People with darker skin should wear warm clothes with weak saturation, such as brown, brown and chestnut. You can also wear pure black clothes with green, red and purple as auxiliary colors. You can choose three colors as harmonious colors, namely white, gray and black. The main color can be light brown.
In addition, light blue and dark gray with red, white and gray are also suitable.
Besides, wearing tan or yellow-gray clothes will make your face brighter, while wearing green-gray clothes will make your face rosy.
Most people think that black skin and white clothes are insulated, but they are not. Handsome and healthy friends with dark skin can show their unique personality more when they wear white clothes. Simple white short-sleeved T-shirt with blue flanging jeans is simple, easy to wear and confident; If you wear a camouflage coat with white cropped trousers, it will interpret a kind of sweetness and purity.
People with darker skin should not wear large areas of dark blue, crimson and other dark colors, so that under the contrast of colors, people's faces will look dark and people will look totally embarassed.