King Vishamun dreamed of ten stories and said, "King of Persia, King Vishamun has ten dreams and asked the Buddha: One has two bottles, one is empty, the other is full, and the water does not enter the empty bottle, which means that the rich will give the inheritance to the poor.
Second, the horse confessed food, and the officials and the people ate it.
Three small trees give birth to flowers, and the world is white behind the table.
Four small trees are strong, and women are small.
Fifth, there are sheep food ropes, the husband is a vendor, and the wife lives with his man at home and eats her husband's wealth.
Six foxes sat on the golden bed, showing off the bitch's wealth.
7. There was a Daniel who suckled a calf. The girl who showed the goods lived with his man, guarded the door and ate the woman's money.
84 cows came from all directions to fight, but they left without fighting. Behind the table, the world is not afraid of the sky, and the rain teacher prays for rain. Only the clouds came from all directions and dispersed in an instant.
Nine evil waters are turbid in the center and clear on all sides, indicating that the future will be floating, safe on all sides, and chaotic in Central China.
Ten streams are red, which indicates that later kings will kill the enemy in dispatch troops, and the blood will become a river. "