Current location - Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Network - Jewelry brand - Taobao buyers reported that I only applied for a refund for selling fake goods. My goods are counterfeit. I don't know what to do.
Taobao buyers reported that I only applied for a refund for selling fake goods. My goods are counterfeit. I don't know what to do.
It's not a report, is it? Yes, you have already bought it and only ask for a refund, right? This kind of products are generally professional counterfeiters. If it is a counterfeit brand, it is recommended to negotiate with the buyer. Now that someone has caught you, talk it over and give him some money to see if he can cancel or modify other reasons. The buyer insists on not refunding, only giving him a refund, which won't have any influence, and Taobao won't think yours is a counterfeit product. If the payment is too big to discuss, don't give him any more money. Meat buns can't beat dogs, and there is no problem without Xiao er. If you refuse to refund, Xiao Er will not only refund, but also deduct points and delete the goods from the shelves. This is not worth the loss, and the store will not improve within one year. I suggest you operate in compliance and don't sell fakes.