He also rejected dissidents, framed Zhongliang, and rebuked Liu Qiu for mocking Wang Zhen in Chinese. He was arrested and imprisoned, and was killed in prison. Wang Zhen, the censor of Lu Yu, Li Duo, did not kneel down, but was sent to Tieling. When the East Pavilion met, all the officials bowed down, except Xiao Si Xue of Dali Temple, who immediately saw it. Wang Zhen held a grudge and put him in prison on the pretext of executing him. Although he was not killed in the end, he was dismissed from office. Wang Zhen also built a large number of collapsed houses, private houses, rural areas and stables, which encroached on the interests of the American people and did not lose the lessons of the country. Let the military and civilians build a mansion in the imperial city and make it as grand as a palace. Selling officials and titles, accepting bribes, state officials entering the DPRK, and not giving gifts are all persecution. Yu Qian, assistant minister of the Ministry of War of Shanxi and Henan Province, once went to Beijing and never took anything seriously. He was stunned by the officials and was called the Shao Qing of Dali Temple. There are countless treasures in Jinshan Yindong's family. The house was ransacked, with more than 60 gold and silver warehouses, 0/00 tracts/kloc, more than 20 coral plants as high as six or seven feet, and countless coins, silks and jewels. Wang Zhen was so overbearing and treacherous, but Yingzong didn't agree, but praised his loyalty and filial piety. In the eleventh year of Zheng Tong, Emperor Yingzong gave Wang Zhen white gold, Mark Six lottery coins and other things, and gave him special gifts, saying that Wang Zhen was obedient, measuring his depth, not staying up late, illegally sleeping and eating, protecting him, praising him, doing his best, and coaxing him, which benefited him a lot. It shows that his ministers are treacherous and the king is fatuous. Datong China's failure in the front line spread to Beijing, and Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen was incited and held hostage by Wang Zhen, ready to make a personal expedition. Military minister Kuang and assistant minister Yu Qian advocated that the Sixth Division should not be neglected, and Wang, the official minister, spoke frankly and the ministers made suggestions. However, Yingzong favored Wang Zhen and insisted on personal expedition. On July 16, 449, Yingzong ordered his younger brother Wang Zhu Chyi Yu to stay in Beijing, and then he and Wang Zhen led 100 officials and 500,000 troops to set off from Beijing. Fu, Cheng Guogong, Ministry of War Shangshu Kuang, Ministry of Housing Shangshu, Cao Nai, Zhang Yi, etc. Due to improper organization, the military and political power was monopolized by Wang Zhen. Duke Zhu Yong was a general, but he was omnipotent before Wang Zhen. Home Secretary Wang Zuo asked the emperor to return to the army, and Wang Zhen ordered him to kneel on the grass until dark. The minister of civil and military affairs who followed the levy did not interfere with the military and political affairs, and the army was not affected. 19 sunrise Juyongguan, Huailai, Fuxuan. /kloc-in August, the Ming army entered Datong. Before the confrontation, Guo Jing, the eunuch in charge, reported that he had lured the Ming army into the depth and voluntarily withdrew from the north. When Wang Zhen saw Walla's army retreating from the north, he still insisted on advancing northward. When he heard the news of the fiasco ahead, he panicked and backed off again and again. I want Yingzong to drive through his hometown Yuzhou when he retires to show his prestige. Fearing that the army would destroy his garden crops, the marching route was repeatedly changed, causing the soldiers to be exhausted. Fu Xuan, Vara brigade pursued troops, and 30 thousand cavalry of Ming army were killed and robbed. 13 On June 38, when they fled to Tumbao, the Vara army had overwhelmed the Ming army. Li Xian, the minister in charge, recorded the real details of the civil engineering process. The government announced it and sent 50 thousand soldiers to meet it. But foolhardy, he ventured into Moerling, where the tiger's mouth was attacked by the two wings of the mountain and the whole army was wiped out, so he pushed the civil works. When the camp closes tomorrow, I won't dare to do it. At noon on August 15, the men and women stopped drinking water on August 1 5 or the next day, and they were very thirsty. They dug a well 20 feet deep, but there was no spring. Cole, no, back off. Taiying rushed to the south for three or four miles, surrounded by delicious food, and was attacked on all sides, and no one confronted him.
