In the past, people in the state of Qi had the desire to seek gold. They were clean and well dressed. The place suitable for gold is gone because of its gold. The official caught him and asked, "What can I do to detain people's money when there are people everywhere?" Yes, he said, "when you get gold, you can't see anyone, you only see gold." (Liezi Fu Shuo No.8)
Once upon a time, there was a Qi man who wanted gold. Early in the morning, he put on his clothes and hat and went to the market. Go to the place where gold is sold, grab someone's gold and run. The official caught him and asked him, "Where are people? Why do you take their gold?" He replied, "when I was holding gold, I didn't see anyone, only gold."
Andy's neighbor lost his sheep, so he led his party and asked Andy about his vertical pursuit. Andy said, "Hey! If a sheep dies, why chase the crowd? The neighbor said, "There are many different roads. Instead, he asked, "Did you get the sheep?" Said, "I'm dead. Holmium: Holmium? There is a difference between the roads, and I don't know what the difference is, so I am against it. 」
Andy's neighbor lost a sheep. This man invited many relatives and friends to search together, and invited children from Andy to hunt together. Andy said, "alas! Why do so many people need to find a lost sheep? The neighbor said, "Because there are too many forks in the road! After Andy's son came back, Andy asked, "Did you find the sheep?" The boy said, "I lost it!" " Andy asked, "How can a sheep get lost? The boy said, "There is another fork in the road. I don't know which way to go, so I have to come back. 」