1 fnatic。 Xylitol 6-0 18-
2 SK。 Hotline 5-1 15-
3 Tdel。 Kowi 4 - 2 12 -
4 mTw- changlu 3-3 9-
Five IPS. Drago 2-4 6-
6 Frozgard 1-5 3-
7 raC | Sonic speed-Absence 0-6 0-
Detailed results:10.0501:30tdel.kowi10mtw-long walkei
65438+1October 5th 01:30 sk.hot10 frozgardei
65438+1October 5th 0 1: 30 FNATIC. Xylitol 10. Drago Dai
12: 301October 5th MTW-Longwalk01sk.hotgw.
12: 301October 5th, frozgard 01fnatic.xy ligangw.
1October 5th12: 30 ip.dragod 10 RAC | sonic GW
1October 5th13: 30 tdel.kowi 10 frozgards
13: 301October 5, MTW-Longwalk10 ip.dragodts.
10/05 03:30 SK。 HoT 1 0 raC|Sonic TS
10/05 04: 15 tdel . kowi 0 1f natic . xyligantm
10.05 04: 15 MTW- changlu 10 RAC | SonicTM
10 04: 15 sk . hot 10 IP . dragodtm
1October 5th16: 30 tdel.kowi10ip.dragodtr.
1October 5th 16: 30, MTW-Longwalk0 1 fnatic. Xylitol TR
1October 516: 30 frozgard 10 RAC | sonic tr
65438+1October 5th11:00tdel.kowi01sk.hotts.
65438+1October 5 1 1:00 MTW- Dragon Road 10 Frozgard
65438+1October 5 1 1: 00 fnatic. Xylitol 10 RAC | Sonics
65438+10.512: 00 tdel.kowi10 RAC | sonictm
65438+1October 5th12: 00 sk.hot01fnatic.xyligantm.
65438+10.512: 00 frozgard01ip.dragodtm.
Group b
1 4K^ToD
2 MYM] Moon 5-1 15
3 53N8E|DNA 4 - 2 12 -
4k 1ck- finally. Phoenix 3-3 9-
Five cubic meters. Ghost 2-4 6-
6 Defs。 Terror 1-5 3-
7 Enet | Paulian-Absence 0-6 0-
Detailed results:10.0501:30 4ktod10enet | Paoliani
65438+1October 5th 0 1: 30k 1ck-last. Phoenix 0 1 ymy] Moon Goddess
65438+1October 5th 01:30 53N8e | DNA10cube.ghostei.
1October 5th 12:30 | Paul Yan 01k1CK-last.phoenix GW.
12: 30 mym1October 5] Moon 1053N8e | DNA GW
65438+10.5, 02: 30 cube.ghost10 defs.terrorgw.
10/05 03: 30 4ktod10mym] month
1October 5th 13:30 | Paul Yan 0 1cube.ghosts
65438+103: 30 k on October 51CK-last. Phoenix 10defs. mistake
10 5 04: 15 4k tod 10 53 n8e | DNA TM
Paul Yan 0 1 defs. terroristic organization
65438+ 10 04:15k1ck-last.phoenix10cube.ghosttm.
65438+10.5, 06: 30 4ktod10cube.ghosttr
1October 5th 16:30 | Paul Yan 0 1 53N8e | DNA TR
Mym1October 5] Moon 10 defs. Error tr
65438+1October 5th11:00 4ktod10k1CK-last. Phoenix ts
65438+1October 5th11:00 net | Paul Yan 0 1 MYM] Moonts.
65438+1October 5th11:00 53N8e | DNA10defs. Terot
65438+1October 5th 12: 00 4k tod 10defs. terroristic organization
65438+1October 5 12: 00 K 1ck-last. Fenghuang 0 1 53N8e | DNA TM
65438+10.512: 00 mym] moon10cube.ghosttm.
Group c
1 SK。 XlorD 6 - 0 18
2 Hasuhaxi 4-2 12-
Mr Tu Tu.
4 Danger 4-2 12-
5 DeVilMaZ 2 - 4 6 -
6-tooth 1-5 3-
7 percival cut 0-6 0-
Detailed results: 10.05 0 1: 30 time 0 1 Mr. Tu Tu.
