Hello こんにちは (usually from noon to before 6 pm)
Good evening, Kambanwa.
I started to write "ぃただきますすだだすすすすすすす"
I'm full. ごちそぅさまでしたたたでしたたたたたたたたたたた 1
Good night, Weihai.
Bye, bye, bye, Matane.
Thank you, ぁりがとぅ (ござぃます) Arriga map.
The following are polite greetings.
I'm very sorry for causing you a lot of trouble. I'm confused. I should be confused.
Thank you for your help all the time, ぃつもぉになってくださってぁりがががが.
I'll help you. You can ask me anything. ぃつでものりますので, でもぃてくだ.
I love you: I love しているashiteiru.
I like you: Jun のことがきですすすすすすすすすす.
It is marked with Roman Pinyin, which may seem difficult to spell now, but most people learn Japanese. In order to ensure more accurate Japanese pronunciation, we all start with spelling Roman characters, and the pronunciation of five-syllable pictures will be better in the future.
I hope it helps.