In addition, the function of (1) insertion is realized, and the grade ranking is required to be maintained after insertion. .
(2) Delete function to enter the specified student number. Delete from the student information table, and the deleted grades will keep the original order!
// -
# contains "stdafx.h"
# include & ltWindows.h & gt
# include & ltvector & gt
# include & lt string & gt
# include & ltiostream & gt
# include & lt algorithm & gt
Use STD:: CIN;
Use STD:: cout;
Class management students
BOOL InputOneStudent();
BOOL DelOneStudent();
void showall student();
void sort data();
structural information
Std:: string name; //Name
INT iStudentID// student number
INT iles son 1; //result
INT iLesson2
INT iLesson3
International travel; //Average score
Information (INT iID)
//judging equality is used for find_if ()
Boolean operator () (constant information & data) constant
Return this-> iStudentID = = data.iStudentID
//The equality judgment is used to sort sort sort () from the largest to the smallest.
Boolean operator () (constant information & amp data 1, constant information and. Data 2) Constant
Return data1.i verage > data 2 . I verage;
} oneInfo
STD::vector & lt; Info & gtvStudent
BOOL cmanagementstudent::inputone student()
Cout & lt& lt "Please enter your student number, and cancel entering-1\ n";
CIN & gt; & gtoneInfo.iStudentID
if(oneinfo . istudentid = =- 1)
Returns FALSE
if ( find_if( vStudent.begin()、vStudent.end()、oneInfo)! = vStudent.end())
Cout & lt& lt "student number already exists! \ n ";
Returns FALSE
Cout & lt& lt "Please enter a name and cancel to exit \ n";
CIN & gt; &
if ( == "exit ")
Returns FALSE
Cout & lt& lt "Please enter the score of 1 course, and quit entering-1\ n";
CIN & gt; & gtoneinfo . ilesson 1;
if(oneinfo . ilesson 1 = =- 1)
Returns FALSE
Cout & lt& lt "Please enter the score of the second course, and quit entering-1\ n";
CIN & gt; & gtoneinfo . iles son 2;
if (oneInfo.iLesson2 == - 1)
Returns FALSE
Cout & lt& lt "Please enter the score of the third course, and quit entering-1\ n";
CIN & gt; & gtoneinfo . iles son 3;
if (oneInfo.iLesson3 == - 1)
Returns FALSE
oneinfo . I verage =(oneinfo . iles son 1+oneinfo . iles son 2+oneinfo . iles son 3)/3;
vstudent . push _ back(oneInfo);
sort data(); //After inserting a piece of data, it needs to be sorted, but it cannot be deleted.
Return TRUE
void cmanagementstudent::sort data()
void cmanagementstudent::showall student()
for(STD::vector & lt; Info & gt* iterator it = vstudent.begin (); vStudent.end()! = it++it)
Cout & lt& lt "Student name:"
& lt& lt "Student ID:"
& lt& lt "China's achievements:"
& lt& lt "Math scores:"
& lt& lt "English score:" << it-> iLesson3
& lt& lt "Average grade:"
& lt& ltSTD::endl;
BOOL CManageStudent::DelOneStudent()
Cout & lt& lt "Please enter your student number, and cancel entering-1\ n";
CIN & gt; & gtoneInfo.iStudentID
if(oneinfo . istudentid = =- 1)
Returns FALSE
STD::vector & lt; Info & gt* iterator it = find_if( vStudent.begin (), vStudent.end (), oneinfo);
if ( it == vStudent.end())
Cout & lt& lt "Student number does not exist!" ;
Returns FALSE
vstudent . erase(it);
Return TRUE
void main()
int stop = 0;
cmanagementstudent rMS;
While (true)
Cout & lt& lt "Exit input 0\n"
& lt& lt "Enter new information and enter 1\n"
& lt& lt "Delete information input 2\n"
< < "display information input 3 \ n";
CIN & gt; & gt stop;
Switch (stop)
Case 0:
Case 1:
rMS。 inputone student();
Case 2:
rMS。 DelOneStudent();
Case 3:
rMS。 showall student();
Default value:
STL is made of standard c++ template library, and its content is still very useful. It should be better to add a function to display all the information ~