After installation, you should log in using the wizard plug-in and update to the latest version.
I also recommend a plug-in Isler for you.
WoWUI 0808 Edition by Isler [Full-time Wow Original Style Package]
Isler's WoWUI basic function library & Management plug-in
Font correlation
The main font used by the plug-in package (square quasi-circle)
Game font clear font
Backpack (1/2)
Backpack integration BaudBag (including backpack finishing JPack)
Non-integrated backpack enhancement: automatically open the bag open &;; Border colored bubble bag
One-click distortion elimination (optional ordinary module or blood elf module)
Professional plug-in
Professional plug-in loader CAL
Button to switch guardian, shadow form and ghost wolf form
Necrosis, the warlock's spherical assistant
Mage spherical assistant freezing 2
Serenity, the priest's spherical assistant
Paladin blessing management PallyPower
The hunter feeds zFeeder with one click.
Thief professional material assistant hemlock
Rogue/Druid Energy Recovery Progress Bar EnergyWatch_v2
Thief/Druid combination points display color combination points.
Shaman totem plug-in CallOfElements
Interface enhancement plug-in
Avatar enhanced EN_UnitFrames
Cast bar (1/2)
Powerful and complex modular casting rod Shi Ying
Small and simple cast tape beautifies CastingBarPlusPlus.
Optimize and enhance TinyTip with mouse tips
Teammate target Mer_PartyTarget
Teammate casting party CastBar
Making interface extension AdvancedTradeSkillWindow
Team plug-in
Fatal Boss Mod, team-led alarm system
Statistical omen of threat value
Injury/treatment statistics (1/2)SW _ stats/ recount
Team alarm system
Team assistant oRA2
Team status monitor grid
Team status monitor enhancement module grid module
Map plug-in
Copy map browser atlas
Copy task atlas cost
Delete query atlas
Map enhancement
Acquisition assistant GatherMate
Collecting database GatherMate _ Data.
Collecting circuit diagram route
Task query question base
Combat plug-in
Battlefield detail indicator
Combat indicator
Enhanced damage display
Arena enemy information agent
Auxiliary plug-in
Replace plug-in (1/2)
List-based one-click locker room Gnome
One-button equipment EN_AutoEquip
One-key macro IHML
Sell gray garbage AutoProfitX with one click.
Right-click menu to enhance FriendsMenuXP
Encyclopedia of business skills
Task log enhanced beql
Task assistant
Multiple links display multiple tooltips.
Talent template editing talent
Macro window extension LargerMacroIconSelection
Gems and enchantments name tips
Gem statistics gem count
Jewelry assistant
Secret language recording screen voice
Color name list XGuild
The cooldown time of item skills.
Professional skills button transaction label
Cooling intermediate sharp ghost pulse
Auction house unit price GPriceEach
Key binding
Buyer, material purchasing assistant
Label assistant SimpleRaidTargetIcons
Multifunctional spelling timer
Fire action bar zBar2
Critical sound effect CritSound
Price Display Project Price Tooltip
Ludwig article database
Target button
Target distance range display
Off-line banking project
Accurate buffer time
Simply looking for team literature
Chat enhancement PhanxChat
Chat copy
Chat bar
Statistical comparison of equipment attributes
Numerical analysis and comparison of rated power of equipment
Equipment comparison
Equipped with durable hiss.
Notepad notebook
Assistant postman
Fishing assistant
EasyTrinket, jewelry manager
Please manually drag the uninstalled plug-in to the AddOns directory before using it.
Automatic weapon removal closes Gnome_OhNoes.
Mini clock
Mini clock UClock
If you disable a plug-in you don't like:
Method 1: In the role selection interface, click the "Plug-in" button at the lower left to remove the check mark in front of the unwanted plug-in;
Method 2: After entering the game, press ESC to open the system menu, press the "Plug-in Management" button to open the plug-in manager, remove the box in front of the unwanted plug-in, and click "Reload Plug-in" at the lower right of the plug-in manager.
Focus target:
Usage of focus target: After selecting a target, press Enter /focus (you can also create a macro), and an avatar similar to the ordinary target of the game will appear on the screen, showing the information of the focus target. After that, you can switch ordinary targets at will, and the focus target will always be displayed, so that you can observe the HP, MP, Debuff, casting progress and so on of the focus target. The way to clear the focus target is to enter/clear the focus (the focus avatar will disappear automatically after the target dies).
(The above words are plagiarized game functions, which look complicated, so it is better to experience them yourself. )
Happy game