Classification of human injury and disability
5.6 Level 6
5.6. 1 brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve injury
1) mental disorder or moderate mental retardation, the ability of daily living is partially limited, but it can be partially compensated, and some people need help in their daily lives;
2) Traumatic epilepsy (moderate);
3) Diabetes insipidus (severe);
4) Complete facial paralysis on one side;
5) Triplegia (muscle strength below level 4);
6) Paraplegia (muscle strength below grade 4) with defecation or dysuria;
7) partial muscle paralysis of both hands (muscle strength below grade 3);
8) Hemiplegia in one hand (muscle strength below grade 2), and the corresponding wrist joint function is lost by more than 75%;
9) bipedal paralysis (muscle strength below grade 3);
10) organic erectile dysfunction of penis (moderate).
5.6.2 Head and face injuries
1) meets the four criteria of disfigurement (moderate);
2) A strip scar (7.5px in width) was formed in the central area of the face, with a cumulative length of 500px.
3) The formation of flaky tiny scars or obvious abnormal pigment on the face, reaching 80% of the face area;
4) Severe deformity of bilateral eyelids;
5) One eyeball is missing, atrophied or blind with grade 5, and the vision of the other eye is ≤ 0.5;
6) Severe visual impairment in one eye and moderate visual impairment in the other eye;
7) The binocular visual field is moderately defective, and the effective visual field is ≤48% (diameter ≤ 60);
8) Loss of bilateral vestibular balance function, difficulty in walking with eyes open and inability to stand on both feet;
9) The defect or deformity of the lip is equivalent to more than 2/3 of the upper lip.
5.6.3 Neck and chest injuries
1) bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, affecting function;
2) After unilateral thoracoplasty, more than 6 ribs were removed;
3) Female bilateral breasts are completely absent;
4) Cardiac insufficiency after heart valve replacement;
5) cardiac insufficiency, cardiac function grade II;
6) organic arrhythmia after installing a permanent pacemaker;
7) Severe organic arrhythmia;
8) After bilateral lobectomy.
abdominal injury
1) hepatectomy 1/2 or more;
2) Early stage of liver failure;
3) Partial pancreatectomy with dysfunction requires medication;
4) Moderate decline of renal function;
5) After partial small bowel resection, it will affect the digestion and absorption function and completely rely on enteral nutrition.
5.6.5 Pelvis and perineum injuries
1) bilateral ovaries are missing or atrophied and completely lose their function;
2) Bilateral ovarian atrophy and partial functional loss in minors;
3) Minors have bilateral testicular atrophy, and some of them lose their functions;
4) perineal scar contracture with vaginal stenosis;
5) Testicular or epididymal injury, severely impaired reproductive function;
6) Bilateral vas deferens injury is difficult to repair;
7) The penis is severely deformed and cannot have sexual intercourse.
5.6.6 Injury of spine, pelvis and limbs
1) scoliosis or kyphosis deformity left over 30 degrees after spinal fracture;
2) Loss of one limb (above wrist joint of upper limb and above knee joint of lower limb);
3) The feet are missing above tarsometatarsal joint;
4) hand or foot function loss score 90 points or higher.
5.6.7 Body surface and other injuries
1) Skin scar formation reaches 50% of body surface area;
2) Non-severe aplastic anemia.
5.7 Level 7
Brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve injuries
1) mental disorder or mild mental retardation, and activities related to daily life are extremely severely limited;
2) Incomplete sensory aphasia;
3) Most bilateral facial paralysis;
4) Hemiplegia (muscle strength below Grade 4);
5) Paraplegia (muscle strength below Grade 4);
6) Paralysis (muscle strength below grade 3);
7) Paralysis of most muscles in one hand (muscle strength below level 2);
8) Paralysis of one foot (muscle strength below level 2);
9) serious dysfunction of defecation or urination.
5.7.2 Head and face injuries
1) formed a strip scar (width 7.5px) in the central area of the face, with a cumulative length of 375px.
2) The formation of flaky tiny scars or obvious abnormal pigment on the face, reaching 50% of the face area;
3) bilateral eyelids droop severely, covering all pupils;
4) Loss or atrophy of eyeball;
5) Moderate visual impairment in both eyes;
6) One eye is blind at grade 3, and the vision of the other eye is ≤ 0.5;
7) binocular hemianopia;
8) severe deformity of single eyelid (or severe drooping of eyelid covering all pupils) combined with blindness of grade 3 or above;
9) Hearing impairment in one ear ≥8 1dB HL, and hearing impairment in the other ear ≥ 61dbhl;
10) dysphagia caused by injury of pharynx or retropharyngeal region, and only semi-liquid food can be swallowed;
1 1) Maxillary or mandibular defects reach1/4;
12) partial defect of maxilla or mandible with tooth loss 14 or more;
13) maxillofacial soft tissue defect with salivary leakage.