65438+1October 5th 0 1: 30 Devil Mazz 0 1 dangerous mine
10.05 0 1: 30 hasuhashi 10 percival cheei.
65438+102:30 on October 5, Mr. Tu Tu 1 0 DeVilMaZ GW
65438+1 02:30 on October 5th Danger10 Hasuhaxi GW
12: 301October 5, percival cut 0 1 sk.x main GW.
1October 5 13: 30, time 0 1 danger
13: 301October 5 Mr. Tu Tu 10 percival cut ts.
13: 301October 5th, the devil maz0 1 sk.x Lord ts.
10/05 04: 15 tooth 0 1 hashuhasitm
65438+ 10 04:15mr.tutu01sk.xlordtm.
10/05 04: 15 devil maz 10 percival cutting TM.
16: 301October 5
16: 3015 October Mr. Tu Tu 0 1 hashuhasitr
65438+106:30 on October 5, Danger 0 1 SK. XlorD TR
65438+1October 5th 1 1: 00 Time 0 1 Devil's Maze
65438+1October 5th 1 1: 00 Mr. Tu Tu 10 dangerous ts.
65438+1October 5th 1 1: 00 Hasuhahaxi 0 1 sk.x Lord ts.
65438+10.512: 00 tine01sk.x Lord TM
65438+1October 5th 12: 00 Devil maz 0 1 hashuhasitm
65438+10.5 12: 00 danger10 percival cut TM.
Play-off 65438+122:20 on October 5, Danger 0 1 Mr. Tu Tu-
65438+123: 00 on October 5, Hasuhashi 10 Mr. Tu Tu-
65438+123: 30 on October 5, Danger 0 1 hashu hashi-
Group d
1 SK。 Soju 6-1 18
2 we. Sky 6-1 18
3 4K^ZeuS[ 19]
4 SK。 Lean 4-3 12-
Five sRs. Lose 3-4 9-
6 MYM] Ciara
7 Rasport 1-6 3-
8 Nolan Aikins-Absence 0-7 0-
Detailed results:10.0501:30srs.lose01we.skyei.
65438+1October 5th 0 1: 30 Nolan Aikins 0 1 Ra Spotei
65438+1October 5th 01:30mym] ciara014k Zeus [19] ei.
65438+1October 5th 01:30 sk.lyn01sk.sojuei.
1October 5th12: 30 raspot 01sk.lyngw.
12: 301October 5th srs.lose01sk.sojugw.
12: 301October 5th Nolan Aikins 0 1 4k Zeus [19] GW.
10.05 02:30 WE。 Sky 1 0 MYM] Ciara GW
13: 30 mym1October 5] ciara 10 sk.sojuts
65438+1October 5, 03:30 SRS. Lost 10 recovery points.
13: 301October 5th we.sky 10 Nolan Eikenster
10/05 04: 15 Rasport 0 1 sk. Sojutm
10 04: 15 Nolan Aikins 01sk.lyntm.
10 04: 15 SRS。 Lost 10 MYM] ciaratm.
10.0504:15we.sky104k Zeus [19] tm.
16: 301October 5th we.sky10sk.lyntr.
65438+1October 5, 06: 30 SRS. Lost 0 1 4k Zeus [19] tr.
16: 301October 5th Nolan Aikins 0 1 sk. Soyut
1October 516: 30 raspot 01ymm] ciara tr
65438+1October 5 1 1: 00 SRS. Lost 10 Nolan Aikenster
65438+1October 5th11:00 mym] ciara01sk.lynts.
65438+1October 5th 1 1: 00 4k Zeus [19] 0 1 sk. Sojuts
65438+1October 511:00 we.sky10 ra scenic spots.
65438+1October 5th 12: 00 Nolan Aikins 0 1 ym]ciaratm
65438+1October 5th 12: 00 Rasport 0 1 4k Zeus [19] tm.
