19 is a hunter, knight, thief, warrior, and others are auxiliary occupations. Of course, if you have money and leisure, it is awesome to arm any profession to perfection, hehe. )
Hunters are the most praised, so now 29 has become CS. . .
There are more thieves. . . Knights and soldiers are also very good. . .
As for the equipment you asked. . What battlefield equipment do you mean? What kind of professional equipment? This range is too large. . . I attach some for you. Take your time. . .
u 19 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Necklace: Warsong Necklace
Cloak: [[Sentinel Cloak]] [Ah [[Spirit Cloak]] Wail.
Substitute: [[Glowing lizard cloak]] [Wail [[Miner cloak]] [Dead mine [[Tarquillin warrior cloak]]
Ring: Warsong Ring [[Luxury Jewelry Ring]] Dead Mine [[Seal of Sylvanas Windrunner]] Shadow Tooth Task [[Seal of Youlin]] Follow-up of Dead Mine Task.
Ornaments: [[automatic purification device]] project, [[arena main ornament]] arena task, corporal badge.
Clothes made of ordinary cloth
Head: [[Lucky Fishing Hat]] Angel fish in the fishing contest.
Substitute: [[green goggles]] project
Shoulders: [[chestnut shell shoulder pad]] dark abyss mission [[Tabad shoulder pad]] wailing mission follow-up.
Box: [[Tree Leather Jacket]] Ah [[Hell Robe]] Tribe Talenmir Mission.
Body double: [[Necromancer robe ]][RFC[[ water snake robe]] [whine.
Wrist: [[Crystal Wrist Wheel ]]RFC
Hands: [[Golden Gloves]] Dead Thunder [[Viper Gloves]] Cry.
Waist: [[Keller's belt]] Ah.
Legs: [[Dark breeches]] Ah.
Shoes: [[goblin rocket boots]] Project [[super fishing boots]] Grouper in fishing competition.
Leather armor
Head: reference cloth
Shoulder: [[Pleated Shoulder Armor]] Wailing Cave
Chest: [[Dark Difia Armor]] Dead Thunder
Alternate: [[Wild West Coat]] Wild West Mission
Wrist: none
Hands: [[fangs gloves]] whoops.
Waist: [[snake scale belt]] leather whine formula [[blind belt]] shadow teeth
Substitute: [[fangs belt]] wail [[dark Difia belt]] dead mine.
Legs: [[fangs to protect legs]] whoops.
Shoes: [[Cushion with fangs]] Whoops.
Substitute: [[Pioneer Boots]] Tribal Messenger Mission [[Bobcat Boots]] Ah.
Locking armor
Head: reference cloth
Shoulder: refers to cloth leather armor.
Chest: refers to leather nails.
Wrist: [[Spiral Case Wrist Brace]] Black Coast Abyss Mission
Hand: [[Sobia's hand guard]] Ah.
Waist: [Double 4 wild bears or monkeys]
Substitute: [[Thunder Belt]] Ah [[Coburn Belt]] Whoops.
Legs: [[Wild Horse Pants in the West]] Wild tasks in the west.
Shoes: [[silver chain to protect feet]] Ah [[savage locks boots]] Whoops.
Shield: [[the shield of the red beard emblem]] Ah.
Substitute: [[Cresh's back]] Woo-hoo [[worn turtle shell shield]] Woo-hoo.
Legal system: [[Flint Staff]] Dead Mine [[Crescent Staff]] Wailing Mission
Body double: [[chanting staff]] Ah [[witchcraft staff]] Ah [[sun staff]]
Hand: [[Glacier Stone]] Alliance Grey Valley Mission [[Dark Rune Sword]] Tribal Hillsbrad Combat Mission
Substitute: [[Night Axe]] Ah Shadow Tooth [[Mr. Hammer]] Dead Mine [[Burning Blade]] Ah [[Blade of Sindore]]
One hand: [[Shadow Tooth]] Ah Shadow Tooth
Substitute: [[cruel barb]] Dead Thunder [[thief's blade]] Dead Thunder [[wing blade]] wailing task [[viper's sting]] wailing [[sword of dawn]]
Dagger: [[Assassin's Blade]] Ah Shadow Tooth
Remote: [[Viper]] Wail [[Timmy's toy gun]] [Ah [[Traveler's longbow]]
Wand: [[tombstone scepter]] dark abyss mission
u29 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Necklace: [[pride of the river]] Ah.
Cloak: [[Tiger wears a cloak]] Ah.
