jewelry processing
Need jewelry processing (350)
Teach you how to cut the hard stone of dawn.
Hard dawn stone
Health +8
"Corresponding to the yellow slot."
Source: Jewelry Processing (350)
Material: Xiaoshi x 1
Source: Fallen Nightmare Weaver Dao Fengshan
Source: Sunwell Heights, Scout of Fallen Blade
Source: Falling and Cooling Hellfire Kamen Rider Shadow Moon Valley
Source: Falling Hate Cryer netherstorm
Illustration: bright red obsidian
jewelry processing
Need jewelry processing (350)
Usage: Teach you how to cut bright red obsidian.
Bright rhodochrosite
+16 attack strength
"Corresponding to the red slot."
Source: Jewelry Processing (350)
Material: red obsidian x 1
Source: Sunwell Heights, Commander of Falling Shadow Blade
Source: Old Hillsbrad Hill, Boy Scouts, Feilden.
Source: Storm Fortress of Falling Astrologers
Source: The soul eater who fell in Arida was imprisoned.
Illustration: Rune Red Obsidian
jewelry processing
Need jewelry processing (350)
Use: Teach you how to cut the rune red obsidian.
Rune red obsidian
Spell Strength +9
"Corresponding to the red slot."
Source: Jewelry Processing (350)
Material: red obsidian x 1
Source: falling into the giant abyss, the fire demon is banned from prison.
Source: Dao Fengshan, incinerator of Morgo.
Source: Falling into the den of King Groues of Moga.
Source: Viper Temple, Shaman, Shaman, Tide.