Ordinary shadowless lamps use metal mirrors.
The cold shadowless lamp adopts a glass-coated reflector, and excess infrared rays can dissipate heat to the back cover of the shadowless lamp through the glass reflector.
At present, shadowless lamps used in cold light surgery mostly adopt independent reflection system, glass panel with water ripple treatment, main and auxiliary bulbs100w/12v ~ 300w/24v. Common shortcomings are: low luminous efficiency, high calorific value, strong thermal radiation, large power consumption, short service life of light bulbs, high failure rate and lack of power-off protection measures. It has been reported in the literature that the shadowless lamp caused the accident of scalding patients, and even that the shadowless lamp currently used is an important factor causing the presbyopia of operators.
Operation shadowless lamp principle:
Shadowless lamps are generally used as special lamps in operating rooms or at night. The principle is that light refracts each other and fades shadows. An electric lamp is illuminated by a curved filament, not just a point. The light at this point is blocked by the object, and the light at other points is not necessarily blocked.
Shadowless lamps are generally used as special lamps in operating rooms or at night. The principle is that light refracts each other and fades shadows.
An electric lamp is illuminated by a curved filament, not just a point. The light at this point is blocked by the object, and the light at other points is not necessarily blocked. Obviously, the larger the area of the luminous object, the smaller the umbra. If we light a circle of candles around the tea cone, the umbra will disappear completely, and the penumbra will be too bright to see. According to the above principle, scientists have made a shadowless lamp for surgery.
Due to the straight-line propagation of light, when light shines on an opaque object, it will form a shadow behind the object. Shadows are different in different places and at different times. For example, the shadow of the same person in the sun is long in the morning and short at noon.
Through observation, it can be found that the shadow of an object under lightning is particularly dark in the middle and slightly shallow around. The particularly dark part in the middle of the shadow is called umbra, and the dark part around it is called penumbra. These phenomena are closely related to the principle of straight-line propagation of light.
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