As it happens, Longmen Zi also visited the market on this day and saw what many people were talking about. He also took his disciples into the crowd. Longmenzi looked at the treasure carefully and asked, "Can mountains be used to fill the stomach?"
The businessman replied, "No."
Longmen Zi asked again, "Can you cure the disease?"
The businessman replied, "No."
Longmen Zi asked again, "Can that drive away disasters?"
The businessman still replied, "No."
"Can that make people filial?"
The answer is still: "No."
Longmenzi said, "It's strange that these beads are useless, but the price exceeds several hundred thousand. Why? "
The businessman told him, "this is because it was produced in a far, far place, and no one lived there." It took a lot of manpower and material resources to get it. So it is a very rare treasure! "
Longmen Zi just smiled and left without saying anything.
Jacky, a disciple of Longmen Zi, was puzzled by the teacher's question and couldn't help asking him for advice. Longmenzi taught him that "the ancients once said that although gold is a heavy treasure, people will die if they swallow it, even if its powder falls into their eyes, it will be blind." I haven't pursued these treasures for a long time. I still have a precious treasure on me, its value is not only hundreds of thousands, but also water can't drown it, fire can't burn it, and wind, rain and sun can't damage it at all. Using it can make the world stable, and not using it can make me comfortable and safe. People don't know how to pursue such treasures day and night, but they regard seeking jewelry as the only important thing. Isn't it far from home? It seems that people have been dead for a long time! "
The "supreme treasure" mentioned by Longmen Zi refers to people's own virtue.
Some people are burdened with many things that they think are precious, but they don't know that these things bind their feet. Virtue and cultivation, although invisible, can make people feel open-minded and light-footed. It is far more precious than gold, silver and jewels.