Ring: [[simple ring]] Ah swamp, battle song ring
Accessories: Lan & Warsong Prestige, Sergeant, Engineering
Clothes made of ordinary cloth
Head: [[Magic Energy Goggles Super Edition]] Project
Substitute: [[goblin rocket helmet]] project limited to dwarves [[cat's eye super goggles]] project [double 9 eagles]
Shoulder: [[Emerald shoulder pad]] Marsh mission.
Body double: [[The magician's shoulder pad]] Ah.
Chest: # [[Manic Robe ]]bl Razor Highland Mission
Substitute: [[cheater's robe]] Ah [[black velvet robe]] Ah [[Archmage Arugal's robe]] Shadow tooth.
Wrist: # [[Garan Wrist Brace]] Tribal Dark Mission # [[Orphan Wrist Brace]] Alliance alx Highland Mission.
Hand: [[Night Gloves]] Ah.
Substitute: [[driver's gloves]] ah Nomoregan
Waist: Lan belt [double 7 eagles]
Substitute: [[Warsong Belt]] Tribal Grey Valley Mission
Legs: [[hate leather leggings]] Shadow teeth [double 9 eagles]
Shoes: Alashi shoes
Substitute: [[Night Boots]] Ah.
Leather armor
Head: [double 9- spirit monkey]
Substitute: [[Immortal military cap]] Ah [[humbert's helmet]] Ah.
Shoulder: [[shoulder pad A]] Ah.
Substitute: [[thief lining shoulder]] Ah swamp
Chest: # [[Raptor Hunter Coat ]]JJG task
Wrist: [[savage wrist guard]] Ah Pi
Substitute: [[Monkey Messenger's Wrist Wheel]] Nomoregon Rare boss[[ Black Wolf Wrist Brace]] Shadow Tooth.
Hand: # [[Razak's racing gloves]] Flash plain task
Waist: Alashi Belt [[Dwarf Protective Belt]] project.
Substitute: [[Moss Belt]] Dark Abyss [[Smart Belt]] Tribal Grey Valley Mission
Legs: [[oil-soaked leggings]] ah Nomoregan [[troll killer leggings]] ah.
Substitute: [[travel leather pants]] Nomoregan task
Shoes: Alashi shoes
Substitute: [[Boots of the Pioneer]] Ah [[Boots of the Warsong]] Tribal Grey Valley Mission.
Locking armor
Head: [[Frost Crown]] Ah.
Shoulder: [[salt shell shoulder]] Ah.
Chest: # Reference leather armor
Substitute: [[Avenger's armor]] swamp [[silver breastplate]] forging [Warrior's 20 mission armor]
Wrist: # [[cavalry wrist guard]] Alliance alx mission
Substitute: [[Bend wrist brace]] Prison [[Champion wrist brace]] Marsh [[Jorgen wrist brace]] Ah.
Hand: # Reference leather armor
Waist: Alashi belt
Substitute: [[Stone Boxing Belt]] Swamp Task [[Stone Power]] Ah [[Military Post Belt]] Ah.
Legs: Head up, leather pants.
Shoes: Alashi shoes
Substitute: [[Cave Trekker]] Ah Nomoregan
Legal system: [[scepter of the undead]] swamp [[scepter of the shadow]] ah.
Hands: [[corpse driver]] swamp
Substitute: [[Manual Trainer]] Nomoregan [[Cobalt Blue Crusher]].
One-handed: 【【【 Hammer of Wind and Thunder 】】 bl Thousand Needle Task
Substitute: [[Butcher]] Ah [[Blade of fanaticism]] Ah.
Dagger: [[iron bar]] bloody undead area
Substitute: [[Vengeance]] Nomoregon [[Shadow Claw]] Ah [[Revenge]] Ah swamp.
Remote: [[Master Hunter's musket ]]JJG mission
Substitute: [[Iron Weaver Girl]] Ah [[Crystal Sting]] Ah [[Bow of Nightcrawler]] Rare boss in the swamp.
Wand: [[Meteor]] Ah [[Ignite ]]bl Thousand Needle Mission
u39 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Cloak and jewelry
Necklace: [[Calix's Necklace]] Ah, Warsong Necklace, [[Ghost Fragment Badge]] [Bloody Cemetery [[Eye of Mordor]] [Highland [[Warrior's Emerald Pendant]] Jewelry Making 39 Green Necklace Series [[Medal of Courage]] Task.
Body double: [[The talisman of the Saint]] Bloody Church [[The talisman of Gazruvi]] Ah [[Dragon Blood Necklace]] Tribal Bloody Mission.
Cloak: [[Spider silver cloak]] Highland [[Scorpion cloak]] Ah.