5.7.3 Neck and chest injuries
1) thyroid dysfunction (severe);
2) Parathyroid dysfunction (moderate);
3) The esophagus is narrow and you can only eat semi-liquid food; Reflux esophagitis after esophageal reconstruction;
4) Adhesion of chin and neck (moderate);
5) Most of the female bilateral breasts are missing or severely deformed;
6) Complete loss of bilateral nipples in underage or women of childbearing age;
7) Thoracic deformity and limited chest breathing;
8) After lobectomy and wedge resection of lung segment or lung tissue.
abdominal injury
1) hepatectomy 1/3 or more;
2) After unilateral nephrectomy;
3) Biliary tract injury and recurrent retrograde biliary tract infection after cholangioenterostomy;
4) After splenectomy for minors;
5) After resection of small intestine (including ileocecal part);
6) Permanent colostomy;
7) Long-term non-healing of intestinal fistula (1 year or older).
5.7.5 Pelvis and perineum injuries
1) Permanent cystostomy;
2) Mild dysuria after partial cystectomy;
3) After orthotopic bowel replacement of bladder;
4) After most hysterectomy;
5) Testicular injury, decreased blood testosterone, requiring drug replacement therapy;
6) The testes of minors are missing or severely atrophied;
7) the penis is deformed and it is difficult to have sexual intercourse;
8) Urethral stenosis (severe) or after urethroplasty;
9) Anorectal or rectal injury, serious dysfunction of defecation or anal incontinence (severe);
10) anal atresia caused by perineal scar contracture, after colostomy.
5.7.6 Injury of spine, pelvis and limbs
1) The length difference of both lower limbs is more than 200px.
2) The lower limb above the ankle joint is missing;
3) Any major joints of limbs (except ankles) are firmly fixed in non-functional positions;
4) The function loss of any two major joints of limbs (except ankle joint) reaches 75%;
5) One hand is completely missing except the thumb;
6) The double-arch structure is completely destroyed;
7) Hand or foot function loss score ≥60 points.
5.8 8th grade
Brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve injuries
1) mental disorder or mild mental retardation, and the activity ability related to daily life is seriously limited;
2) Incomplete motor aphasia; Incomplete apraxia, agraphia, agraphia or agnosia;
3) Diabetes insipidus (moderate);
4) Most of the facial paralysis is on one side, leaving the eyelids incomplete and the corners of the mouth askew;
5) Paralysis (muscle strength below Grade 4);
6) Non-paraplegic dyskinesia (mild);
7) Paralysis of most muscles in one hand (muscle strength below level 3);
8) Paralysis of one foot (muscle strength below level 3);
9) organic erectile dysfunction of penis (mild).
5.8.2 Head and face injuries
1) Appearance damage (moderate);
2) Reaching one of the disfigurement (serious) standards;
3) The scalp is completely defective and difficult to repair;
4) Strip scar formation on the face, with a cumulative length of 750px and a strip scar (up to 5px in width) in the central area of the face, with a cumulative length of 375px.
5) A large number of hypertrophic scars are formed on the face, with a cumulative area of 375px2. A large area of hypertrophic scars is formed in the central area of the face, with a single area of 175px2 or multiple cumulative areas of 225px2.
6) Small facial scar or abnormal pigment, with a cumulative area of 2500px2.
7) Level 4 for the blind can be seen at a glance;
8) The visual field of one eye is close to complete defect, and the effective value of visual field is ≤4% (diameter ≤ 5);
9) bilateral traumatic glaucoma, surgical treatment;
10) severe deformity of one eyelid (or severe drooping of eyelid covering all pupils) combined with severe visual impairment of this eye;
1 1) Monoear hearing impairment ≥ 91dbhl;
12) Binaural hearing impairment ≥ 61dbhl;
13) Most bilateral alar defects, or most nasal tip defects combined with most unilateral alar defects;
14) The defect of tongue body reaches the lingual frenum;
15) lip defect or deformity, equivalent to the upper lip 1/2 or more;
16) cerebrospinal fluid leakage persisted after surgical treatment;
17) mouth opening is limited by ⅲ degree;
18) Pronunciation difficulty or dysarthria (severe);
19) Abnormal swallowing after pharyngoplasty.
