For Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang and Wang Xifeng, the masters of the Jia family, the monthly routine is just a little flower. Like Jia Fu and Mrs. Wang, they are not only the masters of Jia Fu, but also have their own lives. They are paid by the court every year. Of course, their identity is more than that. For example, Jia Mu is a historian, and Mrs. Wang and Wang Xifeng are both miss Wang. They are all girls from four big families. In ancient times, a large family usually used a large amount of dowry to marry their daughters, not only gold and silver jewelry, but also Zhuangzi fields and even some shops, all of which would have income, because the monthly payment would not be trivial money for them, and most of them were used to reward people or give them to the younger generation.
For ladies such as Daiyu and Yingchun, the monthly example is much more important. Because they don't have the same life as Jia Mu, but they are also the heads of the family, and they also need to reward their servants. Sometimes they need to buy some exquisite gadgets outside and save money. For example, Tanchun asked Baoyu to help her buy a small basket outside. Also, Shi Xiangyun once wanted to hold a crab feast, but she had no money. Later, grandma paid the money.
For a semi-master like Aunt Zhao, the monthly example is more important. Because of their special status, they are not complete masters, but they don't have to do rough work. Aunt's status is not high. In a place like Jia, sometimes it is not as good as the pretty maids around several masters. These maids live more decently than they do. Since you want to live a stable life in Jiafu, you have to go up and down, and the cases in these months are simply not enough, so Aunt Zhao said that she is in Jiafu. Boiling like oil? .
What about the servants? We should look at it separately. Servants are also divided into domestic children and servants bought from outside. Children like Yuanyang are mostly subsidized by their monthly money, because the whole family lives in Jiafu, and some, like Lai's mother, win the favor of their owners and build their own houses and gardens. A servant bought from outside, such as xiren, was sold to Jia's house because his family was poor. Her monthly allowance is given to her family every month. After all, there are other people in the family to live.