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Function name function function

Cbool(string) is converted to a Boolean value.

Cbyte(string) is converted to a value of type byte.

Ccur (string) is converted to a monetary value.

Cdate (string) was converted to a value of type days ago.

Cdbl (string) is converted to a double-precision value.

Cint (string) is converted to an integer value.

Clng (string) is converted to a long integer value.

Csng (string) is converted to a single-precision value.

Cstr(var) is converted into a string value.

A string(var) value is converted to a string.

The Val(string) string is converted into a numerical value.

Abs(nmb) returns the absolute value of the molecule.

Atn(nmb) returns the arc tangent of a number.

Cos(nmb) returns the residual value of an angle.

Exp(nmb) returns the power of the natural index.

Int(nmb) returns the integer (carry) part of a number.

Fix(nmb) returns the shaping (rounding) part of a number.

Formatpercent (expression) returns a percentage.

Hex(nmb) returns the data of 16 hexadecimal number.

Log(nmb) returns the natural logarithm.

Oct(nmb) returns the octal number of a number.

Rnd returns a random number greater than "0" and less than "1"

Sgn(nmb) judges the sign of numbers.

Sin(nmb) returns the positive value of the angle.

Sqr(nmb) returns the square root of a number.

Tan(nmb) returns the tangent of a number.

Asc(string) returns an ASCII string.

Chr(charcode) returns characters according to the character code.

Instr(string, searchstr) returns the first character position of the searched string, where string is the string and searchstr is the searched string.

InstrRev(string, searchstr) is the same as above, starting from the right.

Lcase(var) converts a string to lowercase.

Left(string, nmb) returns the nmb string from the left.

Len(string) returns the length of a string.

Ltrim(string) truncates the spaces on the left side of the string.

Filter(Inputstrings, value) returns the word set of string array, where Inputstrings is the string group and value is the character to find in the array.

Rtrim(string) truncates the space to the right of the string.

Trim(string) truncates the spaces before and after the string.

Mid(string, start, len) returns the len character starting from the starting position in string.

Replace (string, find, wit str) In string, replace the search string with with withstr.

Right(string, nmb) returns the nmb string from the right.

Space(nmb) returns a string with the specified space.

StrComp(string 1, string2) compares two strings.

Ucase(string) converts a string to uppercase.

Date () returns the current system date.

DateAdd(interval, nmb, date nmb, date) returns the date of the specified time interval to which the base time has been added, where interval is the time interval type, that is, year, month, day, hour and minute.

DateDiff (interval, nmb 1, nmb2) returns two time intervals, and the meaning of interval is the same as above.

Datevalue(Date) plays the date part in the date.

Day(date) returns the number of days.

FormatDatetime(date) returns an expression formatted as a date.

Hour(time) returns the number of hours of time.

Minute(time) returns the number of minutes of time.

Month(date) returns the month in the date.

Now () returns the date and time of the system.

Second(time) returns the number of seconds in time.

Time () returns the current time of the system.

Weekday(date) returns the day of the week.

WeekdayName(date) returns the Chinese name of a day of the week.

Year(date) returns the year.

IsArray(var) determines whether the variable is an array.

IsDate(var) determines whether the variable is a date.

IsNull(var) determines whether the variable is empty.

IsNumeric determines whether the expression contains numeric values.

IsObject(var) determines whether a variable is an object.

TypeName(var) returns the data type of a variable

Array(list) returns an array.

Create an object.

Gets the file object.

Inputbox provides a dialog box for entering data.

LBound(arrayP) returns the minimum index of an array.

Msgbox (string) outputs a message box.

Split(liststr) returns a one-dimensional array from a list string.

Ubound(array) returns the maximum index of an array.

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