5.8.3 Neck and chest injuries
1) thyroid dysfunction (moderate);
2) After stent implantation or vascular transplantation for severe stenosis of common carotid artery or internal carotid artery;
3) After partial esophagectomy, the thoracic cavity and stomach are left;
4) Female breasts are completely absent; Female bilateral breasts are missing or damaged, and the cumulative range is equivalent to more than 3/4 of one breast;
5) Female bilateral nipples are completely missing;
6) abnormal healing of rib fracture 12 or more;
7) After the heart or great vessels are repaired;
8) After lobectomy;
9) After thoracoplasty, respiratory function is affected;
10) dyspnea (moderate).
abdominal injury
1) Abdominal wall defect ≥ Abdominal wall1/4;
2) After adult splenectomy;
3) After partial pancreatectomy;
4) After subtotal gastrectomy;
5) After partial intestinal resection, it will affect the digestion and absorption function;
6) bile duct injury, after cholangioenterostomy;
7) Renal hypertension caused by injury;
8) Slight decrease of renal function;
9) One adrenal gland is missing;
10) The function of adrenal cortex decreased slightly.
5.8.5 Pelvis and perineum injuries
1) ureteral injury after replacement or bypass;
2) After most cystectomy;
3) One fallopian tube and ovary are missing;
4) Vaginal stenosis;
5) One testicle is missing;
6) Testicular or epididymal injury, slightly impaired reproductive function;
7) Loss above the coronal sulcus of penis;
8) Scaring of penis skin seriously affects sexual intercourse.
5.8.6 Injury of spine, pelvis and limbs
1) two vertebral compression fractures (compression degree reaches1/3);
2) More than three vertebral fractures were treated by surgery;
3) Female pelvic fracture leads to the deformation of bone birth canal, which makes it impossible to give birth naturally;
4) Ischemic necrosis of femoral head leads to the difficulty of joint prosthesis replacement;
5) Open fractures of long bones of limbs complicated with chronic osteomyelitis, a large number of dead bones formed and long-term nonunion (1 year or more);
6) The length difference of upper limbs is greater than 200px.
7) The length difference of both lower limbs is greater than150px;
8) Loss of function of any major joint of limbs (except ankle joint) by more than 75%;
9) Ankle ankylosis is fixed in non-functional position;
10) The function of each major joint of a limb is lost by 50%;
1 1) A thumb is missing more than the proximal phalanx 1/2 and the corresponding metacarpophalangeal joint is firmly fixed;
12) One full-arch structure is completely destroyed and the other full-arch structure is partially destroyed;
13) hand or foot function loss score ≥40.
5.8.7 Body surface and other injuries
1) Skin scar formation reaches 30% of body surface area.
5.9 Ninth grade
5.9. 1 brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve injury
1) mental disorder or mild mental retardation, moderate limitation of activities related to daily life;
2) Traumatic epilepsy (mild);
3) After partial lobectomy;
4) Partial facial paralysis on one side, leaving incomplete eyelid closure or skewed mouth;
5) partial muscle paralysis in one hand (muscle strength below grade 3);
6) Most muscles in one foot are paralyzed (muscle strength below level 3);
7) Important nerve injuries of limbs (above elbow joint of upper limb and above knee joint of lower limb), leaving muscle strength of corresponding muscle groups below Grade 3;
8) Seriously affect the erectile function of penis;
9) Mild defecation or dysuria.
5.9.2 Head and face injuries
1) The scalp is scarred or hairless, reaching 50% of the scalp area;
2) The skull defect is larger than 625px2, which is not suitable or impossible for surgical repair;
3) Appearance damage (slight);
4) facial strip scar formation, with a cumulative length of 500px and a cumulative length of 250px, wherein at least 125px is located in the central area of the face;
5) facial massive scar formation, single area 175px2 or multiple cumulative areas of 225px2.
6) Small facial scar or abnormal pigment, with a cumulative area of 750px2.
7) Severe deformity of single eyelid; One eyelid droops heavily, covering all pupils; Mild deformity of bilateral eyelids; Bilateral eyelids droop, covering some pupils;
8) Tears after lacrimal apparatus injury in both eyes;
9) Binocular corneal pannus or pannus, involving the pupil area; After bilateral corneal transplantation;
10) binocular traumatic cataract; After intraocular lens implantation in children;
1 1) blindness level 3;
12) One eye has severe visual impairment, and the other eye has a visual acuity of ≤ 0.5;
13) The visual field of one eye is extremely deficient, and the effective visual field is ≤8% (diameter ≤10);
14) binocular quadrant visual field defect;
15) mild deformity of single eyelid (or drooping eyelid covering part of pupil), and moderate visual impairment in this eye;
16) enophthalmos caused by orbital fracture is more than 5 mm.
