The correct way to prune apple trees: Prune off the sharp tips at the top of the apple tree, as it will affect the formation of fruit near the main branches. Prune branches that have dense, overlapping, intersecting, or parallel branches in the crown. Just prune off diseased branches, useless branches and other branches in the tree.
For pruning of annual saplings, the stem should be set before germination. The stem height can be controlled at about 70-80 centimeters. If the stem height is less than 70 centimeters, pruning should be carried out at the set stem height. 3-4 full buds will appear. During summer pruning, the new shoots that sprout on the saplings should be softened at about 75-85 degrees. Before the new shoots of the saplings mature and become lignified, all the new shoots below the stem height should be wiped out in time.
When pruning two-year-old saplings, you should pay attention to pulling the branches in time when they sprout. The main branches can be pulled to an approximately horizontal angle, and the auxiliary branches can be pulled to a larger angle. If necessary, they can be pulled. At the drooping angle, the main and auxiliary branches should also be carved at this time to promote germination. When pruning saplings in summer, attention should be paid to timely and reasonable thinning of upright branches, dense branches, and extended competing branches on the main and auxiliary branches.
Pruning of young trees
Other branches need to be topping and twisting continuously. When pruning saplings in autumn and winter, pay attention to selecting and leaving strong branches on the base trunk as the second layer of main branches and auxiliary branches. Among them, you can choose about 3 main branches and 2 auxiliary branches. On the left and right, the extended branches on the base trunk can be shortened while retaining a branch length of 55 cm.
For three-year-old saplings, during summer pruning, the main branches and auxiliary branches should be girded to inhibit vigorous growth and promote the formation of flower buds. During winter pruning, about 3 strong branches and about 2 auxiliary branches should be left on the base trunk to cultivate the third layer of main branches and auxiliary branches. At the same time, the growth balance of the upper and lower parts of the fruit tree should be controlled.