65438+1October 5 12: 00 SRS. 0 1 sk is missing. Lyntm
65438+10.5 12: 00 We. Sky0 1SK。 Sojutm
Group e
1 mouzWazap。 SaSe 6 - 0 18 -
2 MYM] Kona
3 mTw-Protois 4 - 2 12 -
4 360e。 Firestrike 3 - 3 9 -
5 XG-EsM。 HRU team
6 Mars 1-5 3-
7 Warriors 0-6 0-
Detailed results12: 00 mym1October 6th] Konna 0 1 mouzwazap. saseei
65438+6 10 02: 00 360e. Firestrike 0 1 MTW- protosei
1October 6th 12: 00 Mars 0 1XG-ESM. Herui
13: 301October 6th, mouzwazap.sase10360e.firestrike GW.
1October 6th 13:30 MTW- proto-Ise 10 marsgw
65438+103:30 XG-ESM on October 6th. HRU 10 warrior GW
65438+1October 6 04:15mym] konna10mtw-protoists
65438+1October 6th 04:15mouzwazap.sase10xg-ESM.huruts.
10.06 04: 15 360e。 Firestrike 10 warrior TS
16: 00 mym1October 6] Konna 10 MARSTM
1October 6th16: 00 mouzwazap.sase 10 warrior TM
65438+1October 6, 06: 00 360e. Firestrike 10XG-ESM。 HRUTM
17: 00 mym1October 6] Konna 10XG-ESM. HRUTR
1October 617: 00 mouzwazap.sase 10 martr.
1October 6 17:00 MTW- protos 10 warrior TR
18: 00 mym1October 6] Konna 10360e. fire
18: 001October 6th mouzwazap.sase10mtw-protoists
1October 6th 18: 00 Mars 10 Warriors TS
19: 00 mym1October 6] Konna 10 warrior TM
1October 6 19: 00 360e. Firestrike 10 MARSTM。
1October 6th 19:00 MTW- proto is 10XG-ESM. HRUTM
Group f
1 mouzWazap。 Fly 100% 7 - 0 2 1 -
2 Mystery 5-2 15-
3 Soren 5-2 15-
4 kumai 4-3 12-
5 Milos 4-3 12-
6 SH _ Grumpy- absent 1-5 3-
7 Braun abney-absent 1-5 3-
8 NWRS。 Titan-Absence 0-7 0-
Detailed results10102: 00 on October 6th Solon 0 1 mystei
65438+102: 00 on October 6th Berang abney 0 1 Kumai ei
1October 6 12:00 SH _ grumpy 0 1 milosei
12: 001October 6th mouzwazap.fly100%10 nwrs.titanei.
1October 6th13: 30 kumai01mouzwazap.fly100% GW.
13: 301October 6th Suolong10 nwrs.titangw.
1October 6 13: 30 abney 0 1 Milosgw
1October 613: 30 myst10sh _ grumpygw
65438+10.6 04:15sh _ grumpy10 nwrs. Titan
10.06 04: 15 Milos
10 6 04: 15 Suolong 10 Kumat
10 6 04: 15 myst 10 Berang Abneyts
16: 001October 6 Kumai10 nwrs.titantm.
106: 00, abney. Fly 100% TM.
65438+106: 00 on October 6th Suolong 10SH _ Grumpytm
1October 6 16: 00
17: 001October 6th myst01mouzwazap.fly100% tr
1October 6th 17: 00 Soren 10 Milost
107: 00 on October 6th, abney10 nwrs.titantr.
1October 6th17: 00 Kumai10sh _ grumpytr
18: 001October 6th Soren 10 Braun Abneyts
18: 00 sh _ grumpy01mouzwazap.fly100% ts1October 6th.
1October 6th18: 00 Milos 10 nwrs. Titan
65438+108: 00 on October 6th, myst0 1Kumaits
1October 6th 19:00 Be Rang abney 00SH _ Grumpytm
1October 619: 00 kumai01milostm
19: 001October 6th Suolong 01mouzwazap.fly100% tm.
19: 001October 6th myst10 nwrs.titantm.
Group g
1 PGS。 PS.sLh 5 - 1 15
2 4K^Creolophus 4 - 2 12
3 heavenchick[arC]4-2 12-
4 Tdel。 Apm 4 - 2 12 -
5 Black Moon 2-4 6-
Six sRs. Swift 2-4 6-
7 [Mp]lncrediboy 0 - 6 0 -
Detailed grade10102: 00 on October 6th [MP] lncrediboy01tdel.apmei.