17) auricle defect or deformity, equivalent to an auricle;
18) Monoear hearing impairment ≥ 81dbhl;
19) Hearing impairment in one ear ≥6 1dB HL, and hearing impairment in the other ear ≥ 41dbhl;
20) Most of the alar or tip of one side is defective or severely deformed;
2 1) lip defect or deformity, with more than 3 exposed teeth (including 1 exposed teeth1/2);
22) jaw fracture, after traction or fixation treatment left dysfunction;
23) The maxilla or mandible is partially defective, and more than 7 teeth are missing or broken;
24) mouth opening is limited by Ⅱ degrees;
25) Dysfunction of voice or pronunciation (mild).
5.9.3 Neck and chest injuries
1) Scar formation of anterior cervical triangle, cumulative area1250px2;
2) Abnormal thyroid function (mild);
3) Parathyroid dysfunction (mild);
4) After tracheoplasty or bronchoplasty;
5) After esophageal anastomosis;
6) After esophageal stent implantation;
7) Esophageal injury, which affects swallowing function;
8) Female bilateral breasts are missing or damaged, and the cumulative range is equivalent to one breast 1/2 or more;
9) Most female breasts are missing or severely deformed;
10) One side of female nipple is completely missing or both sides are partially missing (or deformed);
1 1) has 12 or more rib fractures, or more than 4 ribs are partially missing; More than 8 rib fractures and 4 abnormal healing;
12) cardiac insufficiency, cardiac function grade ⅰ;
13) after coronary artery transplantation;
14) cardiac ventricular aneurysm;
15) after the foreign body in the heart remains or is taken out;
16) constrictive pericarditis;
17) thoracic duct injury;
18) after wedge resection of lung segment or lung tissue;
19) after the foreign body in the lung remains or is taken out.
abdominal injury
2) After partial splenectomy;
3) After the operation of traumatic pancreatic pseudocyst;
4) After partial nephrectomy;
5) After partial gastrectomy;
6) After partial intestinal resection;
7) After bile duct injury and external drainage;
8) After cholecystectomy;
9) Recurrent intestinal obstruction;
10) Dysfunction (such as diaphragmatic paralysis or diaphragmatic hernia) left after diaphragmatic repair.
5.9.5 Pelvis and perineum injuries
After partial cystectomy1);
2) After ureteroplasty;
3) After endoluminal dilation or endoluminal stent implantation for ureteral stricture;
4) Loss or loss of function of one ovary;
5) One fallopian tube is missing or losing its function;
6) After partial hysterectomy;
7) Loss of one epididymis;
8) A vas deferens injury is difficult to repair;
9) urethral stricture (mild);
10) anorectal or rectal injury, mild defecation dysfunction or anal incontinence (mild).
5.9.6 Injury of spine, pelvis and limbs
1) comminuted fracture of vertebral body, occupying bone in spinal canal;
2) Vertebral fracture with corresponding accessories after surgical treatment; Compression fractures of two vertebral bodies;
3) More than two pelvic fractures or comminuted fractures accompanied by severe malunion;
4) Comminuted or compressed epiphyseal fracture of long bones of limbs of teenagers;
5) After joint prosthesis replacement of any major joint of limbs;
6) The forearm rotation function of both upper limbs was lost by 75%;
7) The length difference of upper limbs is greater than150px;
8) The length difference of both lower limbs is greater than100px;
9) Loss of function of any major joint of limbs (except ankle joint) by more than 50%;
10) ankle joint function loss more than 75%;
1 1) The function of each major joint of a limb is lost by 25%;
12) The functional loss of the big toe of both feet reached 75%; The function of one foot and five toes is completely lost;
13) malunion of comminuted fracture of both heels;
14) local damage of double full arch structure; A complete arch structure is completely destroyed;
15) hand or foot function loss score ≥25.
5.9.7 Body surface and other injuries
1) Skin scar formation reaches 10% of body surface area.
5. 10 ten levels
5. 10. 1 brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve injury
1) mental disorder or mild mental retardation, with slightly limited activities related to daily life;
2) after craniocerebral injury, encephalomalacia is formed, accompanied by symptoms or signs of nervous system;
3) partial facial paralysis on one side;
4) complete loss of olfactory function;
5) Diabetes insipidus (mild);
6) Injury of important nerves in limbs, so that the muscle strength of corresponding muscle groups is below grade 4;
7) affect the erectile function of penis;
8) After craniotomy.