Wang Zhen ordered the camp to be moved to the water. When the Ming army moved, hungry soldiers rushed to the river and the troops were in chaos. Valla army took the opportunity to attack. The Ming army had to rush into battle, accompanied by British dukes Zhang Fu, Taininghou, Jingyuan, Xu He Pingxiang Bozhen, followed by Yu, Xiuwu Boshen Rong, viceroy, Shangshu Kuang, bachelor Cao Naizhi, assistant minister Zhang Yi and assistant minister Ding Xuanhe. In this battle, the Ming army died more than half, and a large number of trench were plundered first. Only Xiao Weizhen, the right temple of Dali Temple, Yang Shan, the left assistant minister of does, and Dr. Li Xian, the selected works, got away with it. Just as the Ming army was scrambling to flee everywhere, ambushes began to blossom everywhere, and the Ming army was in flight. There was no hope for Yingzong to break through, so he simply jumped off his horse and sat cross-legged facing south, waiting to be tied up. After a while, the Waci soldiers rushed up, and a soldier came forward to peel the armor of Yingzong. As soon as he saw the different armor, he knew that he was not an ordinary man, so he pushed him to see Xian Ye's brother, King Saikan. When King Sai questioned Yingzong, Yingzong asked, Who are you? First of all, Timur Bo Yan is the king of competitive magazines. King Sai felt that Yingzong was boasting, so he immediately reported it first, and then sent the envoys of the Ming Dynasty who stayed in the Waci Army to identify it, only to know that it was Yingzong. In a counterattack, Yu Qian suggested that Guan Bai advance his salary in Tongzhou, 90 miles from the capital, so that there was no food to rob. On 23rd, Chen Yi, an imperial envoy from the capital, ordered that Wang Zhenquan be killed. I really don't know what to do without a king. In a fit of pique, he killed Ma Shunhe's confidant and his best friend Yu and Wang Erhe's nephew Wang Shan. On the sixth day of September, Vala attacked the Mongolian army in Fuxuan and Datong, colluded with Shanhaiguan, burned and looted, and blocked Yingzong at the door. Fu Xuan's ShouJiang Yang Hong didn't listen. Yu Qian's appointment: Shi Heng was promoted from a small military attache in charge of recruiting troops to the commander-in-chief of the right army in charge of the Fifth Army; Luo Tong, the official of Hebo Gate in Dongguan, was recommended as the minister of war, guarding Juyongguan, Sichuan provincial judge Cao Tai as the prefect of Shandong, and Han Qing as the deputy company commander of Datong. Deng Guo was appointed as the company commander to defend Datong. Judging from Yu Qian's arrangement, no matter whether he was humble or not, as long as he was talented, he was used. On the first day of October, I took off my flowers and passed Datong, captured Zijingguan and lost a city in the Ming Dynasty. The vanguard troops are divided into two roads: one is from Gubeikou and Miyun to the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty, with about 20,000 people; The other entered the customs from Fuxuan and Hongzhou, with about 30,000 people. The final meeting place of the two armies is Aries, west of Juyongguan, in an attempt to reach the capital! Therefore, the capital is in a critical state. At this point, four generals, Yu Qian, Luo Tong, Cao Tai, Han Qing and Deng Guo, failed to hold their respective lands, and the Vara army moved on, as if to destroy the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, Yu Qian implemented the second plan: he personally led 220,000 troops, arrayed himself outside the Nine Gates, and personally put on armor to keep sharp. As a result, morale in all areas of the capital has been greatly improved. Assistant Minister Ning Wu represents the Ministry of War. Yu Qian personally arranged outside Desheng Gate. On the second day of October, the deputy commanders Koryo and Mao Fushou met the enemy in the north of Tucheng, Zhangyimen, and defeated the pioneer officer Vala, winning the first battle and boosting morale. Send your government to Tucheng to visit Yingzong. 13, attack Deshengmen first. Shi Heng, Fan Guang and other generals ambushed in the folk hut and defeated the enemy! Xian Ye's younger brothers Boluo and Zhang Mao died in the war. Also turned to Xizhimen first, 14 defeated, and played against Zhang Yimen. Residents threw stones to help and won again! At this point, the war between the Walla army and the Ming army that besieged Juyongguan lasted for seven days and seven nights, and it was still a crushing defeat! Continuous failures and low morale, coupled with the deep hinterland of the Central Plains Dynasty, almost all the troops of Qin Wang reached T.
