Its gold abundance value is higher than that of various rocks in the crust, and it may become the earliest "source bed" of gold deposits. Besides associated gold, the gold accumulation on the earth mainly exists underground in the form of rock gold deposits. Rock gold is formed by celestial movement, earth formation, volcanic eruption, ancient orogeny and magmatic eruption, and gold element is activated from the core. Gold-rich mountains form gold in sunlight weathering, lightning, storms, landslides, mudslides, floods and precipitation in stable sections of rivers.
The oxidation of rocks often leaves a lot of natural gold. After tens of millions of years of weathering and erosion, the shallow rocks on the surface have turned into sand. Due to its stable nature, gold is decomposed into monomers. In the process of river transportation, placer gold deposits are formed because of their large proportion and large amount of deposition in stable river water. Because gold has always been a hard currency, there is a feeling that gold is very valuable. Now any piece of gold can be discounted if you want. As long as gold currency is not replaced, jewelry will not be replaced.
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