Women can send red clothes in the Year of the Ox. Wearing red in the Year of the Ox is the most common way to avoid bad luck. Is there still the Year of the Ox in some parts of the north? Zhahong? It is customary for a wife in the animal year to wear a red belt on her body to avoid disaster. If you send a mother or a friend, you can send a red coat, a red scarf, etc. If your girlfriend was born this year, in addition to clothes, you can also send close-fitting clothes such as red underwear and red underwear, which can also increase mutual intimacy.
Gold bracelets can be given to women in the Year of the Ox, and red represents wealth and luck. It is also the lucky color of cattle in 202 1 year, which can ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters. Therefore, women's luck in the Year of the Ox is not good, and it is a good choice to wear gold bracelets for transshipment. In addition, you can also send women red lipstick and red baby in the animal year, which is an indispensable item for modern fashionable women.
At the same time, some people will send a lady a pearl bracelet in the animal year. Transshipment beads bracelets are generally made of different materials such as crystal, jewelry or gold, which means transshipment in geomantic omen and can be purchased according to actual needs and economic conditions.