wen, should make sacrifices. Since the Han Dynasty, people began to build cemeteries and shrines to offer sacrifices to the previous emperors. Ming Taizu was founded in Kyoto.
Emperors' temples were established in past dynasties. During the Jiajing period, the Emperor Temple was built in Fuchengmen, Beijing, to worship the first king and the 36th emperor.
(4) offering sacrifices to sages. After the Han and Wei Dynasties, the Duke of Zhou was a saint and Confucius was a teacher. In the Tang Dynasty, Confucius was the sage and Yan Hui was the teacher. After the Tang and Song Dynasties, the ceremony of "releasing wine" has always been a ritual of learning and a ritual of offering sacrifices to Confucius. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, wine-releasing ceremonies were held twice a year in the spring and autumn, and Confucius and Yan temples were also set up in county schools all over the country. In the Ming Dynasty, Confucius was called "the most holy teacher". In the Qing Dynasty, there was a Confucius Temple in Shengjing (Shenyang, Liaoning). After Beijing is its capital, it is the capital of the country.
Zijian is imperial academy, and a Confucian Temple is established. Confucius called it "the master of Dacheng Shengxuan". Qufu's temple system, sacrificial vessels, musical instruments and etiquette are all based on Beijing imperial academy. Rural drinking ceremony is the product of offering sacrifices to sages.
⑤ Meeting ceremony. When subordinates meet their superiors, they should pay their respects to each other, and officials should also pay their respects to each other. When they meet, Volkswagen, Marquis and Ma Xu should pay tribute twice. The subordinates face west first, and the superiors face east first. When civilians meet, the young and the old salute, and the young salute. Say goodbye to the four foreign worshippers and pay homage nearby.
⑥ Military salute. Including conquest, taxation, hunting, construction, etc.
Ancient life etiquette
(1) birth ceremony. From a woman's seeking for a child when she is not pregnant to a baby's first birthday, all etiquette revolves around the theme of a long life. Shu Gao's sacrifice is begging etiquette. At this time, an altar was set up in the southern suburbs, and all the empresses participated. During the Han and Wei Dynasties, Gao Qi offered sacrifices. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, a ceremony was made to worship Gao Qi. During the Jin Dynasty, Gao Qi offered sacrifices to Di Qing, and built a wooden square platform in the north of Yong 'anmen in the east of the imperial city. Gao Qi was placed under this platform. There was no sacrifice by Gao Qi in the Qing Dynasty, but there was a ceremony of "changing ropes" with the same meaning. Birthday ceremonies have a preference for sons over daughters since ancient times. Birthday ceremonies also include "Three Dynasties", "Full Moon", "Hundred Days" and "One Year". "Three Dynasties" is three days after the baby was born. The "full moon" shaves the fetal hair when the baby is one month old. In the "Hundred Days" ceremony, the uncle was recognized and named. When you are "one year old", you should grasp the rites of the week and predict the fate and career of your child.
Adult ceremony, also known as coronation ceremony, is a coronation ceremony when men enter adulthood. The coronation ceremony evolved from the adult ceremony attended by young men and women who were popular in clan society at maturity. The Han dynasty followed the crown ceremony system of the Zhou dynasty. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Jia Guan began to accompany with music. Crown ceremony was practiced in the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and was abolished in the Qing Dynasty. Many ethnic minority areas in China still have ancient adult rituals, such as pulling teeth, dyeing teeth, wearing skirts, trousers and tying a bun.
(3) Strict food etiquette. Dining is held in the ancestral temple, and the cooking is too firm to drink guests. The emphasis is on etiquette rather than diet. Yan is a banquet, the ceremony is held in the bedroom, and guests and friends can enjoy drinking. Yan Li has a profound influence on the formation of China's food culture. Festive banquets have formed festive food etiquette in China's folk food customs. Eating Yuanxiao on the 15th day of the first month, cold rice and vegetables in Tomb-Sweeping Day, zongzi and realgar wine in Duanyang in May, moon cakes and laba porridge in Mid-Autumn Festival, and making friends to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new are all festive ceremonies. Eating certain foods on some festivals is also a kind of eating etiquette. Seats for banquets, the order of serving, and the etiquette of persuading wine and toasting all have the requirements of men and women, the relationship of inferiority and the taboo of praying for blessings.