Substitute: Warsong cloak
Ring: [[Hell Ring]] Ah [[Assault Ring]] Ah, Warsong Ring [[Real Silver Commander Ring]] [[Turquoise Badge ]]7/8 attribute [[Energy Gold Ring]]
Substitute: [[Eagle's charging equipment]] Ah Highland [[Jungle Ring]] Ah [[Ring of Sea Flame]] Alashi Highland Mission.
Accessories: Lan & Warsong Prestige, Sergeant, Engineering, [[Tide Mantra]] [Prince]] [Naga [[Skilled Stopwatch]] [Abandoned task, jewelry products.
Clothes made of ordinary cloth
Person in charge: [Green Lens of XX] Project [[Electromagnetic Fusion Activator ]](nomore gan)
Substitute: [[Bishop's crown]] Bloody Church [[Pope's felt hat]] Highland [[precursor headscarf]].
Shoulders: [[poisonous spider shoulders]] [[bloodmage shoulders]] Blood graveyard.
Substitute: [[interrogator shawl]] bloody church
Chest: [[Lich robe]] Highland
Substitute: [[sacrificial robe]] Ah.
Hand: [[Black Magic Gloves]] Tailor
Waist: [[Death Master Belt]] Highland
Substitute: Alashi Belt [[Sutan Ring]] Ah [[Spider Belt]] Tailor.
Legs: [[Necromancer Leg Protector]] Ah [[Red Magic Shorts]] Tailor.
Body double: [[Dark leggings]] Tailor.
Shoes: Alashi shoes
Leather armor
Head: [[adventurer's wooden helmet]] Ah.
Shoulder: [shoulder pad of XX ]adm[[ shoulder pad of Blood Skin]] Highland.
Substitute: [[flint shoulder pad]] Ah.
Chest: [[green baby dragon armor]], made of leather
Wrist: [[Scorpion Brace]] Ah.
Hand: [[Shadow Leather Gloves]] Leather [Rouenwu Gloves of XX ]adm
Substitute: [[sacred gloves]] Ah [[monkey's spider gloves]] Highland.
Waist: Alashi belt
Substitute: [[Oglon's belt]] Ah [[Gemstone belt]] leather.
Legs: [[petrified lizard leather pants]] Ah.
Shoes: Alashi shoes [[wearing old boots ]]bladm
Substitute: [[Fast Boots]] leather.
Locking armor
Head: [[Berserker helmet]] bloody arsenal
Shoulder: [[herold's shoulder pad]] Bloody Arsenal.
Substitute: [[skeleton shoulder pad]] Ah.
Chest: [[bloody crusader chest protector]] Ah bloody.
Hand: [[Guardian of the Holy Hand]] Bloody Church
Waist: [[Oglon's belt]] Ah.
Substitute: [[wild boar man warrior belt]] highland
Wrist: [[Broken Mountain Brace]] Ah.
Substitute: [[the wrist guard of Aaron Naya the monkey]] Audaman
Leg: [[Leg Armor of Treasure Cave]] Ah, Audaman.
Substitute: [[Blood Crusader Leggings]] Blood Sect, Arsenal.
Shoes: [[iron heel boots]] League barren task
Legal system: [[Jordan staff]] Ah.
Hands: [[Hammer of Doomsday]] Ah, the bloody church of Audaman [[Power of Mograine]]
Body double: [[Blade of Night]] Ah.
One-handed: Warsong Weapon
Body double: [[Grottoes Broken Bone Hammer]] Ah Odaman [[Enthusiastic Guardian]] Ah [[hand of justice]] Bloody Church [[Robber's Sword]] Tribe Odaman.
Available Tasks: [[Sword of Conqueror]] Highland Task [[Sword of Peace]] Alliance Bloody Task [[Sword of Omen]] Tribal Bloody Task.
Dagger: [[Cold Anger Dagger]] Highland
Body double: [[Dark Threat]] Alliance bloody mission.
Remote: [[burning bow]] Ah [[silent]] Ah.
Substitute: [[Guard's Bow]] Warsong [[Endurance Sniper Rifle]] Ah [[Muddy Stone Bow]] Audaman [[Swift Wind]] Ah.
Wand: [[Jaina's staff of fire]] Ah.
Substitute: [[Ms. Farthes' Finger]] Highland [[Wrath Wand]] Mage Mission [[Ice Fragments]] Highland.
Shield: [[Red Commander's Shield]] Red Church [[Green Tower]] Ah.
Deputy: [[Doomsday Skull]] Star Palm Mission [[Mordrius Skull]] Highland.