At the repeated request of the minister of civil and military affairs, Wang had to agree. On the sixth day of September, he became Emperor Jingdi, and the following year was the first year of Jingtai. Zong Feng is the emperor's father. When the Wa people captured Ming Yingzong, they invaded the Central Plains on a large scale. In the name of sending the emperor's father, all the border crossings in the Ming Dynasty were opened to seize the city. June 65438+10, captured Baiyangkou, Zijingguan and Juyongguan, and reached Beijing directly. First, the troops entering Beijing are unstoppable. The Ming court was in a panic, and some ministers proposed to move south to the capital. Yu Qian, assistant minister of the Ministry, strongly opposed the move of the capital, demanded to stick to the capital, and ordered armed forces from all over the country to come to Beijing to be diligent. Subsequently, troops from Henan, Shandong and other places were transferred to Beijing for defense, and Yu Qian presided over Tongzhou warehouse to transfer grain to Beijing. The soldiers in the capital ate well and their hearts relaxed a little. On the sixth day of October in the fourteenth year of orthodoxy, Yingzong hijacked and invaded Beijing. The capital entered a state of emergency and the battle for Beijing began. Jingdi put Yu Qian in charge of guarding the war. Yu Qian sent his generals to lead 220,000 troops to line up outside the Beijing-Kowloon Gate, and personally arranged with Shi Heng at Deshengmen to stop the enemy from looking forward. 13, when Yu Qian sent cavalry to lure tens of thousands of people to Deshengmen, the ambush of the Ming Dynasty rushed out, and the firearms of Ji Shen camp fired together, and the military and horses were defeated first. First, it turned to Xizhimen, and the defenders in the city fired arrows and shot, and then they were defeated. The siege of the capital was lifted. In the autumn of the fourteenth year of orthodoxy, the Ming army was defeated by Wala in Tongbao, and Yingzong was captured, which led to a serious military crisis. This is a well-known fact. However, there are many differences and doubts about the records of this battle in different times and by different authors, and it is still necessary to sort out historical materials to clarify the facts; Many problems still need to be discussed, such as the number of Ming troops participating in the war, the route of Vara army, the strategy of Ming army returning to the army, and the role of Mingbian town in the civil war. Taking this as an example, we can get a preliminary understanding of the elite and the scale of border towns in the middle of Ming Dynasty, as well as the credibility of historical records in the early and middle of Ming Dynasty. Among the ministers who died after the reform of Civil Fort, there were Taishi Yinggong Zhang Fu, Taininghou, Xudu, Pingxiang Bo, Xiangcheng Town, Sui Anbo, Xiuwu Bo Shen Rong, Wang, Hu Shangshu Zuo, Ministry of War Shangshu Kuang, left assistant minister of official department and bachelor of academician courtyard Cao Naizhi, and right assistant ministers of punishments Ding Xuan, Liu Rong, Shang Bao, Pan Cheng, Qian Yu and Bao. Four senior ministers, Zhang Fu and Xu Jingyuan, Ministry of War Shangshu Kuang, Shangshu Province, Assistant Minister Ming Ding and Wang Yonghe, as well as cabinet members Cao Ding and Zhang Yi, were all killed, while civilian military commanders were all killed. There are countless property losses; Five hundred thousand troops were wiped out, and three elite battalions were wiped out. The door to Beijing has also been opened. The prosperous Ming dynasty turned from prosperity to decline. The Ming dynasty entered the middle period.