A few days later, the netizen's fiancee received a phone call from the merchant, saying that the price of the diamond ring was wrong, and the actual price was 19000 yuan. The businessman asked them to pay the difference between the diamond rings. The netizen posted his experience online, and most netizens questioned the behavior of the merchants. The sales order has been signed and the money has been paid. Can merchants raise prices again? After the seller promoted the netizen, the netizen and the merchant reached an agreement on the price, specification, quantity, expression and time limit of the goods and paid on the spot.
At this point, the two sides formed an oral contractual relationship. As mentioned above, the contractual relationship between netizens and merchants is legally established and legally binding on both parties to the contract. This binding force is quite effective. Guaranteed the interests of both parties. Both parties shall perform their obligations as agreed, and shall not change or terminate the contract without authorization, and deliver the agreed products within the agreed time limit.
The unilateral price increase of merchants is a unilateral change of contract, but netizens do not agree to the price increase, and the two sides failed to reach an agreement on the price change. Therefore, the offer has no legal effect on netizens, and should still be executed at the original agreed price. Netizens can ask the merchants to continue to perform the contract according to the jewelry sales records. If the merchant delays the delivery of the contract, he can also claim the corresponding losses in the performance of the contract.