Not long after the three "Fang Bo" lived in Beijing with their families, Zhou Wang once went to Jiuhou's house to play. Seeing that Jiuhou's daughter was beautiful, he suggested Jiuhou send her to the palace to be Zhou Wang's concubine. Nine Hou did not dare to refuse, so he had to send his daughter to the palace. However, Jiuhou's daughter knew that Zhou Wang was a bad king. After entering the palace, she always ignored Zhou Wang and pulled a long face all day. On one occasion, Zhou Wang ordered her to laugh or she would be killed. She said to Zhou Wang, "Kill me, I am more painful than death by your side." Zhou Wang was so angry that he killed her. Jiuhou burst into tears when he heard the news of his daughter's death. Unexpectedly, this matter was known by Zhou Wang's minion Fei Zhong. He was arranged beside Jiuhou and immediately told Zhou Wang. Zhou Wang summoned three "Fang Bo", namely Jiuhou, Hubei Hou and Jichang. Ji Chang had a premonition that the summons had escaped, so he said that he was ill and could not go to court. Nine Hou, Hubei Hou and other ministers all went to court, and the atmosphere in Kanatonouchi was very tense, and they all felt that disaster was imminent. Zhou Wang said to Jiuhou, "I killed your daughter. Aren't you dissatisfied with me when you cry? " The Nine Marquis argued, "Your Majesty, it is human nature for my dead daughter to cry a few times ..." Zhou Wang said, "You know human nature, don't you forget the ceremony of the monarch and the minister? It seems that you are arrogant, someone, push him down and behead him! " Hearing this, the marquis of Hubei immediately knelt down to plead for the marquis of Hubei: "Your Majesty, it is human nature for the marquis of Hubei to cry for her daughter. I beg your majesty to spare the marquis of Hubei for the sake of the old minister ... "Zhou Wang not only refused to listen to the marquis of Hubei, but growled," This is all retrogression. How dare you intercede for the rebels? Pull them down and behead them! " Zhou Wang killed Jiuhou and Hubei Hou, cut their bodies into "bacon", chopped them into "meat sauce" and sent them to Xibe Jichang to eat. Xibe Jichang ate "meat breast" and "meat sauce" in front of the guests in the palace and said to the guests, "Minister Jichang kowtowed to the king for the reward. Nine Marquis and the Marquis of Hubei betrayed the king, and deserved it ... "After the people in the court left, Xibo Jichang wept bitterly for the tragic death of two old friends, and at the same time celebrated that he had avoided the disaster. From then on, Ji Chang pretended to be sick at home every day and never left home. He knew that even this could not avoid the fate of the Nine Marquis and the Earl of Hubei, so he secretly sent someone back to his country to let his son and his ministers try to rescue him. As expected, before long, Zhou Wang did something to him, but instead of killing him immediately, he arrested him and put him in prison. Ji Fa, the son of Xibo Jichang, immediately spent all his money, bought fine horses, precious stones and jade articles, and picked many beautiful women. He sent Zhou's ministers to pay tribute to show his loyalty. Accepted the gift, accepted Yao's request, and released Xibe Jichang. After Ji Chang was released from prison, he returned to Zhou with Yao. After Xibe Jichang returned to Zhou State, he immediately trained the army and developed agriculture and animal husbandry. The country soon became strong, and Zhou's neighbors joined Zhou in succession. Zhou Guori is getting stronger and stronger, and he already has the strength to compete with the Shang Dynasty. At this time, some tribes in the eastern part of the Shang Dynasty saw that the national strength of the Shang Dynasty was weakened, and they constantly invaded the Shang Dynasty, provoked troubles and waged small-scale wars. There was a strong threat from Zhou in the west of Shang dynasty, and some tribes invaded in the east, which was in danger of being attacked by east and west. In order to stabilize the domestic situation, Zhou Wang mobilized all domestic forces to attack some tribes in the east. Zhou Wang initially reached an agreement with Zhou Guo in the west, saying that when the Shang Dynasty launched the Eastern War, Zhou Guo must remain neutral and stay put. Who knows that when the Eastern Expedition, Zhou immediately launched an attack on the Shang Dynasty, which made the Shang Dynasty attacked on both sides. Jichang, a Xibe nationality, had passed away at that time, and his son Ji Fa held his father's memorial tablet and headed east under the banner of revenge for his father. My uncle Bi Gan felt that the situation was critical. He risked his life to ask for rapid transfer of troops to the eastern front, while Li defended the Yellow River and prevented Zhou's soldiers from crossing the river. Zhou Wang reluctantly accepted Bi Yu's suggestion and withdrew some troops from the eastern battlefield. Before Shang Shoujun reached the east bank of the Yellow River, Zhou Guo on the west bank withdrew his troops and sent an envoy: "The March into the Yellow River is just an exercise. I hope Zhou Wang won't mind. "
At this time, because the eastern battlefield withdrew some troops, the situation in the east became tense again. Immediately ordered Li's Yellow River Shoujiang to turn around, give up the Yellow River Shoujiang and continue to reinforce the eastern front battlefield. Beagan said to Zhou Wang, "No, your majesty! Zhou Guo's withdrawal puzzled us. As soon as our soldiers guarding the river turned around, they immediately crossed the Yellow River, and the Shang Dynasty perished. " Zhou Wang was furious and shouted, "Last time you said that Zhou Guo was going to cross the Yellow River, I listened to you and sent troops to guard the river. Now Zhou Guo's soldiers have gone back, and both sides of the Yellow River are safe. Why not let me reinforce the eastern battlefield? Do you want me to retreat in the eastern battlefield? What is your heart? " Beagan said, "I have been with the king for so many years. Don't you know what kind of king I am? " Beagan's words angered Zhou Wang. He said, "I really don't know what your heart is. Since you are a loyal minister, let me see your heart! " At Zhou Wang's command, the guards threw Beagan to the ground, cut open his chest with a sharp knife and took out a bloody heart. Shortly after Zhou Wang killed Bigan, Zhou Wuwang, the son of Xibe nationality, led soldiers across the Yellow River and approached the capital of Shang Dynasty. Zhou Wang wanted to withdraw its soldiers from the eastern battlefield to defend the capital, but it was too late. In desperation, he had to piece together the prisoners, let them out of prison and form a temporary formation to fight Zhou's army. This mob has no fighting capacity. They already hate Zhou Wang. Who will work for him at this critical moment? In the battle, they defected, turned around and fought with the court guards who escorted them. Instead, he became the pioneer of Zhou Guo's army. When this battle was fought, the army of the Shang Dynasty was completely disintegrated and completely defeated. Zhou Wuwang, who led the army into Chao Ge, became Zhou Wang, and he knew his fate was inevitable. He knelt on the deer platform where the jewels were stored and lit a fire, hoping that his life and wealth would perish together. In the end, the fire only ended the tyrant's life, but the jewels and jades stored in Lutai were preserved. The new owners of this wealth. From then on, the Shang Dynasty's rule over China ended, and a new dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty, began. Its first monarch was Zhou Wuwang.