The Buddha statue is to remind everyone of mindfulness, respect the Buddha's body, remember the merits of chanting Buddha, and swear to study and practice to achieve these merits. If it doesn't play such a role, people will have troubles such as jealousy, arrogance, resentment and greed, and the sculpture of Buddha will lose its meaning.
The same is true of Buddhist scriptures. When you see the Buddhist scriptures, do you regard them as the real magic weapon and the mantra of becoming a Buddha? Have you ever thought about the merits of Buddha? Do you swear to learn and gain these merits? The French books we usually use in morning and evening classes are also magic weapons, but everyone throws them on the ground and scribbles casually. Because the law is printed on ordinary paper, we can touch it every day, so we have no joy or confidence in it. If I use gold and silver jewelry to engrave scriptures, everyone will like it and feel particularly blessed. This is possessed, the blessing of the devil, not the blessing of the Buddha, and this is not pure self-confidence.
Buddha statues, Buddhist scriptures, stupas, etc. For some people, it is a suitable environment for building a career, for others, it is a suitable environment for accumulating wealth and relying on achievements. Before these confrontations, we must raise mindfulness, recall the fearless merits of chanting Buddha, feel happy for these merits, and swear to study and achieve these merits, which is also the real significance of our sculpture of Buddha.