After the tide war, the Ming army thought it was accomplished and sent troops back to the DPRK. Yin Zhengmao hurriedly sent the heads, swords and clothes of Huang and fake Wei to Beijing. However, before the certificate was sent to Guangxi, Wei He led the rest of the people to the Phoenix Mountain area. News reached Kyoto, and the court ordered Tang Zhizhong, the magistrate of a county, to offer a large reward for the capture of Wei. Due to the betrayal of the traitor Liao Donggui, Wei, a peasant leader with nearly 60 years of combat experience, was unfortunately arrested and immediately sent to the capital where he died heroically. At this point, the Gutian people's uprising, which lasted for more than one hundred years, finally failed in a pool of blood. (Excerpted from Huang Xianfan's General History of Zhuang Nationality; . )
Note: ① Lin Tingji: See Yongning County Records, Volume 14, Literature and Art..
(2) Yongning County Records Volume III.
(3) "Lingzhou County Records" Volume 14.