\" to enter the installa" />
Installation mode "Install from Internet", "Download from Internet",
"Install from local directory" Three installation forms "internet" Direct Internet installation is suitable for high network speed. My internet connection is very fast, or I want to load the installation file. I should choose "Download from Internet" to load the installation file (about 40M) for direct installation.
Then select the installation destination path, and the path of the installation source file enters the path selected by the installation package.
Pay attention to the drama. When installing for the first time, I didn't see the steps clearly, and gcc didn't load, which led to the failure of file compilation.
+All defaults
+Manage default values
+Develop default values
+Editor default
As shown in the figure, double-click a node in the TreeView to change the state. The four states, default, install, uninstall and reinstall, are all installed by default.
I choose the default point instAll on the whole line surface to avoid trouble (note: the win surface of the tree control is the same as the try point All, and the default point on the whole line surface is the same as the response).
I installed 3 * * * to take up 2g space. How about installing linux? Win used the wrong switching system.
Step-by-step installation creates shortcuts from the desktop.
Double-click cygwin to quickly enter the system.
First, introduce some simple linux commands.
Pwd display front path
Path parameters enter the user's home directory before the cd changes.
The n parameter ratio of the directory file command before the ls column is ls -al.
Ps Pre-training System Process
To terminate a process.
Mkdir create directory
Rmdir delete directory
Rm delete file
Rename mv file or directory
Online help manual
Less displays the last few lines of the file.
Because linux plane commands all use parameters in combination, it is still clear that man is used to find parameters instead of ls.
$ man ls
System display information:
FSF least square method (1)
Ls-list directory contents
Ls[ options] ... [file] ...
List information about files (the current directory consists of
Default). If there is no -cftuSUX, the entries are sorted alphabetically.
-One.-All of them.
Do not hide entries that start with.
-A ...-Almost all of it
Don't list the implied. and ..
-Number two.-Run away
Print octal escape characters of non-graphic characters.
-Block size = size
Use large and small byte blocks
KDE device
I can try to install kde for a long time. Winkde on cygwin installation package hints that xwin is missing. I am looking for a win.exe installation package to install beautiful kde, which is extremely slow.
/SourceForge/kde-Cygwin/setup-kde-3. 1. 1-b 1 . exe
Text display
1. Edit the user's home directory file. Except for a few lines of comments: set meta-flag on.
# Turn off bash command line 8-byte character escape character conversion
Set the converter to off
# Enable bash command line to support 8-byte character input.
Set the output element to ON.
Set the input element to ON
2 Edit the user's home directory file. Add a few lines of code at the end of bash_profile file:
Alias ls =' ls-color-show-control-chars'
Derive LC_ALL=zh_CN. GB23 122
Export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN. GB23 12
Export LANG=zh_CN. GB23 12
Export XMODIFIERS = "@ im = Chinput" 3
stty cs8 -istrip
stty pass8
# Update: Less and less supported text.
export LESSCHARSET=latin 1
3. Restart cygwin's commitment support text. If you want to change the home directory, you need to specially edit cygwin.bat:
Bash sethome = Than user directory setting G:\home.
New settings create files. inputc.bash_profile。
Because I am used to creating two files with windows Explorer.
Just run bash first and use echo.
Create two files
echo a & gt。 Enter c
echo a & gt。 bash_profile
Edit with hi editor
To modify ls garbled vi ~\. bashrc:
alias ls = ' ls-hF–show-control-chars–color = tty '
Cygwin.bat script:
@ Turn off echo