First, the weather was abnormal on the day of burial. It is said that after the death of Cixi, it was carried out in accordance with the most solemn ceremony in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the degree of luxury was not inferior to that of the heyday of the Qing Dynasty. On the day when everything was ready to start the funeral, Beijing was shrouded in a thick fog. Just as Cixi's coffin was approaching the mausoleum, it began to blow around, but it didn't rain. It is said that the scene at that time was terrible, as if it had reached the grave.
Second, the body of Cixi was stolen and the body did not rot. Sun Dianying, the great warlord at that time, boldly broke open the coffin of Empress Dowager Cixi in order to supplement the military expenditure. However, what surprised them was not the luxurious gold and silver jewelry, but that the body of Galeries Lafayette did not rot at all. After the jewels in the coffin were robbed, the body of Empress Dowager Cixi began to rot.
Third, the body of Empress Dowager Cixi has long white hair. After Sun Dianying stole the tomb of Empress Dowager Cixi, some Manchu nobles went to tidy up Empress Dowager Cixi and found a penetrating scene. The body of Empress Dowager Cixi lies on the coffin of Nanmu. When they went to sort out the body, they found that there was a lot of white hair on the body of Empress Dowager Cixi.