The model exam is organized before the formal exam, which has the same type and time control as the formal exam. The difficulty of examination questions and real questions is controlled at the same level, and the level of candidates is tested by means of simulated examination.
Predict what the candidates may get in the formal examination, and according to this result, prescribe the right medicine to improve the candidates in an appropriate way, so that they can get better results in the formal examination.
"Simulated examination" refers to an examination model that imitates the actual real examination. The content of the simulated test questions is also based on the knowledge range stipulated in the test syllabus, and the questions are similar to the real questions. The mock exam is moderately difficult in all aspects, but there may be imprecise questions.
The questions used in the mock exam are compiled by the expert system of the relevant exam or from the question bank. The mock exam can only be used as a test after study, which may be different from the real question. The mock exam can only be used as a test after study, which may be different from the real question.