Besides those exquisite and luxurious shoes, Cixi has many clothes. It is understood that Cixi has more than 3,000 sets of clothes alone, and Cixi has to prepare a carriage space to put clothes for Cixi when she goes out, and these clothes are not ordinary clothes. It is impossible for ordinary people to wear a silk dress, but Cixi's clothes are very fine. Every season, there are many clothes with many jewels hanging on them.
In addition, Cixi's headdress is also very luxurious. Besides pearls, jewels, hairpins and other things, even the Oriental Pearl specially designed for the court can be seen on Cixi's headdress. You need to know how hard it takes to get an Oriental Pearl. Those fishermen will start picking pigs in April, and then officials will be present to direct hundreds of ordinary people to get off the boat and salvage, so as to choose a good Oriental Pearl.
Besides shoes, clothes and headdress, what bracelets do you usually bring? Rings are even more extravagant. The bracelet must be excellent and jade, and even the paper cover must be jade. Any jewelry you carry is priceless.
Therefore, the luxury of Cixi is absolutely justified, not groundless. Besides, Cixi is extremely luxurious in everything she wears, and even has a unique style in eating. She eats 100 dishes every day, and none of these dishes can be copied. You can imagine the luxurious life of Cixi yourself.