Detailed answer:
My world command box code has/gives id number ndash to give someone something. If you don't write a number, the number given defaults to 64.
/nick ID name- change someone's name ID is a name in the white list.
/backup runs the backup command.
/fireball shoots a fireball.
Treat sb.
/invsee name View someone's bag
/lingtning name disaster
/Dummy name forbids someone.
/table tennis
/seen name to see when someone last quit.
/TP name 1 name 2 sends the character 1 to the character 2.
/tp name send yourself to someone.
/t where name sends someone to yourself.
/tpall sends everyone in the server to him.
/Infinite I give myself infinite things.
/weather storm/solar time changes weather, thunderstorm or sunny day.
/mmoedit name skname rank If the MCRPG plug-in is installed, you can use this command to make changes.
Change someone's skill level.
Axe skill-axe
/foreSTGen- form a forest around yourself
/Pumpkins form a pumpkin forest around them.
/Snow becomes like a snow queen beside himself.
/melting snow
/The butcher killed the nearby monsters.
/tree tree- be a tree.
Tree: big-big tree ewquoia- sequoia tall sequoia-tall sequoia.
Birch shirt tree random-random
/up height ndash; Lift yourself to a certain height and support yourself with a piece of glass that may be suspended under your feet.
World editor:
Holding a wooden axe, the left corner, the right corner, and the cuboid between the two corners are the selection areas:
//set id- changes the selected area to an item.
//undo- resumes the last WorldEdit operation.
//Redo-Revert the last//Undo.
//move x- Move the area by x blocks. When you move, you need to face the region and the news.
//Move up x- Move the area up by x blocks.
//Move down x- Move the area down x blocks.
Description of replacement://Replace xxx yyy.
Copy command//copy
Paste description: l/paste
Enter the fence command: //wallxxx.
Upgrade-upgrade yourself to the previous platform.
Bind command gt. Command Keyword}-Set a one-key command
Clear-Clears the console.
Damage-Turn Damage Invincible off or on.
Descent-move yourself to the next platform.
Destroy-Destroy the current thing.
Bomb disposal
Difference x
Difficulty-Set the difficulty of the game.
Drop store- Create a locker next to you.
* Drop-switch items drop, if closed, you can't dig strange things.
Heart of the King 2 Click on the demo.