1October 612: 00 pgs.ps.slh104k Creolophus ei
65438+102: 00 on October 6th Black Moon 01Heavenly Chick [arc] ei
13: 301October 6th tdel.apm10pgs.ps.slhgw.
10 6 03: 30 4k Cliovs 10 Black Moon GW
13: 301October 6th Heavenchikk [arc]10srs.swiftgw.
10/06 04: 15[MP]lnc rediboy 0 1 4k creolophus ts
65438+1October 6th 04:15tdel.apm01heavenchikk [arc] ts
65438+1October 6 04:15pgs.ps.slh10srs.swift ts
1October 6th16: 00 [MP] lncrediboy01Black Moon TM
65438+106: 00 on October 6th tdel.apm10srs.swift.tm.
1October 6th16: 00pgs.ps.slh 10 Heavenchikk [arc] tm
1October 6th17: 00 [MP] lncrediboy01Heavenly Chick [Arc] tr
17: 001October 6th tdel.apm 10 Black Moon tr
1October 6th17: 00 4k Creophus 01SRS. SwiftTR
1October 6th18: 00 [MP] lncrediboy01pgs.ps.slhts.
1October 6th18: 00 tdel.apm014k creolophusts
1October 6th 18: 00 Black Moon 10SRS. Swift
1October 6th19: 00 [MP] lncrediboy01srs.swift.tm.
1October 619: 00 pgs.ps.slh 10 Black Moon TM
1October 6th19: 00 4k Creolophus 10 Heavenchikk [arc] tm
H group
1 4K^Grubby
2 wNv.xiaOt 6 - 1 18
3 ieS。 Giacomo 5-2 15-
4 Tdel。 Moon woodland 5-2 15-
5 4K^DeMusliM
6 Phoenix _ Nicholas 2-5 6-
7 RW-DarkBoi 1 - 6 3 -
8 Jason Clark is absent 0-7 0-
Detailed results: 10 02:00 RW- dark BOI 0 1 4K grubs are produced by EI.
12: 00 October 6th Jason Clark 0 1 ies. Giacomo Yi
12: 001October 6th 4k German Muslims 10 Phoenix _ Nicholas ei
65438+102: 00 on October 6th tdel.moon _ glade01WNV.xiaotei.
13: 30 IES。 Giacomo 10 tdel. 1Moon _ Gladegw on October 6th.
13: 301October 6th rw-darkboi01wnv.xiaotgw.
65438+103: 30 on October 6th Jason Clark 0 1 Phoenix _ Nicholas GW
65438+10.6 03: 30 4k grubby104k de Muslim GW
65438+1October 6 04: 15 4k German Muslim 0 1WNV. Kotz
65438+10.6 04: 15 Phoenix _ Nicholas 0 1tdel. Mungradec
10.06 04: 15 RW-dark boi 0 1 ies。 Giacomo.
65438+ 10 04:1510 Jason Clarkets' 4k Grub
16: 00 IES。 giacomo0 1WNV。 1October 6, little tm.
65438+106: 00 on October 6, Jason Clark 0 1tdel.moon _ Gladetm
1October 6th16: 00 rw-darkboi014k German Muslim TM
16: 00 00 06: 00 06: 00 4k grubby10 phoenix _ niklaster
65438+6 10 07: 00 4k Grubby0 1tdel. Moonlight woodland
17: 001October 6th RW-Darkboi 0 1 phoenix _ Nicholas TR
17: 001October 6th Jason Clark 01wnv.xiaottr.
1October 6 17: 00 IES. Giacomo 104K German Muslim TR
1October 6th18: 00 rw-darkboi 10 Jason Clark.
65438+1October 6, 08: 00 4k de Muslim 01tdel.moon _ gladets
1October 6th 18: 00 Phoenix _ Nicholas 01wnv.xiaotts.
18: 001October 6 4k grubby10 ies.giacomots.
65438+109: 00 on October 6th Jason Clark 0 1 4k German Muslim TM
1October 6 19: 00 IES. Giacomo 10 Phoenix _ Nicholas TM
1October 6th19: 00 rw-darkboi01tdel.moon _ gladetm
65438+109: 00 on October 6th 4k grubby10wnv.xiaottm.