int? Master ()
int? a[3][4];
int? l[3]={0},c[4]={0},s = 0;
int? I,j;
For (me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? 3; i++)
For (j? =? 0; ? j? & lt? 4; ? j? ++)
scanf("%d ",& ampa[I][j]);
s+= a[I][j];
l[I]+= a[I][j];
c[j]+= a[I][j];
Printf ("sum of elements in each row:");
For (me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? 3; ? Me? ++)
printf("%d?" ,? l[I]);
Printf ("\ nTotal of column elements:");
For (me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? 4; ? Me? ++)
printf("%d?" ,? c[I]);
Printf ("\ nSum of all elements:% d \ nAverage value of all elements: %lf\n",? s,? s/ 12.0);
Return? 0;