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Orange pyrophyllite reflective pyrophyllite 3 15 3 Life 3 Sensitive tatiana (Glory Castle) Carlin (Salma) Inscription Pyrophyllite 300 3 Explosion 3 Power tatiana (Glory Castle) Carlin (Salma) Evil Garnet 325 3 Explosion 6AP Knife Fengshan Monster Drop High Energy Garnet 325 3 Explosion 4 Method Injury Slumdog Friendly Glow Garnet 305 7 Treatment 3 Wisdom Comet Consortium Friendly Topaz Reflective Topaz 350 4 Life 4 Sensitive World Drop Inscription Topaz 350 4 Explosion 4 Power World Drop Evil Topaz Fallen Secret Topaz 350 4 Life 5 Method Injury World Fallen High Energy Topaz 350 4 Method Explosion 5 Method Injury World Fallen Glow Topaz 350 9 Treatment 4 wisdom world depravity yellow Delano diamond rigid Delano diamond 325 6 life tatiana (Glory Castle) Karin (Salma) round Delano diamond 325 6 explosion tatiana (Glory Castle). Carlin (Salma) Heavy Delano Diamond 3 15 6 Fatal Astral Consortium respects soft light Delano Diamond 305 6 French explosion Aldo friendly shining Delano Diamond 300 6 wisdom tatiana (Glory Castle) Carlin (Salma) Heavy Delano Diamond 3 1 5 6 Anti-Star Consortium-Zun Dawn Stone Hard Dawn Stone 350 8 Life World Falling Round Dawn Stone 350 8 Explosion World Falling Giant Dawn Stone 350 8 Fatal World Falling Soft Dawn Stone 350 8 French Explosion World Falling Shiny Dawn Stone 350 8 Intellectual World Falling Heavy Dawn Stone 350 9 Anti-World Secret Dawn Stone 350 8 Tough Aldrin Harlan Co., Ltd. Creaer Harlan Co., Ltd. Green Turquoise Cracked Turquoise 305 3 Explosion tatiana. (Glory Castle) Carlin (Salma) Hard Turquoise 3 15 3 Defense 4 Glory Castle-Friends Salma-Friends Light Turquoise 300 3 Explosion 4 Penetrating tatiana (Glory Castle). Karin (Salma) dazzles turquoise 325 3 wisdom 5 times 1 Blue Crystal-Zunshuiyu Cracks Shuiyu 350 4 Object Explosion 6 Anti-World Dropping Light Shuiyu 350 4 Method Explosion 5 Penetration Anti-World Dropping Hard Shuiyu 350 4 Prevention 6 Anti-World Dropping Stable Shuiyu 350 4 Toughness 6 Anti-World Dropping Glowing Shuiyu 350 4 Wisdom 5 Back 2 Blue Dropping Sapphire. Moonstone dense moonstone 300 9 resistant to tatiana (Glory Castle), Karin (Salma) storm, moonstone 3 15 8 penetrating the world and falling brilliantly, moonstone 325 5 back to 2 blue astrological consortium-Zunxinghuo moonstone 305 6 fine tatiana (Glory Castle), Karan (Salma), Elune Star 350 12 Endurance world falling. 0 Penetrating the World and Falling Brilliant Elune Star 3507 Treatment 3 Fine Storm Tower Tip Delano Shadow Diamond 3 15 3 Min 4 Astral Consortium amicably ruled Delano Shadow Diamond 325 3 Force 4 tatiana (Glory Castle) Karin (Salma) Balance Delano Shadow Diamond 325 6AP 4 Resistance to Knife Mountain Monster Falling Hot Delano Shadow Diamond 300 4 Method Injury 4 tatiana (Glory Castle). Karin (Salma) Royal Delano Shadow Diamond 305 7 was treated for 5 times 1 Blue aldo-Respectfully charged Delano Shadow Diamond 325 6AP 5 back 1 Blue knife Fengshan monster dropped shadow pearls, pure shadow pearls? 9 treatment 4 essence? The night eye stone dominates the night eye stone 350.4 The Force 6 balances the night eye stone 350.8ap 6 Cunning night eye stone 350.4 min 6 Hot night eye stone 350.5 Damocle injury 6 night eye stone 350.8ap 5 back 2 blue circles falling royal night eye stone 350.9 Treatment 5 back 2 blue circles falling red blood. Garnet element blood garnet 305 6 Li tatiana (Glory Castle) Carlin (Salma) Bright Blood Garnet 305 12AP tatiana (Glory Castle) Carlin (Salma) Fine Blood Garnet 325 6 Sensitive Astral Consortium-Respect Rune Blood Garnet 3 15 7 Method Injury scryer Friendly Tears Blood Garnet 300 13 Treatment. Red Obsidian Plain Red Obsidian 350 8 Power World Falling Bright Red Obsidian 350 16 AP World Falling Exquisite Red Obsidian 350 8 Sensitive World Falling Rune Red Obsidian 350 9 Dharma Injury World Falling Tears Red Obsidian 350 18 Treatment World Falling Mysterious Red Obsidian 350 8 Flash World Falling Flash Red Obsidian 350 8 Parry World Falling Orange Pyrophyllite Reflective Pyrophyllite 3 Kloc-0/5 3 life 3 min tatiana (Glory Castle) Carlin (Salma) inscription pyrophyllite 300 3 explosion 3 Force tatiana (Glory Castle) Carlin (Salma) evil garnet 325 3 explosion 6AP knife Fengshan monster drops high-energy garnet 325 3 explosion 4 method injury slum friendly glow garnet 305 7 treatment 3 intelligent star consortium friendly topaz reflection topaz 350 4 life 4 sensitive world drops inscription topaz 350 4 explosion. Falling Secret Topaz 350 4 Fatal 5 Fatal World Falling High Energy Topaz 350 4 Explosion 5 Fatal World Falling Glowing Topaz 350 9 Treatment 4 Intelligent World Falling Diamond Skyfire Diamond Mysterious Skyfire Diamond 365 12 Object Explosion 5% Chance to Resist Trapping Fixed Red >: Yellow Time Guardian-Respect Blood garnet (3) Fast Skyfire Diamond 365 24AP Running speed slightly increased 1 Red 2 Yellow Star Consortium-Respect Flint (3) Thunder Skyfire Diamond 365 has a certain chance to increase the attack speed of melee/ranged warfare. Red 2 Blue 2 Yellow World Falling Blue Moonstone (3) Destroy Skyfire Diamond 365 14 French Explosion 1% Spell Reflection 2 Red 2 Blue 2 Yellow World Falling Source Flame (2) Source Gas (2) The secret method Skyfire Diamond 365 has a 5% chance to halve the next casting time. Blue >: Earth storm diamond falls from the yellow world. Cruel Earth storm diamond 365 12 minutes +3% object blasting damage 2 red 2 blue 2 yellow astral complex-worship Cui (3) powerful Earth storm diamond 365 18 endurance 5% chance to resist coma 3 blue astral complex-respect Delano shadow 2 red, 2 blue, 2 yellow world drops of Delano gold diamonds. 3 insight into the earth storm diamond 365 12 has a certain chance to restore mana after wisdom casting. 2 red, 2 blue, 2 yellow Chatal- friendly country of origin. 2. Inspired Earth Storm Diamond 365 26 cures threats -2% Red > Blue Yellow > Blue Star Consortium-respects the water from the source (2) Tough Earth Storm Diamond 365 12 has a certain chance to recover health when it is hit with protection; 5 The blue world has lost a large prism; (4) The spherical surface of the prism 3 completely resists the void crystal; (2) The ball of nothingness is totally resistant.