5. 10.2 Head and face injuries
1) partial skull defect or deformity, affecting the face;
2) Scar or hairless scalp with an area of 1000px2;
3) facial strip scar formation (up to 5px in width), with cumulative length of 150px, of which at least 75px is located in the central area of the face;
4) facial strip scar formation, with a cumulative length of 250px.
5) facial massive scar formation, with a single area of 75px2 or multiple cumulative areas125px2;
6) Small facial scar or abnormal pigment, with a cumulative area of 250px2.
7) One eyelid droops to cover part of the pupil; Slight deformity of single eyelid; Unilateral symblepharon affects eye movement;
8) Lacrimal overflow after lacrimal apparatus injury;
9) enophthalmos caused by orbital fracture is greater than 2mm.
10) diplopia or strabismus;
1 1) pannus or pannus of cornea, involving pupil area; After corneal transplantation;
12) surgical treatment of traumatic glaucoma 1 case; Traumatic hypotony in one eye;
13) One eye has no iris after trauma;
14) traumatic cataract; After aphakia or intraocular lens implantation;
15) moderate visual impairment in one eye;
16) binocular vision ≤ 0.5;
17) moderate visual field defect, effective visual field ≤48% (diameter ≤ 60);
18) Monoear hearing impairment ≥ 61dbhl;
19) Binaural hearing impairment ≥ 41dbhl;
20) loss of vestibular balance function with hearing loss;
2 1) auricle defect or deformity, equivalent to 30% of one auricle;
22) The tip of the nose or the alar part is defective to cartilage;
23) Lip valgus or small mouth deformity;
24) Lip defect or deformity, resulting in tooth exposure;
25) Partial defect of tongue;
26) More than 7 teeth are missing or broken; Part of alveolar bone defect, with more than 4 teeth missing or broken;
27) mouth opening is limited by Ⅰ degree;
28) Injury of pharynx or retropharyngeal region affects swallowing function.
5. 10.3 neck and chest injuries
1) After the abnormal adhesion of chin and neck is released;
2) Scar formation in the anterior cervical triangle, with a cumulative area of 625px2.
3) One side of recurrent laryngeal nerve is injured, which affects its function;
4) organic hoarseness;
5) After esophageal repair;
6) Female breast is partially missing or deformed;
7) More than 6 ribs are fractured, or more than 2 ribs are partially missing; More than 4 rib fractures with 2 abnormal healing;
8) After lung repair;
9) Dyspnea (mild).
5. 10.4 Abdominal injury
1) abdominal hernia, which is difficult to repair by surgery;
2) After liver, spleen or pancreas are repaired;
3) After the stomach, intestine or biliary tract are repaired;
4) After diaphragm repair.
5. 10.5 Pelvis and perineum injuries
1) After kidney, ureter or bladder repair;
2) After the uterus or ovary is repaired;
3) After vulva or vagina repair;
4) After the repair of testicular rupture;
5) After repair of ruptured vas deferens;
6) After urethroplasty;
7) perineal scar contracture and anal canal stenosis;
8) Partial loss of penis head.
5. 10.6 Injury of spine, pelvis and limbs
1) odontoid fracture of axis, affecting function;
2) Vertebral compression fracture (compression degree reaches 1/3) or comminuted fracture; After surgical treatment of spinal fracture;
3) Fracture of transverse process, spinous process or pedicle in more than four places, affecting function;
4) More than two pelvic fractures or comminuted fractures, malunion;
5) Unilateral patella resection;
6) The cruciate ligament and meniscus of one knee joint with lateral collateral ligament tear will affect the function after surgical treatment;
7) Adolescent limb long bone fracture involving epiphysis;
8) The forearm rotation function of one upper limb loses more than 75%;
9) The length difference of upper limbs is greater than100px;
10) The length difference of both lower limbs is more than 50px.
1 1) Loss of function of any major joint of limbs (except ankle joint) by more than 25%;
12) ankle joint function loss more than 50%;
13) Traumatic arthritis after any major joint fracture of lower limbs;
14) the circulation of important blood vessels in limbs is blocked, which affects the function;
15) complete loss of the little finger with partial defect of the fifth metacarpal bone;
16) The function of the big toe of one foot is lost by more than 75%; Loss of function of one foot and five toes reached 50%; The function loss of both toes reached 50%; The function of any four toes of both feet except the big toe is completely lost;
17) malunion of comminuted calcaneal fracture;
18) A full arch structure is partially damaged;
19) hand or foot function loss score ≥ 10.
5. 10.7 body surface and other injuries
1) hand skin scar formation or skin grafting, the range reaches 50% of the palm area;
2) Skin scar formation reaches 4% of body surface area;
3) Long-term nonunion of skin wound 1 year or more, with the range reaching 1% of body surface area.