4 guest gifts. Mainly used to receive guests. There are different levels of gift etiquette for guests. When the scholars meet, the guests see the master, taking the pheasant as the guide; When doctors meet, they take geese as baskets; When you meet a doctor, you should take a lamb as a basket.
⑤ Five sacrifices. Refers to the door, door, well, stove and middle room. In the Zhou Dynasty, people visited households in spring, roamed around in summer, visited doors in autumn and visited wells in winter. During the Han and Wei dynasties, there were five sacrifices every season, and in March of Meng Dong, there was a total sacrifice. In the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, the theory of "Seven Sacrifices to Heaven Emperor" was adopted, offering sacrifices to Siming (a minor god in the palace), Zhong You, Guo Hang, (a wild ghost), Hu and Zao. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were still five sacrifices. After Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the special sacrifices of doors, households, middle schools and wells were abandoned, and the stove was only sacrificed on December 23, which was consistent with the folk story that the kitchen god told the sky on December 24. The national sacrificial ceremony adopted a folk form.
6 Nuo instrument. Originated in prehistoric times and prevailed in Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Nuo ceremonies in the Zhou Dynasty were designed to drive away evil spirits and epidemics in the four seasons. Zhou people believe that the operation of nature is closely related to the good or ill luck of personnel. With the change of seasons, the variation of cold and heat, the epidemic of plague and the taking advantage of ghosts, timely mourning is needed to exorcise evil spirits. Fang Shixiang is the main god in Nuo ceremony. Twelve animals formula Shixiang appeared in Nuo instruments in Han Dynasty. Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties followed the Han system, and entertainment elements were added to Nuo ceremonies, with musicians playing Fang and twelve animals. So far, the Nuo ceremony of Tujia nationality in Guizhou is the most complete and typical.
Chinese etiquette plays a quasi-legal role in China culture.
Ornaments for ancient women
Head ornament
In the old society, adult women wore a bun and various headdresses.
One is bone, silver or gold. Ancient woman 15 years old, holding a gift, commonly known as "head", tied her hair in a bun and fixed it with a quilt. The first or both ends of the basket are decorated with flowers and birds and have small pendants.
The second is to issue cards. As far as materials are concerned, there are bone hairpin, horn hairpin, ivory hairpin, copper hairpin, silver hairpin and gold hairpin. Hairpins are used as ornaments for inserting hair bun to prevent hair from spreading. Later, it was improved and decorated with jewelry to make the decorative effect more prominent.
The third one is the hairpin. This is a kind of jewelry consisting of two hair clips, which are pinned to the bun. There are gold hairpin and silver hairpin, often paired, with a phoenix and a phoenix at the first end, called Feng hairpin; There are also beads inlaid with pearls and jade inlaid with jade.
In addition, hair accessories also include ear spoons, hair clips, hair combs, belt buckles, chains and so on. Since the Republic of China, hair clips have been used to cut hair and golden flowers have been used as accessories.
Some rural women in the suburbs of Quanzhou, including Jinjiang, Nan 'an and Hui 'an, keep the custom of "hairpin wreaths". Tie the budding or blooming flowers (smiles, magnolias or small flowers) with twine and wrap them around the bun for at most three or four times, with the same color. We also inserted a hairpin, a silver comb, a gold thread and a "Buddha thread", and hung large flowers on the temples to make the hair covered with green hair look bright and beautiful. It is said that it inherited the customs of Arabs in Song and Yuan Dynasties.
Generally made of gold and silver.
Earrings: ring earrings, with openings at both ends, retractable; Earrings with pendants are generally inlaid with pearls, jade, jadeite and precious stones.
Earhook: It looks like an inverted question mark, commonly known as "clove".
Ear bolt: it is shaped like a round head screw and tightened with a nut.
From the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, girls wore ears tied with red thread from childhood until they were eleven or twelve years old. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, girls were not interested in getting their ears pierced, and women didn't like earrings. Earrings once disappeared. Since the 1980s, young women have revived the craze for earrings, and various patterns have been constantly renovated.
Foot ornament
There are footbridges and footbridges, which are mostly used by young women. As for the baby's hand ornaments (bracelets, bracelets) and foot ornaments (anklets, anklets), they are generally made of silver with small silver bells, which jingle when walking.